Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 8 Sep 1915, p. 3

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Lf SR pe name you never | entioned ie Lord Morley, who be provided, so that winter really comes along they . | them as breeders. : \more than the continual changin; are to occupy the .coops, and the ar- ¢ of the flock to as nearly what for a poor stand can be traced to the ensilage growers buying low-priced 8 rangement of the pens, so that nofgeed change will be necessary among the birds. Nothing seems to upset a flock C, Unfortunately, high-priced seed is not always a guarantee of high qual- al ¢ ng of | itv, 2 i and If TT In possible to Rave 12; "ut, low-priced seed is possible of 'the sun to & point called 'a By which means a hearth. The best tha gathered from the sunshine is said to have been sufficient to set fire to 7 | the Roman ships, which were besieg- ing the harbor of Syracuse. ; funded upon. In other words, the act of purchase of the ticket in accordance with the Tax Act is a completed tran- saction so far as tHe collection of the tax is concerned, and under no cir- cumstances as the law now stands that | the layers and breeders settled well only with corn that has no special | could +t be refunded. To make a re- : | before winter sets in, the : results will repay for any extra effort' ar consideration given at this time. The best birds for breeding should be selected, and any special attention given them now will show later in the chicks. No better timé can be found to. determine the Drohable breeding value of the birds than when they are growing, and especially when they be- gin to reach maturity. By selecting those that keep coming right through, add growing vigorously, the whole Y through, the best in vitality of the | season's production will :be used and. | the best results can be expected from , | early as possible and given every con- sideration that will make them ma- ture into vigorous, hearty birds that s | command all that they preside overs and equipment desired, it is best to have it carried out as early as possi Joie, and get the birds accustomed to their surroundings, so that they can get well started to business be- ' | fore the worst of the winter begins. | If well started, they can be expected of | 10 do their best right through the winter, "Now is the time to decide whether a new floor will be put in, whether dirt or sand will be obtained to supply | néw material for thé floor, or what to change will be made in the nests, hope ; per, roosts, or other inside surround- | Ings. To lose his spirit usually makes: male less valuable as a breeder; and continuous abuse at the hands of an- other will completely: break the spirit of an otherwise good bird. No risk should be run of ruining a particular- ly good specimen in this way, espe- cially if he is in the least timid, but on the other hand, particular pains should be taken to encourage him to feel that he is cock-of-the-walk, and hig devélopment will be so much bet- ter, that his service will be very much more than was otherwise possible. ing are only a very few ! resent themselves, and merely suggest that it is well about this time. to try and think ahead, and placing ourselves 'in the position of 'I the winter season, think out all the 0 possible requirements. that will be to arrange for mow, and do- ing save money, and have things that it. will be possible to readily supply without: making the cost pro- hibitive: - nH ANTE 2 "+ Tea Costs More Money. |. In a recent issue of the London | whence the worl undoubf (Eng) * "Standard" it was stated: "That prices of tea have risen and are now at their t for thirty- six years." Th e Jed cost at the gardens supply originates. Tea is costing' more throughout! the wor! & care in curing for seed. The farmer who gets $1.50 per bus. of 70 lbs. on the ear for corn taken out of his corn erib in the spring has more profit than the farmer who receives $2.50 a bus. of 70 lbs. on the ear for corn that has been kiln-dried or rack-dried in special corn-drying buildings. If harvested in dry weather and kept in narrow cribs through the win- ter, the cheap corn may give a fairly |. 'satisfactory stand of plants with thick 'seeding and good soil and weather conditions. But too many farmers have learned to their sorrow the very serious risk they take in using corn 'wintered in this way. It is always : p Fan I "advisable f ti ®1 "The males' should be sel a advisable for growers to procure seed corn on the ear, as during moist wea- ther shelled corn in transportation or storage will absorb moisture and mold within a very few days, thus destroy- ing its vitality.