Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 29 Jul 1914, p. 6

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events a Austr x ination of Archduke Francis Fer-| he | dinand, and his wife, the Duchess | led of Hohenberg, The note, 'which was «presented by the Austrian Minister declared that events of recent years particularly the assassination at Sarajevo on June 28, have shown 8 subversive movement in Servia for the purpose of detaching part of Austria-Hungary. The note says that the movement originated un- der the eyes of the Servian Gov- ernment, and led to various acts of terrorism. Servia did not at- tempt to repress the movement. It allowed the criminal machinations "of various societies, tolerated un- restrained language in the news- papers, allowed officials to share in the subversive agitation and other- wise permitted the incitement of the Servian population against Austria. The note declared that "this culpable conduct of the Ser- vian Government had not ceased at the moment when the events of June '28 proved its fatal conse- quences to the whole world. The note asserted that the depositions and confessioons of the perpetra- tors of the crime of Sarajevo show that the assassinations were hatch: ed at Belgrade, the arms and explo- sives with which they were provided were given to them by Servian offi- cers and functionaries, and the pas- sage of the assassins into Bosnia Sopa of the acts which po By Ferdinand and the Duchess. of Hohenberg at Sarajevo on June 98] - has fallen like a bombshell in diplo- |: matic and all other quarters here} It goes without saying that At is re- garded as having evoked a most grave European crisis. + There is some defence of Austria's action in view of the evidence of cumulative provocation on the part of Servia, but the bulk of opinion is that the unexampled acerbity of the language and the drastic, hu- miliating nature of the monarchy' 8 demands is such that neither Servia nor any other independent country, even if insignificantly small and im- potent from a military standpoint, could possibly bow without surrend- ering its independence and aband- oning sovereignty. If Servia takes this view (and there is nothing as vet to indicate what her attitude will be), the Aus- trian Minister at Belgrade will leave his post on Saturday evening, | do, and Austria will forthwith prepare to enforce her demands. were to be the only outcome, Eu- rope might watch the struggle with comparative calm, but it is felt that an Austrian attack on Servia would entail the gravest risk of a clash between Austria and Russia, with oonsequences to the peace of the Continent which it is impossible to foresee. PICTURE OF THE DOMINION. Advertisement of Water Power of Canada at Panama Fair. A despatch from Ottawa says: Canada's water power resources will be advertised at the Panama Exposition in Ban Francisco by a series of models, typical of power plants from the Atlantic to the Pa- cific. - These will be arranged in a semi-circle in the Canadian build- ing, in front of a great Canadian painting. A Toronto artist will paint this picture which will be 75 feet long by 50 feet high and will present a bird's eye view of the whole Dominion. All known water powers. whether developed or not, will be depicted on this painting. lapel THE HILLCREST DISASTER. Jury Suggests a Monthly *Inspec- tion of All Mine Workers. A despatch from Lethbridge savs: The verdict of the inquest pn the victims of the Hillcrest mine disas- ter is that death was occasioned by an explosion caused by gas and dust. The jury added a rider that they believed the company had in- fringed thé Mines Act. They' fur- ther suggested that the Government should enforce a monthly inspection of all men working in' mines to see that no matches were carried. rrr Mi rit CUT VEIN WITH SHOE SHANK. Prisoner Ended: His Own Life in Boston Cell. ; A despatch from Boston, says: Lawrence Robinson, who was on trial her charged with the murder of Police Inspector Thomas J. Nor- ton. commited suicide during Tues- day night. He cut his throat with a steel shank which he' had re- moved from one of his shoes. He was accused of shooting Norton while resisting arrest in the Boyis- ton Oafe on June 19. Robinson was wanted in Grand