nt SOR ln Shirley Wohian' s Institute "The meeting at Mra. T. Lambs was| Were in Peterboro over Sunday. = Manchester well attended and our new Pres, Mrs] Mr. J. W. Holtby has had another | Alex. Vance took the chair for the)Stoke and is under the doctors care. first time. The sum of $15.00 was] Don't forget to come to the chicken voted for material for the Red Cross | Pic supper on the Oct. 12 at Town work. The Institute members and] Hall. See bills for particulars. : others met in the basement of Bethel Mr. E. Holtby wears a smile that Miss Crs Sane and Mis G. Sine] Church to make it up. Four sewing * machines humimed merrily and bu tongues keep time with busy needles. Private contributions came in as well and so made a fine bundle to send to Headquarteas. The next meeting will be at Mrs. F. Franklin's Oct. 14. where Mrs. Hocken, Mrs. Moore, Miss Franklin and others will speak on recent wars. They are good speakers so be sure to * be on hand, School Report The following is the report of S. 8. No. 8, Cartwright for September. Names in order of merit Sr. IV--Lily Wray, Eltou Wrignt Jr. IV--Vera Forder, Fred Hamilton Sr, III--Arvilla Alldred Jr. III--Annie Hamilton Sr. II--Arvilla Bradburn, Clarence Ferguson, John Hamilton, Lace Davidson, Sr. Pr--Lloyd Alldred, Geo. Alldred, Beatrice Wray, Grace White, Luella Ferguson, Wm. Hamilton Jr. Pr.--Loren Bradburn, Percy Ham- ilton, Hazel Parr W. M. B. Elliott, Teacher. sme 300% Cartwright On Wednesday, September 23rd, a quiet but very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mountjoy, Pleasant Hill, Black- stock, when their only daughter, H. Mae, was united in marnage to Mr. . Henry T. Graham of Toronto, by the bride's pastor, Rev. Isaac Snell. The ceremony was performed under a beautiful evergreen arch trimmed with white and pink asters, in the drawing room, in the presence of the immediate relatives of both families. The bride who was becomingly attired in a dress of white duchess satin trimmed with silk embroidered net and carrying a lily and aster show- er bouquet. The bride was given "away by her father, while Mrs. N. *. Mountjoy played Mendellsshon's wed- raling march. "The groom's gift to the bride was a beautiful gold pendant, while she was also the recipient of many other handsome presents, among which were a number of substantial cheques. Her travelling costume was a suit a navy serge with hat to match. wont come of. It's a daughter. - "Miss Parkin of Toronto, is visting}, her mother. Rally Day will be held i in our ; Suns day School, the first Sunday in Nov. ---- Myrtle Mrs. John Carmichael is visiting her son in Toronto. A number of the children from this section exhibited vegetables and grain at the School Fair which was held at Brooklin, on Wednesday; consequently they carried home a number of prizes Weighmaster Kent says that coal has gone up twenty cents a ton dur- ing the last two weeks. © Those who successful in securing their winter supply from the earlier shipments were fortunate, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wilson at- tended Peterboro Fair last week Seagrave Remember our fowl supper and entertainment on October 12, every- body come. Our annual Rally Day Services in connection with our Sunday School were held on September 27, and were a success both in numbers in attend- ance and collections, quite an increase over last year. Mr. Richard Martin is exeting a new Chapman Silo. - Mr. Chas. Tate and daughter of Toronto, at Mrs. G. Fishley's : The Sonya Mission Band held their monthly meeting at the home of the President, Mrs. T. H. Watson on Saturday afternoon. 20% Fingerboard Miss Vera Ripley is?spending a few days with friends in Port Perry. Mr. Charles Tate, and daughter of Toronto, are renewing old acquaint- ances in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs L., Fleury, spent a few days with frends in Lindsay. Quite a number from this section the Mariposa. Fair 'at Oak- oS Cpls of th Fisgsioad school forming part of the procession in which about two hundred school children took part, each school dis: 'Orillia Paper After a beautiful repast served in | played a banner, on which the number dining room, the happy couple left]of their respective school was inscri%- amid a' shower of confetti for theirjed The procession was lead by the at lowe, at 164 Langley Avenue, | Lindsay Brass Band. The prize for Toronto. Good Clothes . Can only be made by Competent Workmen from Good Materials the best decorations was awarded to the Little Britain