Mies Se, of Sparta, Ont., has been engaged to teach schdol in S. S. No. 9, formerly known as the Yellow ' Schoolhouse, - "Mr. A. 1. Bolwell, of the Péterboro Review staff, spent the week end with. friends in town. the marsh on Scugog. Lake. pai Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Monet motoredy from Toronto, and spent. a couple. of | days in town, last week. Miss H. 'G. Goad, after spending some weeks with friends at Oakwood 1 satisfaction and ge em All in " Mr. Fred Kent is making extensive and Midland, has resumed her duties to Mrs. improvements on the property which he recently purchased from Mr.:S. E. VanCamp. : Capt, Dixon' is making a pretty home for himself at Borelia, Mrs. A. J. Bolwell and two sons-- Hewson and Bruée----returned to their home in Peterboro, after a week's visit with relatives and friends. Mr. Joseph Bigelow, "who intends to open his evaporator about the first of October, says: that business there is not all profit, He bought a car, load of coke at the mines for $37.00, and the freight charges amounted to $79.80, ~ Port Perry has attended Toronto well. Some two hundred and twenty- five persons - bought reduced rate tickets, up to Tuesday noon. Mr. and Mrs. James Ward motored to Toronto on Tuesday to attend the Fair. Mr. Russell Wilson is starting a hatness repair shop in Shand's imple- ment shop at South. Myrtle: Mr. W. H. McCaw is recoverin from the illness which kept him con- fined to his home for sone time. Miss Lillian Follick has become assistant teacher of. domestic science. in Whitby Ladies College, The annual meeting of the Women's Patriotic Association will be held at the Armouries on Thursday afternoon, September 9th, when the election of officers will take place. This is the week of the great. Jew- ish' Festival, and Messrs. Stein and Klebanoff and their families are in Toronto attending the services; Mr. Jobn Roach is in charge of Mr: Klebanof's store, Preserited with Gold} Watch + =.2.7 Before leaving Athens, Mf.<T. H' Follick was presented witha fine gold . watch by the citizens of that fown, in token of their - appreciation and esteem, ~ Mr. Folhick had been _princis pal of the High School fora year, He resumed his duties as Principal of Port. Perry High School 'Wuesday last. ; Mss. Follick - will not reach' town for some weeks, during whichitime he will reside at Mr. H. W. Linke's Riboton Whiork as teacher at the High School. Rey. Mr. Rogers will take as hi subjéct in the Methodist church next Sunday evening "A Sidelight on the j- Sunday School Lessons, Bel 7:3 The Epworth league services in the Methodist church will bé resumed next 'Monday evening: Mr. James Harris, of Montreal, was | in'town for the week end, Mr. J. D. Robertson spent a: few days in Toronto. . Miss Grace Davis has returned home after visiting in Toronto. Mr, F. W, McIntyre will hold his Millinery Openings on Tuesday, Wed- nesday, and Thursday, September 21, 22, and 23. Mr. and Mrs. McIntyre, of Fergus, spent the week end'with Mr. and Mts F. W. McIntyre. Mr, W. H. Harris has taken a trip to Buffalo this week. Council meeting is called for Thurs- day evening of this week; Tell your friends that the is tobe a flying machine at Port Perry Fair. COMING! Return of the Tom Marks Co. + Tom Marks and his' big company headed by 'a Highland Piper Band are engaged by the Port Perry Citizens Band to appear in the Town 'Hall, Port Perry, on. Monday, Sept. 20th, when they will present the Romantic Patriotic Comedy Drama "The Man from Canada" and six big: Specialties Keep the date i in mind. WwW. Cc. 1.4) The W.C.T.U. Convention will: be held at Uxbridge Town' 'on. Fri- day, September 119. At a special meeting called at the home of Mrs W |: U Carnegie; the following mei bers of the Port Perry Union were. "appointed : delegates: Mrs. Pearse," Mrs 'Wm Divey, Mrs. 'Wickett, Mrs George Jackson, Mts D Jackson, Mrs R Mar- ray, Mrs S "Farmer. . AH 'members who wish to attend the convention are To the Farmer Let us quote you on 'the Burlington Perfect Silos before buying elsewhere Why buy a Silo made spruce of when our pine Silo "costs © 'no more : Samples of Doors and Staves can be seen at our. coal office on Water Street. . Call, Writ A or phone for particulars, terns and prices Maude & Mills COAL DEALERS 4 Phone 38 Fall 'Faus rgig Port Perry, Blackstock Beaverton Bobcaygeon Bowmanville Lindsay |... Markham Newmarket ;, Orilla | Orono, Oshawa. Peterborough Toronto Seiad Sept. 28-29 as Rept 27-29 Sept. 23-24 Sept 18-15 A Sept. 16-18 Aug 28, Sept 18 Woodville, 3 Sept 16-17 | See the Aviator at Port || Perry Fair on Friday, the Ist day of October 'MISS CORA GIBB : Organist of the Methodist Church, Port Perry, wishes to announce that she is prepared to take pupils in piano, vocal, theory, and pipe organ. Apply for terms, ete. at the hone of} Mrs. Chas.' Perish requested to notify Mrs Farmer, orl. Mrs Ebbels. the home of Mrs D Archer for.m bers at the south of the town, "and i the home of Mrs Ebbels for the north end of the town. Hour of lea Conveyance | to leave At Nagin, on 4th, Phone 38] © "Sept 30, Oct il Just. took i in and see what good values we show in these suits. .