Rapids for the alleged killing of three clerks in a jewelry store during a robbery. THE CROPS IN NEW ONTARIO = Chairman of T. & N, 0. SENOR CARBAJAL; the nominal successor of Huerta as President of Mexico, who will hand over the office ta: Gen. Carranza. POUR CS Sa REFUSE'TO WORK, Twenty-six Loafers in Kingston Will Be Deported. A despatch from Kingston says: Immigration officer Hunter intends to "deport twenty-six undesirables who will not work. There are nu- merous cases where they ' demand highest wages and not sepuring it cometo the city. to: lant abot, 8---Foss, $10,000. A despatch from from Sudbury, says: I. Proctor's 'garage and auto livery was destroyed 'on Wednesday "by fire, at Sudbury 'in a spectacular blaze, fed by 20 barrels of gaso- line, which made #6 hota fire that it: was impossible to approach the mobiles 'were destroyed. The gar- age was located outside the town limits, and civic water was unavail- able. The loss was about $10,000 Commission Tells 'About Conditions in Norland. have just 'returned from y inspection B of the line, a son of 1915 -1 past, assassination = of 'Arch-{"| If this | tn 'MADAME CAILLAUX, mn recent picture of the wife of Prime Minister of France, Mon. Men. Faaton Salmette, Si Sh iL eca e had made er hu bana in his paper, PRICES OF FARM nos SEPORTS hod HR TRADE CENTRES OF Breadstuffs, . Toros, July 2. Flour-Onta flours, 90 per cent., $3.60 to board, and at $3.60, Toronto. for August delivery; $3.30 to $3.40. Mea tobas--First patents, in jute bags, $6.40 a seconde, $4.90; gtrong bakers', in J jute age, $4. Manitoba ip porte--No 1 Nor- ern, 9c, and No. 2 Ontario wheat--No. 2 at 94 to 950, out side, and new at 84 to 8bc, outeide, 'Aug: uet and Bother delivery. Oate--No. 2 Ontario oate at 39 13 to 40c, outside, and at 42 to 43 1-%, on track, To- ronto. Western Canada outs, 43 1-20 for No.3. and at 41 1-2 for No. 3, Bay ports. i Hig barley, 57 to 5%, according to quality. Rye--No. 2 at 63 to 6do, outside. Buckwheat--Purely 'nominal. COorn--No, 2 American, 7%, on Toronto, Bran--Manitoba bran, $23, in Dams To: Tonto Haight. with good demand. Bhorte track, ------ Country Produce. Butter--Choice dairy, 17 to 19¢; inferior, 15 10 160; 2s Jarmerd separator prints, 19 Ln iat Be de B13 0.4 hs Eggc--Cage lota oo ay newaaid, 260 ner Soten, and good etock, 20 to 23 per Honey Strained, 10 1-2 to 11 120 per 1b. Combs, 25 io 35. .50 per dozen for No. 1, Sa h po--Now oheese, 14 to 14 1-4c for large 7) 14 to 14 1-20 for twine. Beane, Handicked, $2.20 to $2.9 per bushel ; pr .10 'to 82,16. Poultry--Fowl,-15 to 16" per: Ih, ehick: ens, broilers, 20 to 2%; turkeys, 20 to 2ic. Potatoes--New Ontario, $1.25 to' $1.50 per pualisl, and Americans, $4 to $4.25 per rel and = Provisions. Bacon--Long clear, 14 to 14 14e per 15. in case lots. 'Hame--Medium, 18 to 18 1:80; do., heavy, 17 to 17 1-20; rolls, 14 12 to 166; breakfast bacon, 18 to 19%; backs, 22 to 23¢, Lard--Tierces, 11 3-4 to 1%; tubs, 12 1-40; pails, 121-2; compound, 10 to 10 14c. Ce ed Baled Hay and Straw. 0. 1 at $16 to $16.50 a tom; "| 'Baled hay--N on track, here; No. 2 quoted at; 813.50 to 814; and clover at $11. lots, $8.25 to $8.75, on Winnipeg Crain. Ninuiper, July 28.-<Cash' prices Wheat --No. 1 Northern, So No. 2 Cet Qate No. 2 OW, 3 No. 2 ©. No. 2 feed, 3c. "Bzier No: 3 81 a No. 0) 2 geo rejected, 47c. Flax--No. 1 NW. &. 81.60: No. 2 OW. $1.49; No. 3 O:Wa Montreal Markets. Montreal, July 28.--Corn, American No. 2 yellow, 76 to 760. . Oats, Canadian West- ern, No, 2, 44 1-2. Duta an ad ern, No. 3, 430. Barley, Manito! b4c. Flour, ' Manitoba 8pri $5.60; $4.90; vatents, firsts, strong bakers, choice, $5 to 85. i: 'BURNED. ate 25 Bight Automobiic Were Also" Des. | to 13 18c; finest eastern, - shoo, ETE to 18 She Expe, rresti 8600 + Ege, to do; selected, 25 to Lc; No. 1 stock,' 2 No. 2 stock, 20 to 2c. United States Markets. Min puisapelis, Jul 28. ~Wheat--No. « hard, 94780; No, 1 Nore 2s. 93 7- 'No: 2 Northern, 8878 to 91 7-8¢; 87 5-80; Septem burning building, and. eight auto- | $4.50 19 to| tenders for the construction of a * | new 'lock on the Trent. Canal*at "cently twice refused "to sanction 'are 2,482 to 8,200 womeh: 370; : West- | ists have been warned to bold them- pitrc rol Cruiser have started | Otta in soare of the marooned 'members of the Stefansson expedition. 