--Seed Branch, Otta- AE a amined pitas Mipard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc. rset Liked the Eats. "Did the new cook come this morning 7" "Dropped in about 12." _ "How do things. seem to syit her?" "Well, she liked the lunch I gave her Bo well that she has agreed to stay for dinner." Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Dear Sirs,--I had a Bleeding Tu- mor on my face for along time and tried a number of remedies without any By results, 'I was advised to try MINARD'S LINIMENT, and after using several bottles it made a com- Dleté ee, and it healed all up and sappea! a er. .- AE HENDERSON. Belleisle Station, Kings Co., N.B,, Sept. 17, 1904. Grateful. = . Mr. Bullion Bag (to Count Spa- ghetti, about to marry his daughter) --See here, count, let mie give you a tip. ; | Count Spaghetti (holding out his hand)--Sank you, sare. Minara's Liniment: Relieves Neuralgia. Using a Shovel. The foreman of a large iron works was short of laborers, and, as a last resort, went to an old tramp who was lying asleep beside one of the .{ furnaces, and roused him with the 'question: ; ~ "I say, my man, are you wanting work?" Roy "What kind of work?" asked the tramp. fund of the tax possible a special act would have to be passed by parlia- ment. Getting It Straight. Husband--You spend altogether too much money. Wife--Not at alll The trouble is you don't make enough. go Corns ™* a ef Corn Extractor toy night, and corns feel Out ing. = Magical the : way "Putname" kills a corn for all time. No pain, Cure guaranteed. Get a 26c. bottle of ------------ Close Distinction, your party ought to be successful next election?" Dro Paint on Putnam's P better in the morn- eases the pain, destroys the roots, "Putnam's" Extractor to-day. "What ig your reason for thinking "I didn't say it ought to be success- ful," replied Senator Sofghum firm- | Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. A Mystery. "Joan of Arc was a spinster; was she not?" "Yes; why?" 40h, 1 was just wondering how she got her armor buttoned up the back." LOW FARES TO THE SEATIFORNIA EXPOSITIONS AGO & NORTH WB BAILWAY. Four splendid equipped dally trains ew Passenger Terminal---Chi- Los Angeles and from the cago to San Francisco, San Diego. Choice of scenic and direct routes through the best of the West. Something. to see all the way. Double track, automatic electric safety signals all the way. Let us plan your trip and furnish folders and full particulars, Ask for free booklet "Itineraries of some of the Forty Ways and More to the Call-! fornia Expositions." It will save you me and money. B. H. Bennett, G.A., 46 oronto," Ont. ly. "I said it is going to be." ti Yonge Street, Safe Conjecture. { Tramp--"Please, mum, I'm a Bel- gian refugee." 1 Lady--"Are you? Mention a town in Belgium." Tramp (cogitating a moment)--*"I would, mum, but they have all been destroyed." | Minard's Tiniment for sale everywhere. Count your blessings and you will have no time to think of disagreeable things, : | Gorillas - build nests among the branches of trees, in which the mo-| ther and young ones sléep, whilst the! father sleeps at the foot of the tree, mounting guard over his family. i NNR cures cuts; burns, sores Zam-Buk is mad bal essences. No vem -------------------------------- F LOOKING FOR A FARM. CONSULT me. I have over Two Hundred on my list, located in the best sections of On: tario. All eins. H. W. Dawson. Brampton. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JO Offices for sale in good Ontari towns. The m useful and interesting of all busines Full information on application to son Publishing Com-« pany, 78 Wast Adelaide St. Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. ANCER, TUMOR| LUMPS. BT nal and = 8, i external, cured withe tae ' DIRK'S R One application KILLS all Mites and prevents their reappearance during the season. Keeps fowls free from Dodyyiice. Makes scaly legs bright & clean. eeps lard, pastry and sweetS free from ants, Bedbugs will give no trouble where used. rite to-day for special trial price, Baookiet free. & Marshall, Wia- 'Marine Engines ONTARIO'S BEST BUSINESS SCHOOL, LLIOTT w 'onge and Charles Sts., 0 oro. *Whiive to-day for Coflewe Oalendar, WwW. J. Blliott, Ra Yonge Htreet, Highest Cash Prices Paid for We are the. largest buyers of Ginseng in America and have the * greatest demand for it. We can therefore pay you the highest cash prices. If you have any wild or cultivated Ginseng, write for our latest price list, or ship what you have and we will submit you our highest offer. David Blustein & Bro. 162 W. 27th St., NewYork, US.A.

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