less : 2 b SE ch £18 of ded Statisticians io. ave Deen busy : shelling 3D; and 2 ih Do Ee threatening mar came ints Freie telegraph: a Te stan) 1 lives on a head-on eettinin i '| mer, in most cases becatise the mo- t. does not have a safe. medipine wy othe Sere od fe ois promptly. Baby's J rth: Her hair is Shick dedi Chu Own Tablets cure these troubles, or if given occasionally to the- 'well has chilg will prevent their coming -on. The Tablets. are guaranteed by a govaapiens analyst to be aheolute- harmless even to the new-born. Missouri. days tis a Fhe -- Mire. Johnson was born in' Sook , May 2, 1814, the dau, 'captain, present busy that has had | were sav going 128 passengers aboard were saved. Y'8! Death was cheated in 'the Lexifigton was ca til the + the unparalleled summoni: ockville, | sistance da the Florida, that year first, real sea Urfout. af a8 with not hes smoke- wight, flames burst out. hs 'wireless' operator; unmindful' of his 'danger,' kept icking and |. 'Was. clicking and just 'as the down, help arrived and the Then came the In the same y saved 'on the ® Koni cky 'in "1910. nineteen ' 'were peli Louise. instance of the burning freighter, Temple- more, when all 'on board, fifty-four, were: saved, Following lose on this record, ricane unprepared: All were saved by the help the "8.0.8." summon- The Niche wrecked off Cape le ed in be intermission un- eat sea disaster to the Ti- tanic claimed world: attention by of as- from = many ifferent 41In - flies. A in writes to hs 4 Kes concerning eye Stauibip nd lo She says: ht in a hur "For years 1 Jaa inn oi {1.108 color an ¥ » spproxmated loss of 1,000 a 3 t most terrible of fl Jharie th, a a of 23 "Other di rs that ap i i no orth Tatinty Hott Ee mprens of Ireland were the sunk, | n collision in ver, © September 3, &f 700'; "the "Erto- oft the Japanese , 'Seg 19} "1890; Joss 540; the Utopia, sun py Gibraltar, in sma {0H islon, March 17, 18901, with a of 574; fhe drge, stranded. oft kall Ree 8s of 600; ry e 25, 1804, with a Deh tou, lost in 21 aollision i ii the North Atlantic, July 4, 1898, with: a loss of B71; the Ja. paneze battleship. Mikaga, blown up hu fo September 12, 1905, with a Joss of 599. -- hs UNFIT TO LIVE-~MUST DIE The verdict rendered a athousand 'times when corns get sore: Do them to } | death by Putnam's Corn Extractor: it 'ures 'painlessly in twenty-four hours. Use "Putnam's," the only vegetable re: Lmmedy known, price 26¢; at all dealers. Soon . KILL THAT FLY! Claims Thousands of Victims in WOT Sumer, Bufeiiéris now upon us, and with summer 'comes the fly. Most of us treat nik with"a philo- sophie 'tolerance, regarding him as a normal, anndying incident of the warm weather. But he is more than that; he is really dangerous, a very active propagator of 86, par- ticularly deadly to young children. Whenever the summer months are warm-the common hougefly claims literally thousands of victims, the high rate of infantile mortality dur- ing the middle period of the year being: due almost entirely to his ravages. The summer of 1911, it will be remembered, was exceptionally hot. were very plentiful 'and the, infantile mortal- ity in Leadon, England, ross from h he ear in England Rend Wot children; under: two years of age died from diarrhoeal #| diseases, and it is safe' to assume that 'a large majoxity of the vie- ti re inocoulgfed -by. flies with teria ; for in, the fol- A wedther was less Rhiuntiant, such ed only 7,45. 30 {visit to my « (a box of Dr. Hamilton 11s. y that they have EAE SRE beoatiae T thought my' 1 § i ee 1 ho again I 8a 1 grew dgapandent, Then my - te ss | failed. I grew very weak. ous 2. | remedies, 'pills, tonics and tablets 1 tried without permanent benefit, A sister: put: laced reli he d She placed. relian on them and. now & hate mea well dae | I'would not be without ther whatever imat- | they might cost: 1:found:Dr. Hamil ton's Pills by their mild yet searching action very suita to. the delicate character of a woman's' ature. 'They never once gripéd me; yet they estab lished regularity. My appetite grew keen--my blood ted and pure--heavy ri under my eyes disappeared and 'today my skin {8 'as clear and un- wrinkled 'as when 1 was 'a girl. Dr Hamilton's Pills did it all. The above straightforward letter from. Mrs, J, Y. Todd, wife of a well- known miller in 'Rogersville, is proof sufficient that Dr. Hamilton's Pills are a wonderful woman's medicine, Use no other pill bat Dr. Hamilton's, 26¢c. per box. All dealers or the Catarrh ozone Co. Kingston, Ontario. Onesthird Off. "When Miss Willings married old Moneybags, she gave her age as twenty-five. I feel sure ghe is old- er than that." "Oh, 1 suppose she allowed one- third off for cash." onsite ' Ask for Minard's and take no other. An Affair Du Curfr-ency. Exé (meeting old' friend)~1 say, Phil, at was the outcome of that little affair of yours with: Miss Goldie. ' Wye--An income of $20,000 a year, my boy. YOUR OWN DRUGGIST WILL TELL YOU Try Murine Eye Remed; Red, Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated ro No Smarting--~ {ust ye 2 Comfon, J Write for Book of the Free. Murine Eye Remedy Co. , Chioago, In the Trade. Retired painter and decorator (to artist, whom he has commissiomed to paint his daughter' 8 portrait)-- And none o' your slapdash paint- ing for me; three good coats, mind yer. Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Priend ------ "He's a fool man who thinks. that e can please all his wife's rela; tions. NEWSPAPERS FOR. BALE. 00D WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN IN , York County. Stationery and Book Business in. connection. Price only $4,000. Terms liberal. Wilson Publish. ing Company, : 18 West Adelaide Street, | Toronto. a my hands, rite Hi Rn or: 99 Colborne ONBY-M: s Destriietion - as rode! i : Forontp. = Oe, TuNoR: TH us before FHT HE Relis Limited, ollingwood, On "Your Home Trade Dealer Has It SK your Home Trade Dealer for.a copy of this. catalogue. It lista thousands of articles at a great saving to you. It gives you the best and latest in every ine and a high quality at surpris- ingly low prices, because the goods are shippe: Direct From Factory to You and thus you save middleman's profits. Your Home Trade Dealer gives you PERSONAL SERVICE and absolutely guarantees every article, therefore a purchase through him means COMPLETE SATISFAC- TiON or your money back without question, Give this catalogue a place in our home. Let the Home Trade Dealer make good these' claims. Remember svery dollar spent at home. through this cata ie means economy, Each satisfaction to, you; and a decided benefit te your district. A cool Kitchen o on ironing doy is possible . 7; with a.