Tuesday, hs 2 9 a.m.-- Arithmetic | 1.30 pom.--Litoratare.: : Wednesday, June 23, 9 a. m.--Eng- : lish Grammar; 11 a. m-- Writing; 4 1.30 p. m.--Geography. The Oral Reading Examination will be held 'on Monday, June 21, at 10am. A fee of $1 is required from each candidate, and is to be paid to the presiding officer on the first = dy of} the examination. ; J. A HAMILTON, Chairman High School Entrance Board: fut where they "saved the situation." The word was received by cable sent "to the young men's father. ~~ The younger brother. Terrie, soent the winter at Whitbe * vo years an. when he engaged Rev. ii 2lewher os ato, in a literary course. Mr. John Stonehouse has gone to Roland, Manitoba. - Found--Pair Glasses. Apply at Ssar | The following young ladies, hav- ing completed their course at the Faculty of Education, Toronto, have returned home: Miss B. Vickery, Miss M. McLean, Miss Elsie Bradley Misses Eva and Gertrude Henry, and Miss K. McCaw. i Mr. W, H. Letcher has purchased an Overland car from Mr, S. E. Van-|: Camp Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kent have moved to town for the summer. Let us Jaoie you oil Burlington Perfect | Silos "before buying elsewhere t Why buy a Silo made spruce ne of when our pine. Silo costs no more... «iy Pies Come: 'Pint Served)' k "Our stock is limited and 1 you 'don't 'want: to miss this Bargain. / AJ us "Georgetown Herald" Last but not an was the "funny man" of the occasion, and' Eddie Pigott, of Toronto, played. the part. His Be dclections were all new and i in the var. Saiabios of Doors and. Staves v can be seen at our coal office on Water Street. ~ Call, write, or phone for particulars, terms and prices her showed himelf to be a master of the art. Eddie ; will aj appear at Town Hall, Port Perry, on une 'Come in and ey our "Sancy. cakes, please. 'you as we have both variety and il its 'in this. line. - oy mi .) A Pe In the Lawn Bowing game played Mr. E. H. Purdy and Rey. R. Bam- forth go to Pickering on. I'hursday' to attend "the District meeting of the Methodist Church. + between the rinks headed by . Messrs. Mellow and Carnegie, the latter rink won, by a score of 18 to 19. ~~ Maude & Mills COAL DEALERS Drugyist, .; Port Verne : | SARIS BROS. 3 Missing © ¢ Charles Crozier, of Lindsay, who enlisted with the. 14th Battalion, is| reported among the "missing" - Mr. Crozier, whose home is in Lindsay, is a nephew of Mr. C. L. Vickery: The Port Perfy Hustlers ball team Phone 38 Phone 38 go to Bethel on the 24th. : Mr. Hugh Lucas was home over Sunday. 'He went to London. Court of Revision Notice } is hereby given that 'the first sittin ; 'of the Court of Revision to re- the Assessment. Roll of the OWNGHE OF REACH for the year:1915, will 'be held" in the | Township Hall, Manchester, on Mon: '|day, the 14th day of June; 1915, at The undersigned S| all kinds of carting, di plowing of Gardens Dont -- Miss Parker is the fortunate' possessor of a splendid natural contralto: voice, and as this has been skilfully developed under a master's guidance, the result is really de- lightful. In the various. groups of songs Miss Parker was given a fine opportunity to display her true artistic temperament. Toronto Sunday World--Miss Parker is iB 3r appear at Town Hall, Port Perry, June ; - For Sale or Rent. -- Comfortable Bay of Quinte Conference will 'meet |x roomed house, _convenieitly 'situas in King Street church, Oshawa, on ted, good garden. H. G, Hutche Thursday, June 3rd, at 10.a.m. The i al 8 Ail gt g Stationing~ Committee" will "meet on | Monday, May 31st, at 8 p.m, in the} ~ Simcoe St. church. 3 600 Miss Burnsides, niece of Mr. W. F. Eaton, of Oshawa, was lost in the wreck of the Lusitania, 000 ee Contracts for about thirty 'houses have been or are to 'be let in Whitty this year, Place your ord: Mr. J. McE. Murray was in Toron- d y h der to for the week end. ge Mrs. Chas. Parish, who has been ill since her return home from Sarnia, | is improving in health. Mrs. R J. Bruce, Toronto, has been visiting friends in town. for-your: ,| District id General The thirty-second 'session 'of the Spring Suit Now We can. now fer you. "the Bi ihe largest and most. 'pleasing Baby: Buggy for sais : organs of Spring: Suitings we y Good y used z as dow, 5 only ne endo, | pe ever been able 'to show. Apply at the STAR Office, : rma FARM FOR RENT - 190 acres, buildings, water in house o and bam. well feficed, land in" state |: of cultivation. Apply Box 4% & Sta- tion, --t £21 Mr. Jas. Lucas has purchased the house now. occupied by Mr. . J. McE. Murray. We congratulate Mr. Lucas upon the acquisition of this fine piece of property. Mr. James Ward has purchased a Ford car. Mr. Harold Allin, of Orono, has taken a place with Mr. B. Smallman: Their Annual Parade Old England l.odge No. 9, 8.0. £. B. S., held their annual parade and . attended Divine service at the Metho- dist church last Sunday evening. The Port Perry Band played for the breth- ren during the parade, and their ex- cellent service was much appreciated. Rev. R. Bamforth gave a stirring .discourse, in which he described the splendid part played by Englishmen 'in the history of the world. An excellent program of music was 'provided by the choir, assisted by Mrs re : Mclean and Mrs Nesbitt; of Lindsay | SUBSCRIPTION RATES The Port Perry STAR1S $1.00 year 10 C inadian or British points, if paid in 'advance; otherwise $1.25. To sub: scribers in the United States the pri ie is $1. 50 per year in advance, : ; Come i in and inspect it: Prices right Ww H. DOUBT Merchan t JOHN BELOON Trg sin of P3-Dps Ontatio) has dental Fe R. hom Suse wil | * in Pupared to] "continue the practice as Presbyterian Church we ; Special Patriotic Service will be Phone'é8 Tid. Phone 900 conducted by. the: Pastor next Sab-} bath onthe eve of Empire Day. His} ALL FRUITS a IN SEASON NN. CHURCHES ANGLICAN Rev. C. P. Muirhead, Rector. SERVICES Sunday May 23, . Divine Service at 7p. om 000 According to the asissenjont roll of the town of Uxbridge there are just 611 dogs in the town. The Journal ithinies there are more an + of dog tags: week, pi gp chen, Pisa "olive oil; Ie lettuce, ono dishes; all fr and vegetables in their season. #" 7: 000 A 'movement is on foot to start a factory in Oshawa for the manufac ture of shells. : Your King and '| Cruntry © want you at 7.00 p. : Special.song service in the evening | by the choir and other talent, A Meniorial Serv. ' Patriotic Meeting The patriotic meeting to be held in the town hall on Monday evening. |- May 31st, will be free to all. Messrs. McE. Marray and H. G. Hutcheson consented to speak, Mr. Murray enting the case of the Allies as to ¢ present war, and Mr. Hutcheson | it of the Germans. , number of gentlemen will sing songs, and it is expected that | who bas been at the battle 'be present. A collection ce *+On Sunday morning last animpres- sive semorial service in honor of the