5 Dr. J. Edwards, M.P., Ringe ton, states there are 6 members of the penitentiary staff over age ac- cording to their own admissions. Stag Island, in Detroit River, has been purchased by the Internation: ral Peace Assembly A 'and |g its name changed to Deconer. Archibald Quance, while adjust- ing haylifting machinery in his fa- ther's barn at Elirida, near Hamil: ton, was killed by a weight falling upon his head John McArthur, a well-to-do farm. er, three miles trom Port' Dover, sixty- three years of age, committed suicide in a fit of depression over| ill-health. The Stanley Works of New: Bri- tain, Con., have decided to locate a Canadian branch i in Hamilton. "Ar- thur 8; Hatch will be the new man- ager, The Department of Railways and Canals is about to advertise for Bobcaygeon. Joseph Gillies, 60, who has al- ready served 20 years for various offenses was at Brantford given nine months: in the Central Prison for theft of a watch, * Michael 8ilvestro has béen sent for trial at North Bay, charged with sending out blackhand letters. The Provincial police used decoy letters to trap him. Stratford ratepayers having | re- expenditures upon- additional fire apparatus the City Couneil has au. thorized the expenditure of $20,000, A special report.in phe aad anette os women employed in innip epartmental stores, that a establishments Eo run from 85 to 850 a week. . The average 'wage is $15 to $18. General. The outlook in Ulster much worse. is very General Villa's alooffiess "from | Carranza's authority has d the horizon in Mexico: rE Austrian and Hungarian reserv- h selves ready. More than 185, 000 men have join- in: St. Betere summarily executed at Cape Hay- tien after the: Govern bya stiff aero | place. "A batch of suffragette litera =e oy and rs an hone : Market. Square, heavy, and about to 000 men will be employed about. pei ere. ms 'months hence. It is be that this will go a lon; Islieving unemployment n e damaged by bush fires pe veo it 'must be utilized at once before decay sets in. G eelicoBl ASYLUM BARNS BURNED. Fire Loss at Brandon Totals Be- tween $50,000 and $75,000. "7A despatch from Brandon, Man, says: Fire of incendiary origin des- troyed no less than seven of the big barnes at the Hospital for In- sane on Wednesday afternoon nad caused a total loss of between $50,- 000 and $75,000. blaze was first noticed by the attendants, who with a few of the patients, were ing in the cow barns. Fanned le, the flames quickly spread, and within 'an hour after the fire was first noticed, the horse barns, the cattle barns, the piggery a Netotiattons.. the buildings containing the fowl, as well. as two. large. implement buildings, were blazing fiercely eC MILITANTS BURNED MANSION, | Cotton Soaked with Petroleum Had Been Distributed A despatch from Birmingham, England, says: An "arson §quad" of militant suffragettes set fire to and destroyed a large unoccupied mansion in this district. A quan- ty, of cotton wool soaked with pet- had been distributed about the ture was found in the vicinity. ways will take offs will Benda, tion w. 18¢ Ho for the handlin ; year's crop. 2a EO England's Favorite Musica or © ization Coming to Toronto : 8d aihnd Ba Sn brought from En for Canadian National a tion af Toronto this Joa x a the : pred bands that has Dr: Williams ye ne Guards have made then Guarantees to-Everyhody. A despatoh front' Mexico says: That an armistice the Government and the. republic," was the eR out by General Eduardo To Governor 'of the Federal district, the name of the President Carbaj Governor Tturbide added that the. peace negotiations will be ad 17 upon a basis giving full. arian to everybody. STRIEE RIOTS IN ST. JOR} A duspaten from St. John, N.B.,] - Two people are in the hospital Pothier 'are ring cavalrymen of the R. C. D., under Lieut. Btettin, charged through _ a mob of thousands of De in| riding down rioters and striking thon with the flats of thelr 2 while stones and bot- Cavalrymen Charge Through Mob Using the Fla : i of Their Sabres vi Sind Wiliam. Bennett, dredge wor was shot in thi e uoas, who' was di defending kh the firemen of the poy drove the firemen fic [Bh TR

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