Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 7 Apr 1915, p. 7

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cated by Dr. Wiliams ood 'in your veins you quickly regain health and increase your strength. Then your skin becomes clear, your eyes bright, your nerves strong, and you better, eat better, sleep better, and are tle Phd do your work. ; 3egin your spring tonic treat- ant for the blood and x Dr. Wiliams) Pink : 8 t strengthen, These Pills are sold by most dealers, but do not be J added to take "something just same,"' genuine. Pills 3 they will be sent you mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by ; The Dr. Williams' Medi- J0., Brockville, Ont. AMAZING WAR RELICS. Interesting Articles Sold by Auc-| tion in London. There will doubtless be seen in this country some strange relics of the present great European con- flict, says London Answers. Lit Only the other u.y, a Lancashire man received from the front the ~ actual bullet which had caused his - brother's death. : A few years ago there was sold by L5H * auction the spear that was used by & rebel dervish to kill General Gor- dogs. The relic ultimately fetched guineas. * ' er occasion the sword 'Cardigan in the bat- va was disposed of at uction-mart for eight half guineas. 4 ery different war relic realiz- ry different price. This was silver-gilt table-service used by Napoleon in the course of his many campaigns} and it went for £650. A really extraordinary war relic was brought to light in the Tobten- ham Police Court some years ago. 'A woman applied to the magistrate for a summons against a pawn- 'broker for damage to a hearthrug. - She "explained that during a cam- _paign on the Indian frontier, her son had made a large hearthrug out of the garmentseof his slain com- rades, and sent it home to her. A few years ago a relic of the siege of Paris was discovered in a mill near Besancon. This was mummified body of a pigeon, to of the wings of which a quill 8 ed. Inside this was. a , dated 1870, which --All well, but 77. The. 4s pigeon 3 No Beans. ok : "Always be definite, Edla, darl- ing," said the fond grandmother, 'and when you are asked a ques- | tion answer definitely in the affirm- ative or negative and always an- swer politels' a d Edla listened attentively to her grandmother and determined to fol- low her direction. That day at din- ner grandma said, "Edla, dear, will you have some more beans?' "No,"' replied Edla. "No what?' enquired grandma, reprovingly. "No beans," answered Edlg de- finitely. . ee A Fish All Right. Inquirer--Does one Fish live in this building? : Janitor--Yessah. Dere's Mr, Sal- mon on de second floor. Will Quickly Cure Any Sour Stomach Relieves Fullness After Meals. "When 1 was working around the farm last winter, I had an attack of inflammation," writes Mr. BE. P."Daw- kins, of Port Richmond. "I was weak for a long time, but well enough to work until spring. But something went wrong with my bowels, for I had to use salts or physic all the time. My stomach kept sour, and always after and all the symptoms of intestinal in- digestion. - Nothing helped me until 1 used Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Instead of hurting, like other pills, they acted very mildly, and seemed to heal the bowels. I did not require large doses to get results with Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and feel so grad that I have found a mild, yet certain remedy. To- 1 am well--no pain, no sour stom- anything, This is a whole lot of good for one medicine to do, and I can say Dr. Hamilton's Pills are the best pills, and my letter, I aim sure, proves it. Refuse a substitute for Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills of Mandrake and'Butter- nut, sold in yellow boxes, 25c. All dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co, Kingston, Ont. ares fmm PURIFYING WATER. in Paris, rench cities Recent experiments Marasities and other F' o means of ch and effective water Parifeation i ity of ater sup- ply is generally recognized as most Toorant for the health of the community, and large expenditures es Tar igies. 40 aintain a rea re an 'safe supply for: yi cook- rs which had | ing bad Spi te 'the most gru: some of all AH efforts against water-borne disease for | communities have been only partly su ul here fore, because complete sterilization eating there was a pain and fullness,' ach, a good appetite, able to digest | ry | til I was down in: bed with nervous Ie | a com Dosa ir ultra. Started new and right I to feel the strain of years. B ing the Kidneys Dodd's Kidney ills ensure pure blood and pure blood gives renéwed en: all over the body. That's v folks say 'Dodd's ¥ make me 'feel young again.' EE EL - WISE AND OTHERWISE. Man is mfde of dust, and is gen- erally out for more, A answer turneth away wrath, but a soft snap is surer. Have a little sense and the dol- lars will take care of themselves. Success only comes to the man who goes after it with a club, Many a man's idea of content ment 