No better coal mined. Orchard the Coal Man CHAS. M. DEAN Manufacfurer of and Dealer in all kinds of PUMPS Drilled Wells Wells Dug, Cleaned and Repaired Windmills, Hydraulic Pumps, Rams, and all kinds of water supply apparatus installed. All orders promptly attended to Phone at my expers Bell Phone No. 47 Gasoline Engines ' for Sale Can be seen on the premises at any time. Chas. M. Dean 70 YONGE ST., Many Colleges Close for Vacation at midsummer, Our "College does not, Toronto, Ontario, i is strictly first-class None better in Canada, ' Enter now 80 as to take a position in the early fall. One graduate writes: My new position pays three times what 1 got at Teaching school less than four years ago just previous to entering your College. e placed this young man in a position after graduation and have now placed him again, Catalogue free W.J.ELLIOTT PRINOIPAL Corner Yonge and Chailes Streets TORONTO SHUR-ON We examine eyes and grind our own lenses and treat you individ- ually. Prices moderate. F E. LUKE, 8: TORONTO Do you reg you can "take as much crop off 100 acres properly drained as can off. 200 drained acres. not save flalf 'the the labor ? : Inexpensive His drainage lighter to work~ Os ar Tace the quality of of your oe 3 pbs ") re a, - a eta eee sow. wad and Write ws today. ai or che Your book fs waiting . £ Dominion Sewer wer Pipe Co., Limited i] ree of charge, a Nerd Sine h to | nothing ha will help Ei Summer is Coming With a change of Season comes a change in people's appetites We have all the summer delicacies Cooked Cold M eats, Breakfast and Back Bacon A complete line of fancy groceries F. C. Collacutt Prompt delivery » 'Bell Phone 45 ROSE & C0. | Muirhead of Port Perry, Rev. Mr. Mrs. Clara a Lunney. Class Jr. AL Marguerite Williamson Ena Williamson, Mary Real, Alta Trick, Geo: Nichols, ilylson Lun: ney, Cecil Real; Cecil Nichols = Class Jr IT--Harold Moore, Er Moore ; Class T--Bruce Williamson, J, Power Waiter Nichols, (absent) Jean Real Mabel Lambe; Teacher Prince Albert The W, C. T. U. will hold a social in Methodist church'here Wednesday night April 21 (to-night). will be given consisting ot addresses by Mrs. Stalter'of Oshawa, Rev. Mr, Hunter of 'Epsom, and music' by the Port Perey Orchestra. Refreshments will be served. Admission 10c Seagrave On Wednesday, April 14, Mrs. Marvin entertained at the Parsonage, the Ladies' Aid Societies of Zion, Pleasant Point, and Seagrave. ~The parsonage was prettily decor- ated with geraniums, and calla lilies, hepaticas adding a touch of Spring cheer. Mrs. Marvin, assisted by her mother, Mrs. Graham, received in her own charming fashion. Sixty-five guests enjoyed a most pleasant after- noon and evening. The three Societies held a jot meeting after: which ' they adjourned to different rooms. The Seagrave Society held its annual business meet: ing. The treasurer's report was read and found to be quite correct. The ladies testified their entire satisfaction with the officers of last year by re- electing nearly all of them, Mrs, Rogers (secretary), and Mrs. Orchard (press reporter), insisted upon retiring thus necessitating the appointment of others to these positions. The officers for the coming year are: President--Mrs A'Snyder Vice President--Mrs W Bruce Treasurer--Mrs C Sleep + Secretary--Mrs. S Reynolds Asst. Sec'y--Mrs. A Orchard - Organist--Mzs F Bradley Press Reporter--Miss G Toole Asst. Press Reporter- =Mrs J Brown At the conclusion of the business meetings, tea was served. The hostess is to be complimented both upon the excellence of the repast and the man- ner of its being served. Music and social intercourse occu- pied the remainder of a very happy evening. Most sincere" were the nces of appreciation given to farvin"by her departing guests. A program " has purchased Mr. J farm, and expects to' move in 'Sept. purchased C, Wilson's farm at High Point. by W. J. Cook. g Lu Mr. Clarence 'and Miss Vera: Cook spent the week end with Mrs. W. W.| Cook, Port Perry, IME WA Donnelly of Ardendale, | J Ha 'Wagner's. A » Mr. H. Mitchell of Toronto bas| Both these sales were effected 2 We regret to say that Mr, and Mis, Wagner expect to move from our midst in the near future, = We wish them every success in their new home Several from here attended the "Pinafore" concert at Port Perry last week. ? : + Mrs. Listen Foster and_son Paul, are the guests of Mr, and Mrs. Cook. "Also open Saturday evenings. over D. Corbman's Store, Quesn St Port Perry, Ontario. Ww. a Sang ster Dental Seroe Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto ~~ Office hours--9 a. m to 6 p.m. Office Frans 136 We welcome Mr. Mitchell and fam- ily in our neighborhood and wish them, all prosperity. Stallion ' Enrollment The following stallions are recorded in the Government blue book for 1914 | Dolphingtor, Clyde, J. H. McKinnon |: ¢ Bethany Charming Rod, Clyde, G. W, Din: 2) ard, Bethany =~ Clyde, Jos.- Adams, Burke: at the home of Mrs. prepared to give terms and particulars to. those desiring i instruction in. piano. highest gra When your can is empty call Bell| Telephone No, 87... Miss Amy Christian 15 giving lesssons in piano Ti al Coal Oil Don't forget that Jamieson sells the i of American' Coal Ol, ton Towand Chief, Clyde, Seth Dean Burketon, | Antevolo Rysdyk, St, Br., Ss. A Dey- § itt, Burketon Acme II ; Clyde, 8. A. Devitt, Burke: ton, : ¥ Lewie MaclInnes, Clyde, T. Hyls ng, * Burketon: Le Muckle Wilkes, T. Hyland, Parketon, Baron Polwarth, Clyde, J. A. Rowan, |. 5 Caesarea. Bright Smile, Clyde, A. Neddery, T Myrtle Statlon," Acme, Clyde, R. M. Holtby, Port : i. Perry, (RR. No. 4) Tors Tyre; Se, R. M. Holt New Goods Low Prices We have j just received a fresh lo oh (three coated ware) ~ Come and 18 in embroidery werth 85¢ for 25¢. yd -- 211i Fine Valenciennes Laces Ll AND FRATERNAL CAWKER BROS PHONE 79, © & PORT PERRY. Linke, and is| - n CIETIES 2 ny METHODIST S Rev. R. Bamforth, * Rermeon, Sunda School and Bible Class. All Welcome. ® SBYTERIAN Sunday Services. as te I Fiel on