"Mis Mitchel of Little Britain, spent days recently with her friend r. George Smith and daughter' "off - 'spent the eek end under} roof, The Sonya Branch of the Women's "met at the home of Mrs. D; Sievens on Tuesday, and a very inter- «iting, as well as profitable 'program Wiis rendered, which was very much} enjoyed by all present. © : We are anxiously waiting for the fiew library which is to be started at Sonya in the neat future, and we wish the ladies good success in their under- thking, which is badly needed in this district. The Pleasant Point Ladies Aid are avin their church newly decorated, r. Deshane of Little Britain, is doing : isk work. Mrs. Hughson of Oakwood, spent a few days with her daughter Mrs. G. Fluery last week. "Mrs. Edward Teel of Sherbrooke, Quebec, is visiting her sister Mrs. O. Reader. Mr. T. W. Clark of Montreal, bas been visiting his sister Mrs. O. Reader Mr. Clark just returned from a two months visit to England. His return passage was full of thrills and excite- ment. All lights were all out on the decks, and all portholes were covered with blankets, and several times it was reported that German Cruisers were near, but none were however sighted. Mr. Clark reports a very rough passage. +0! Seagrave Dr. John Moore, of Brooklin, and Mr. G. Gerrow, Port Perry, bridge 'commissioners for the County made examination of the bridge over the 'river 'here, and advise some temporary _sepairs for the present, but new. but- ments and maybe a new bridge next spring. Mr. W. F. Bradley is loading a car "of fall wheat here this week. We expect operations to begin on sthe stable at once. 3. A Gilroy of the T. Eaton}. _ Co. Winnipeg, visiting bis sister Mrs. C. Slotp: Miss Lois Rogers with friends in Toronto for a few days. "Mr. and Mrs, H. Thomas, Toronto wisiting with Mrs. Sleep Sr, Mr. A, H. Spotton, Lindsay, made a business call in the village this week. ~ Cadmus Bion aended| -- YC ; TM and Mis, T. Wood, spent a Prince Albert Mr. J. Tarner is back from' Edmon: ton on an extended visit with relatives here: He looks well and speaks highly of the West. : Mr. and Mrs. E. M. 'Hartry and their little daughter, Lathan, spent Sunday with friends in this village. Mrs. H. J. Bentley, of Toronto, has been at her father's for a few days. Mrs. Turner is in the city, spend- ing a few days with her danghtes, Mrs Wauchope Miss Jessie White is in thé city visiting friends. Mr. J. Campbell, of Toronto, spent Sunday with His parents, Mr, and Mrs J. C: Campbell. i Mr. A Clark, of Sunderland, with|~ his wife and family, motored to Mr T. Turner's on Sunday. Mr. George tHartry, of Larbuck, Man, with two children, spent some weeks with Mr and Mrs R J Hartry, and left last week for Ottawa, to visit her parents before 1eturning home to the West. Mr. R. Bond is in the city attend- ing the Exhibition. Mrs. W. McDougall, Newmarket, has. been visiting her mother, Mrs Boynton 'Mrs. A. Savage, with her two sons, Milton and Wellesley, attended the Exhibition last week. Mr. ond Mrs. Frise, of Port Perry; have moved into the house tltey pur- chased from Mr, Jas. McCulloch, aud Mr. Frise has been very busy renova: ting his property, giving (it a very much improved appearance. Some years ago Mr Frise lived in out village for 'a while; and we welcome him back again, and trust he will enjoy living here. See Dorothy De Vonda in her Balloon Ascension at Port Perry Fair. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kirby spent Sun- day in Blackwater. Mr. Foster Hutchison, Stouffville, visiting Mr. Williams aod = other friends in Prince Albert. Mrs. Cragg and Miss Ball, Toronto, visited the Misses Hiscox recently. Special evangelistic service are now in progress at Manchester. Miss K. Morton is helping the pastor, and has charge of the services. She is en- 1 couraged by the attendance. Good | influences attend the meetings, There are hopes of a very good work of God in this revival effort. All are welcome most heartily. Services each evening at 7.45; ; : At the Prince Albert parsonage] JP Rey. JW, Totten, on the 2nd of} September, united in marriage, Mr, "The happy couple ft for a visit to 8 few places, Oe - I have in stock Joistings,' hating Rafters Sheet: ing, Shingles, all kinds of Dressed Lumber, in Pine; Spruce, Hardwood and Hemlock, such as Siding, Floor- ing, V Joint, Ceiling, Planed Boards and Plank, Panel and Glass Doors; Sash Frames, Mouldings--and those Doors are extrd nice for a small amount of money. A Fresh Car of Lime and one of Lakefield Cement, Hydrated Lime and Hard Wall. Plaster. Sash orders: made on short notice, any size or kind. Anything you don't see, ask forit. Get my Coal Prices for Dele hre, Lackawanna avid Western Scranton Coal before purchashing. "It will pay you. C.L. VICKERY COAL DEALER Bell Phone T4105 iy {Port Perry Ontario] (Sinings. of the Division Courts] COUNTY oF ONTARIO Sash Yow Mouldings Door and Window Frames Window Screens eto. ofc, ; Ne an L Macdonelt |. Vii i Ee L Madonsl