Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 16 Jun 1915, p. 7

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THE HUMAN BRAIN, en By Chas. M. Bice, Denver, Golo. Fie The word "Brain," is of 1 orn ears, he it was the mior: flat drove anita} mia yout of i body: In "| sometimes he > ati, Jor for it it much b; tour through France, Italy, "Germany, Belgiu Penis "all ay may be bone couplonls -| in three years ponths, which four a I slr jun THE. EARLIEST GUIDE BOOK. Tastructons for Tour That Wout Occupy 8 Years and 4 Months, | The 'earliest guide book written int gu * i , occasion | to get some ne fire: Jods. house of may a The' BA us to nevide for a ne ary removals and journe; years for x pl In those days oases Sal meant more. a month's skip through Europe, SHE QUIT | bein, {in the night, ~ | the night hours by the bed {who is dangerously ill can readi + | understand how the faint tick, ti within the woodwork of the wall '| came to be fresh upon tl India. Tt was ex: Bont : ih the: oireumsianess of india to to f raisin, oh y which Da not : rere by iasion vi His Lord- there several varieties, to all, of which the name deathwatch is pop- given, as well as to their liar sound. The f this ct is firm, ES tedy one- ud urth of an inch long, its head is founded, the thorax arched. It'is id to make ite sounds generally but probably a has arisen from the fact that it boul in 'the. silence of the night ok the slight sound becomes au- Anyone who has watched lod $hrough of one regarded as a sound of evil omen, In order to make - this peculiar noise the insect draws in the antenna and intermediate Rs {and, resting principally upou }¢ median legs, strikes its against its support by a Ji - rocking motion. The deathwatch beetle has the in- |'variable habit of feigning death when seized or disturbed. The sim- ulation 'is so persistent that when in water, or even in al- cohol, the insect remains perfectly immovable, and will allow itself to 'be burned alive rather than betray |itself, The tick made by the death- watch resembles that made by tap- ping the finger nail upon the tal { --so much so that the insect may be led to recommence his Sounds by The polut Hn is what a aig bus ér of smart summer wear showed me doing this. "| the .other day when I asked to see|' | some of the new things, for summer-- some of the models that may be ac- cepted as correct for mid-summer days. nd the point of the fashion news she gave me is. that the gowns we'll be wearing in- the dog-days will be Just as cool and bewitching as the 'Dolly Vardens worn by our grand- mothers. The sketch, made from a gown de- signed by Mme, Hillquist of the Fash- jon Art League, is made of novelty organdie, with sleeves of pet, and side panels of net in the little coatee. The three-tier ruffle is pointed, the sleeves, the collar, the jabot effect at the neck, all give "point" to the general effect of points and angled. Er »|*. Embroidered ond : "1 did not and frequently said I liked it T would not, and could not, ait dr drinking it, but I was a miserable sufferer from heart trouble and ner- | mio for four years." (Tea A color chenille rosebuds ornament: the upper ruffle of the tier. The girdle is crushed apple green silk knotted in the front and with a big bow at the back. : ne Fortunes of War. Girl (reading letter 'from brother at the front)-- John says a. bullet "| went right through his hat "without touching him." Old Lady--/What a blessing he had 1) his hat on, dear," Corns "= cial Drop Gn Relief MINARD'S LINIMENT is the only Liniment asked for at my store and the 8 puly one we keep for sale. e people use it. es HA RLIN FULTON. Pleasant Bay, C.B. Remihders. "Cuttem, the tailor, reminds me of a clergyman." "He doesn't me; he reminds me of a bill I owe him." LOW FARES TO. THE CALIFORNIA EX POSITIONS VIA GHISATO & NORTH- Four gplendid daily trains from the New Paserg Terminal, Chicago to San Fran. oisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. Ohoice of Sogtiie and Direct Routes through the best of the West. Bomething to see all the way. Double track. Automatic elec- trio safety signale all the way. Let us plan your and 'furnish folders and full particulare. B. H. Bennett, G.A., Yonge 8t., Toronto, Ontario. Expert in Silver Linings. Hall--Blythe is a pretty optimis- tie character, I hear. Wall--I should say so. If he fail ed in