School. The ladies of the Pleasant Point church ave had their church cleaned and uculy decorated, which is quite an improvement. Mr. and Mrs. F. King, Mrs. D. King, and Mrs. King St., motored to Cartwright on Sunday where they visited at the home at the home of the laters daughter Mrs Bruck. Mr. Norman Osborne, Mr. Moase and Mi. T. Clark of this place hel : patie jacw Ford Moto this) of Mary Thomas, late of the Vil of Port Perry, in the Ont in the Province" of Ontar we de i Y * Pimsuant to Séction 55, Cha of the Statutes of Ontario, 1 « V., Notice is hereby. given' creditors and others having against the ¢ estate of the above: Mary Thomas, who died on or quired on or before 'the, 15th November A.D. 1914, to post' 'prepaid or deliver to" § g Phaden, Sunderland, Ontario, one. of the executors of the Will of the de-] Ceased, their christain and urname: addressses and description, together] with full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and hel | nature of the security, if any, held by them, duly verified with vouchers, if any, attached. And notice is further given that after] such mentioned date the executors of the said estate will proceed to -distrib- ute the assets of the said estate among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall, at the time of distribution have been given; and the executors will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim they shall not have had notice. . Neil McPhaden Jas. Wesley Thomas } Executors Dated at Sunderland this 7th Day of October, 1914 Announcement We are now prepared to serve meals at the Aura Lee. Give usa call, We _ can serve you well. We now have a very fine stock of confectionery Did you ever try Neil- son's Vanilla Ice Cream with apple pie? It's worth your while. . 3 Neilson's Tee Cream res duced to 20c a pint. ORILLIA AND "MADE-IN-CANADA" | Phone 60° Advocates. Keeping Money Circulating Near Home | Dorman Corbman The Orillia "Packet," one of the brightest of Ontario's. 'weéklies, ro. cently had. the following editorial on the "Made-In-Canada' idea: "The Orillia' Furnituré 'Company 1s| promoting the 'buy-at-home idea by. making use of a pay - envelope which calls attention to the fact that "list year Canadians bought' $618,000,800 worth of foreign. goods, half 'of which could have been made in Canada"--or in.other words $1,000, 000 & 'day which went out of the coun- | try might have been spent at home | "AND FRATERNAL Hg : EO Natices ny lines, of Church or' be at tended "turther' 'to. "Maden: Orillia" articles? Our merchants and : 1S people generally grumble more or less | Rew: : ; othe Tatoo ar y wR: Bimiort. BA, Pastor full blast. But Ee rl oe Secs 0 am. ca 200 pans what is in their power to keep our| _ Afternoon, Sunday. School and Bible| home factories busy? Take the mat. |" Class. Al Welcome, '¢ ter 'of furniture for Instance. We have in.Orillia a factory whose goods | are commanding a ready sale In all{ parts of the country--to such an ex- tent that it has worked niore steadily | during the last eighteen months than any other furniture factory in On- tario. Yet the: Furniture. Company might have spent much more money dn wages if all the furniture: of the PRE SBYTERIAN Rev, Mr. West, MA, Pastor Sunday S Services 11 00 am. ANGLICAN Rev. C. P. Muirheat Rn 7 manufacture. How often have those| If who clamor for' Industries, or talle{service CHURCHES! {2 Brotgham=Clerk, M. whiny Green | Ma inh 0 Sarg % x13 Port Perry-- Clerk, J. WwW. Het fraps LE Cannington --Clerk, Thos Jw and 7.00 pan { about t meting Orillia BTOW, enquired Fs ! Insurance : "AGENTS 4 SATISFACTION ASSURED In all our settlements' for fire losses our polity holders have Expresso} perfect sa faction, Pianos and Organs: sola" Consult him' about house this - spring. ; » Bell Phone 14 Port Perry J Ontario gh a you, and | offer is the se Sittings of the Division Courts| ~~ OOUNTY OF ONTARIO p 1914 Ham 1 Whitby -- Clerk, - Miss. EB donell, Whitby. = Jan, 18; Mar. 4 'Apr '3, May. fm a Oct. %, Nov. 7 Dec. 4, an. 7 s Oshawa Clerk, Miss: E L Madtonell hs Jou 14, Ts 'Mar 3, 8 ay b, June 3 t ct 3, Nov. 9, Dec 5. Jub 8,1 15 wood.' an 16, Mar 6, Sept B, I oy 11, Jan 11, 1 an 17," Mar Po rt Pe 3 a uly uly 8, Sept Nov 1, Ske Reg 5 = 5 Or Ror bo Sa aa Cannin; an 9, Mar July 10 Sept 008 ait 6 Beton Clark C Chas. A Beaverton. July 16, or 10; ying; 7 Uptergrove--Clerk, Atherley. Jan 7, Mar i. ov ir 17, Tuiy: , Senet 11, Jan 13, 1015 L Mad: 1 eb. 15; oo. Buishirs. | 5 ar 12, Ma Ri ov a Jan re 1915 : el May 16] |