1s having more than he can No really big man allows his head to outgrow the rest of his anatomy. Our opinions cost us nothing, so long as we keep them to ourselves. ' It's when a fellow is hard up that he feels he should be let down easy. ; Take care of the night before and the Forming after will take care of itself. Seeing is believing, but even the blind man may be conyinced he is right. ' : Many a fellow is left-handed who still feels that he does everything . t » f we could see ourselves as oth- ers see us, conceit would be a drug on the market. : One enemy will generally do more to make a man talked about than a dozen friends. You always have to look out for some fellows, and others will bear looking into. Music hath charms, but at the same time it isn't the song hirds that make the best potpies. : race is not always to the swift. The faster a man runs into debt, the more he gets behind. Bome people are always talking about how square they are, and we don't motice any corners sticking out' of them, at that. ris SOME HARD KNOCKS Woman Gets Rid of Habit. The injurious action of tea and coffee on' the hearts of many per- sons is well known by physicians to be caused by caffeine, This is the drug found by chemists in tea and. coffee. g 4 A woman suffered a long time with severe heart trouble and finally Her doctor told her she must give up coffee, as that was the principal cause of the trouble. She writes: 'My heart was so weak it could not do its work properly. My hus- band would table, and it I would never breathe again, ? "The doctor told. me that coffee was causing the we of my . He said T must stop it, but it seemed I could mot give it up un- prostration. ' y o "For eleven weeks I lay there and suffered. Now 1 do not have any 8, | reserve of ® teids (meat), and 4 to 5 parts sometimes have to | cai me from the him than killing his body. | item of wro ng-doing is so easy and Fortunately, the liver acts oa Se of Serey, pring to its gly- ' ic function, but its capacity 18, of course, limited. Take, as an Sxample, a repast composed of 1 a, ty elements, 1 part of pro bohydrates--su starch, etc She ra gar , etc. ; th utilization of the ene; commences \ t at once, and the amount 'of energy available increases up. to| some three hours after absorbing the food; then it decreases slowly. According to this, it follows that most Europeans and Americans use exactly the wrong hours for taking their repast, that is, from 12 to 1 o'clock, and from 7 to 8, for the early morning breakfasts--coffee, ete.--can hardly be counted. pecially to be remarked is that the evening meal acts to produce ener: gy just when the organism is about to rest for a long period, and this can only act to ovenload the liver, being unused for a long time. According to Prof. Bergonie, the principal repast should be taken at 7.80 a.m., and should be completed by two others, of lighter nature, taken at 4.30 and at 8 o'clock p.m. We would remark that in France and some other countries an early morning. repast would not be prac- ticable on account of an absolute lack of appetite for heavy food which is felt at that time, at least by a great number of persons. The Romans had the same habit, points out the Scientific American, so that this must be due to the effect of climate, as it does not depend upon the race of the person who may at any time inhabit such countries. Cured ox soma Quick EB ios ---- ie i "Applied in Corns rn 5 Seconds" toes can oured by. Putnam's Ex. Prk te SS , makes the feet feel at once. & 36¢. bottle of "Putnam's today. Fever and Ague. "It-er-seems," said he, "regard- ing the unfortunate with scientific interest, "that the attacks of fever and chills appear on alternate days. Do you think--is it your opinion--that they have, so to speak, decreased in violence, if I may use that word?' The patient smiled feebly. "Doe," said he, "on fever days my head's so hot I can't think, and on ague days I shake so I can't hold an opinion." . \ I was cured of Acute Bronchitis by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Islands. J. M. OAMPRBELL. ae cured of Facial Neuralgia by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Springhill, N.8. WM, DANIELS. I was cured of Chronic Rheumatism by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Alhent Co., N.B. GEO. TINGLEY. Guard the Tongue. You would not think of taking your neighbor's life or wounding him with any physical weapon. But you perhaps do not realize that when you say an evil thing about him you are wounding him more grievously than you could possibly wound him with gun or dagger. You may be killing his reputation, which may be a worse Salamis to t 18 strange. indeed, that this terrible so widespread. It is hard to un- derstand the peculiar pleasure which many people seem to feel in g unkind things about others. t is simply as a breach of liness and good citiz- t is unspeakably bad form standpoint of Christianity achings-of Christianity's' Fs- | ica, Lumbago, or Neuralgia--rub it posed will probably e railroads to insist on promp} Sollegtions, and the Cana- of Railway Commission- ers may follow suit, Shippers who have been storing their goods on freight cars at the railroad's ex- pense will then no longer be able to escape payment by putting up excuses or playing on the fact that they are good customers of the railroad. ; Tortares of Rheupatism Yield to This Remedy A Marvel of ' Speed, an Unfailing MEATS-- Full flavored and perfectly cooked W. DA ' AWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, 15 YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A Fruit, Stock, Grain or ry rm, write H. W. Dawson; Brampton, or- 90 Colborne St., Toronto. 