n itself is ute. an item; equence than the fact of | The filling of the ittle extra help by ex- ys if necessary. This is fe is more corn than can many -- fe ons can be put into a slo un would' De possible.ifi it were filled | in one day. In one case 'In every case where fa blower the cost was re- power, so far as we { ton and an extra man ae li was | the cost. was lesst ] umber of uses to whi h electricity can be put Le for farm use. The very, popular, as many. farmers EW hoske all outdoor _bui dings wired and by having' light on a hig pele ie wholewyard can be lit up in an instant. Rev. Mr. Lowrey, of Newcastle, has received a call to Bridgeburg, in. the Mr. Lowery ; Presbytery of 'Whitby ery met in St, Andrew's Hamilton Presbytery. Church, Whitby, on Wednesday, 20th has done good work in "Newcastle. January, all the members being pres: ent but the Ministers from Pickering ' and Dunbarton and the Elder from ort Perry. Rev. Mr. Haig was elect: : ry 1 Modoc for the ensuing year. Auction Sale During the past year there were five r. Arthur Savage will sell by Pub at all of which Rev. Mr. jic on on his premises, just East of of Prince Albert Station, a quantity of { Household Furniture. = * Sale at two J. A. McKeen Clerk of Presbytery Jos. BAIRD, Aveiioneer : Sonya The Sons Branch of the Women's martin. Saar Agricultural Society "The annual meeting of the Port] - pti n. Perry Reach, and Scugog Agricultural 2s Society 'was held: ning was the as large could be desired, Dusidesable busiuets was transacted progressive officers of 'the Society, patticularly i ole ¢ Severn u Hussheson, aud the = Some. $361. | building which cost $458 . 34. | enltural Societies as to the time of the | H. L. Collacut, Wel. Somerville, Geo. den were appointed Auditors for 'the PORT PERRY BRANCH n Brash iat Buckgoch (D. Lint gn le or 8 Electric Demonstration be held at the Fall Fair will receive consideration as well "also having the Children's. School Fair held in connection with: the Fall Fair. It was felt that it would be advan: tageous to have the committees fox this year's work appointed early; and a meeting of directors will be held 1» the Secretary's office on Wednesday evening Feb. 10th. 'Mohawk Cross. Roads Concert This year the Directorate will enter | The general public are respectfully the list of Agricultural Societies taking Ur8¢d; for their own sake, not to miss. up the Field Crop Competition ithe dramatic presentation of the old- We are pleased that this action is "time Ladies' Aid Business Meeting at . Mohg - being taken because there is plenty of . Mohawk : Cross Re 10 be staged the T Hall, V room for more thorough and extensive ig h Fis a ednesday evening Ci . For scenic display of 1360costumes. the like has not been shown here; for The subject of securivg judges from dramatic power it is in a class by itself: Agricultural Dept was brought up and for genuine, innocent fun from start to discussed. Some expressed the idea finish it is famed throughout the that being connected with the Depart- huntry. ment was not necessarily a guarantee Special attention is called to the of efficicny i in Judging, but the Matter qq onal features of the + program, of good judges : will receive further consisting of readings, and music. consideration, Mrs. W.P. Alexander, (Gold Medalist of the Toronto Conservatory of Music) will sing. CHARACTERS Mrs. Smith, President (always late) Mrs. W.H. Harris. Mrs. Green, Hostess- Mrs. G. Jackson Mrs. Kindly, and Mrs. Del.loyd Fits Hammond guests from Bostin---- 'The gentlemen selected were the Mrs. G. Stonehouse, and Mrs: Prsident, Mr. Wm. Grahaw; Mr. Whiteway., E=H. Purdy. They are to present a. Mrs. = Bruce, report at an ajourned meeting of the Goldring. Society to be held on Feb. 10th Mrs: Day, Treasurer--Mrs. G Rose The election of Offices resulted as Mrs. Harris, a deaf lady--Mrs. Hie follows. Lucas, President -- Wm, Graham. Mrs. Brown, a dreamer--Mrs. Bais. 1st Vice President ~ Jas McKee. : Mrs. Growler, aggressive--Miss Bulky: 2nd Yice Pres. -A. W. Williams. | Miss Harpe, unattached--Mrs. Adams: Secretary ~ H. G. Hutchessn. - Mrs, White, retiring---Mrs. T. Lucas: 'Treasurer - J. L. Forman, Mrs. Hoyt. a society lady--Mrs, hos. Manderson, J.C. Farmer. dion, P. C. Graham, Jas. Lucas, Mrs. Black, musical --Miss M. Hortop. E.H. Purdy, A. Dowson, S, Farmer, Mrs Henderson, sharp--Mrs. Crozier Jas. Carnegie, Geo, Cole, Wm. Bowles, Mrs. Wise, sane minded--Mrs. F.. Brock, Mrs. Cane, vocalist--Mrs. Jack. Mrs. Scott, elderly lady--Miss Coad' Mis. Dale, suffragist--Mrs Mellow. Mrs. Jones, worried mother---Mrs: Bamforth. ? Mrs. Roberts, kind and sensible--. Mrs, W. Davey, Mrs. Gray capable, an authority on pies -- Mrs. Letcher. Mrs. Bain, insists on business-- Mrs, Taggart. Mrs. Lowell, meek rad thougbtful-- Mrs, O. Byer. Melinda, the maid, continually being 50 was donated for "the It has become optional with Agri. year when they shall hold their Fair--- Spring ot Autumn, Certain induce | ments are held out to have Port Perry hold its Fair in the 'Spring when Stock and Seeds would be the main exhibits, While such a change presents certain advantages, 1t was felt by those present that any alteration in | | the program would have to be carefully: considered; and that such a decided step could not be undertaken this year | at any rate. Co operation between the Agricultrual i Society fnd the farmers if this locality. ! It is neccessary now that the Agri- cultural Socrety shall be affiliated with the Fairs Association and for that purpose the Treasurer was instructed: to pay the membership fee of $1. 00, Iwo delegates were appointed to attend the annual meeting of this Association which convenes next week. very nervous--Mrs, Gerow, F. Carr, H. Parsons. Honorary Directors -- Wm. Smith, Esq, M. P; Charles Calder Esq. M. P.P. r Christie, Esq; W. E. N. Sinclair Esq. and F. L, Fowke, Esq. 'Messrs. F.W.Weir, and T. J. Wid- It is but fair to state that a great deal of work is done by many of the brought forward by her.