r r and has given satisfaction hs' gsiness with a fush, gor 5 5 inch Factory Cotton c. Yard | 10c Yard "his material was in great demand this season This is a" odd in : : for City wear, We have only two shades' left is is a very special price in a very staple arti- Tan and Nell Rose." is 27 inches wide, and cle. Itis made of fine cotton yarn, evenly sold for 80c. We are also clearing 'out 3 pieces : woven, free from specks, and is a Full Yard Cotton. Foulard i in lig and dark patterns. Wide. Regular value is 12}c per yard. * ak . ily Sale Price 19¢c. Sale Price 10¢. a yard "TWO SPECIAL PRICES IN FANS FANCY GINGHAMS, 8c. YARD 5 only Girls' Print Priglrsa | Se : English Ginghams in stripes or checks, 27 in small, neat patterns. * : Colors 5c, 10c. inches wide, showing light and dark grounds fight and dark blue," : Resort Folding Fans-- extend Fine Grade Folding Fans, also with neat stripes or checks. Regular 10c Sale Price are. ; and 12}c. Sale Price Sc. |e about' 15 inches; several pret- ~ Silk Fans with dainty printed Cx designs to choose from. | designs. Regular 152. quality Clearance of White | Sale Price 5c. BL Sale Price 10c. Duck Suits "Short Ends ¢ of Dressdood 1 yard to 8 Soe long, selling regularly at from 50c to 756¢ per yard. . The materials include Ladies' Wash Suits consisting of coat and : skirt. Materials are fine Duck or Drill, Serges, Satin Cloths, Wool Repp, San Toy, etc. Per yard 39c. trimmed with braid, fancy buttons and strap- REMNANTS OF SILKS, 39¢ YARD ping. Regular price $5.00 to $7.00. The skirts are made rather plain and the suit Short Ends of Silks, selling | regularly at 50c to. 75c -- Taffeta would be a cheap purchase to use the skirt Pailette, Tamoline. etc. : Sale Price 39c. only. Sale Price $1.00 oti pons [YRE = - Port Perry JE one. FIREMEN'S The Port Perry STARS $i. 100 year Lo Canadian or Briush points, if paid: in Parties Vihing to Third sivinct; other $1.15 Fs ro : fir in the ni ePrice Mother Earth will put aw first-class car can do 15 $1.50 per year in advance, i al Eh e 50 by applying |THE PORT PERRY STAR and tine. Are you going to 'Canadian Farm . .........31.85| follow her example? -- TO -- Li i 3 -35 We can fit you and make & eckly, Illus #901 you feel as new as the Globe (aly. = Rs 2 5 nls oo| the season. Nothing shows ! i iil B ! i A W |) mpire (weekly) +.....$1.60| the need of a new suit like ccmers NIAGARA FALLS Order Early, We are busy; by will give you prompt ! thern Messenger os oa zo $30 Service. ON WEDNESDAY Evening Star(riral Sfaoes).e $2.35 |A Stylish and Comfortable 3 shin nip Rowe AUGUST 5, 1914 : Ww. H. DOUBT Special G.T.R. Train will leave the following stations: Mer chant Tailor Niagara Falls Toronto 1.80 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.55 be NAR 85 L180 a spec-' Prince Albert ............... 6. .60. 1.45 Parry, Manchester ... 5:10. a . A . L356 ~~" High Point , Te ; 1.80 Myrtle od, i a 1.25 Brooklin oo... 30 ols s i! MEER Whitby Town ,.,.. : i Whitby Junction .