2 H. W. DAWSON, Colborne Bt. Toronto. NURSERY STOO. TRAWBERRIES, RASPBERRIES, P S TATOES, Catal tree. McConne. & Son, Port Burwell, Ont. | : MISCELLANEOUS. ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC. internal and external, cured with- out pain by our Home treatment. Write us before too late, Dr. Bellman Medical Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont. Cire for. Old Chronic Cases. GET A TRIAL BOTTLE TO-DAY. With reliable old Nerviline you can rub out the pain of Rheumatism, Scia- away 80 completely that you feel like new all over. It matters not how deeply seated the pain is, or how long you have had It--rubbing with the king of all lini ments "Nerviline" will cure you. Nerviline is highly concentrated-- about five times stronger than the or- dinary white ammonia liniment-- therefore it penetrates quick!y--sinks in deeply--and gets right at the core of the pain at once--draws out the lameness, takes away the stiffness-- eases the joints that have hurt you so much, Out comes the pain every time you rub on Nerviline, which contains some of the most valuable pain-subduing | remedies known to science. Worth. its weight in gold to every family in the land, and sure to cure the emergent and minor ills of a hundred kinds that constantly arise. Get the large 0c family sizé bottle; small trial size 25c. Nerviline is sold by every dealer ev- erywhere. vim ge Scans Never Had Any. "I hear that Doodley's wife has ieft him withofit any reason?' "Bot Well, in that case she left him as she found him." Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Eto. Under Cover. Parson--Robert, did you know that your mother was looking for youl Bobby--You bet! That's why she can't find me. LOW FARES TO THE CALIFORNIA EX- POSITIONS VIA CHICAGO & NORTH -WESTERN RY. Four eplendid daily trains from the New Passenger Terminal, Chicago to San Francisco, Loe Angeles and San Diego. Choice of Scenic and direct routes through the beet of the West. Bomething to see all the way. Double track. Auto. matic electric safety signals all the way. us p your trip and furnish folders and full particulars. 'B. H. Bennett, G.A., 46 Yonge 8t,, Toronto, Ontario. Between Friends. "My husband has an eye for the artistic," "No one would have believed to look at you." it din Minard's Liniment Cures Dandrufr. Most men are the architects of ati) ehhh gl AZT g! [ - 1253DUNDAS" AW 71 TORONTO ) NEC SRR |p D QE HAWK BICYCLES up-to-date High rade Ritedwith A Sram Departure Coaster Brake and. Hubs, Detachable. Ti . high t,dnctud- ing . All Pump, and Tools 9 8 c= HREE 1915 Catalogue, Ni 70 8 of Bicycles, Sundries, WW ond Ropar Material, You can [ buy our supplies from us at iy Wholesale Prices. T. W.BOYD & SON, 27 Notre Dame St. West, Montreal. ENGINE BARGAINS MARINE: -- 2 h.p. at $40, 3 h.p. at $50, 6 h.p. at $60, 7 h.p. at $80, 9 h.p. at $90, Buffalo 8 h.p. $135, 4 Cylinder Buffalo $135, 24 h.p. engine at $176. STATIONARY: -- 2% h.p. at $65, 43% h.p. at $85, 8 h.p. at $145, 31% h.p. at $65. Send for complete list, also cata- logue of new .ones. GUARANTEE MOTOR CO. Hamilton, Canada. Ra ae So Peggy is a Good Girl. Sally -- '""You were calling on Peggy Ross last night. Was che saying anything about me 1' Kiisty --*"Oh, no, nothing at all. She's a good girl, Peggy. When she can't say anything nice about anybody she just holds her tongue." YOUR OWN DRUGGIST WILL TELL YOU Try rin Eye Rem. for Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated 8; No Smartin nat Ere Comfort, J Write for Book of the Eye y mail Free. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. But one doesn't need to be a bo- tanist in order to recognize a blooming idiot. their own misfortunes. Minard"s Liniment for sale everywhere. Canges, Skiffs, Motor Boats THE PETERBOROUGH LINE. ' It any canoe can give you satisfaction, it is a "PETERBOROUGH." Always and ever the acme of service, model, strength and fin- h. Over fifty styles and sizes. Write for catalogue. The latest canoe n the ra canvas covered. Ask for illustrated folder. Skifts for the popular Outboard Motors. Power Launches, all sizes and pow- ers. Get folders telling all about these. . THE PETERBOROUGH CANOE COMPANY, LIMITED, PETERBOROUGH, ONT. Jotor : Freight Prepaid to any Rei Ontario. ngt is Ft, Rules

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