business, he'd thank Heaven he had his health; if he failed in health, he'd thank Heaven he had his busi- ness, and if he failed in both he'd say there was no use having = one 1 without the other, : Not a Ford Joke, 'Mrs. Ryan--"They do be. afther sayin' "that old man Kelly has got "also pointed out that anyb in India ith capital to in & who would take a share, large o " | small, nr a Government rupee \ohn was Bok erely assisting the devel- 0 nt ol country, ut' was po- tia mssisting in the Proseoution of the war. The limitations impos- upon the issue of capital in' out market here were founded on the fact the maintenance of British cre- dit stood only second in its effect on the prosecution of the war to the continual supply of men and mupitions. Therefore the investor in India who would come to the front in this way was doing a pub- lic service. © A THE ONLY MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES Baby's Own Tablets are the only medicine for little ones, being guar- anteed by a government analyst to be absolutely free from injurious drugs. They are pleasant to take, act mildly but effectively, and always relieve constipation, indigestion, colds and simple fevers and regulate the stom- ach and bowels. Concerning them Mrs. Donald Ettinger, Georgefield, N. S., writes: "Baby's Own Tablets are the only medicine I can get that al- ways do my little ones good, and I always keep.them in the house." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or. by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. Me In Authority. "Your boy said that when he got to town he was going to tell some of those city folks where they got off." "Well," replied Farmer Corn- tossel, "that's what he's doin'. He's "conductor on a street car.' Keep Minard's Liniment in the house. Law Takes Its Course. yer have you anything to ay?" Only this, your honor. I'd be mighty sorry if th' young lawyer you assigned .to me was ever called upon to defend an innocent man." Jour SWNT at Res Bren 8 A Efe don Somfort, Die ani 'Book oa the ine Eye Remedy Co., Real News. "I notice that you publish a verse from the Bible every day," said the caller to the editor of the newspaper. "Do your subscribers ever read it?" "Should say they do," replied the editor. "Why, it is news to most of them." Looney With Love. "Miss Butey is not at home, sir. | Will you leave your name?!' "Do Fou think she would take it?" No. 2B B @v engine prices on Toque. ving, Commeretal an: Sere Ge Ke 2 THE AW. 7 THUM CO. : Dept. 288 Walkerville, Ont. Ar (50) Different Now. "I used to think that she beautifully." "Now?" "Now with the warm 'weather here and all the windows open it's dit- ferent." # sang Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Priend Easily Achieved. Mr. Jackson--De doctor dun - tell me, Chloe, dat if Ah ain't careful Ah'll have: to be . spendin' twenty- four hours a day in bed. Mrs. Jackson--Huh! Dat would jest be addin' a couple ob hours a day to yo! regular occupation! Ask for Minard's and take mo other. In the United States census of 1870 a record was obtained of the father of a family who had named his five chidren Imprimis, Finis, Appendix, Addendum, and Erratum. FARMS FOR RENT. F LOOKING FOR A FARM, CONSULT me. I have over Two Hundred on my list, located in the best sections of On. tario. All seizes. H. W. Dawson, Brampton. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING rt---------------------------------- ANTED-LADY OR GENTLEMAN OF good standing in every neighbor. hood of Ontario and Quebec Provinces, to obtain list of reliable people who are in- terested in eaving money guting these war times on purchases of staple 'mer- chandise selected 'from illustrated cata logue of established Montreal te mental Btore, To the right persons we offer attractive remuneration. Write im- mediately. giving name, residence, exper ience, with references. Character is of more importance than experience. Ad- dress P. 0. Bi MISCELLANEOUS. CAs TUMORS, LUMPS, ETO, internal and external, cured with- out pain by pur home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont. ox 443, Montreal. CUTTEN & FOSTER AUTO AND BOAT TOPS Ford owners write for our catalogue. SEARS-CROSS Speedometer = Station. 179 Queen Street West, TORONTO, - ONT. Get our Fiotations: Pleasure Launches, Row

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