Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 29 Apr 1914, p. 8

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: A ways through Adams & Hutcheson, Creabank ! oh H. Bonham who been in the refurn hh Neots, England. "He expects to sail on' M 8th on the new Allan liner, the joe tian, which, with its sister ship, the ian. are the largest and finest ts in the Canadian service, and in point of luxury equal to anything in the New Vork service, though a few of the latter are larger. © Mr. Bonham went over on the Cunard line, booking his passage both Mrs. John Butler, and three child: ren, of England, arrived on Sunday 2st and will visit with her brother, Mr. Brisco, on the Frise farm for the present. Mrs. Butler sailed on the uginia of the Allan line, passage teing booked through Adams & Hutcheson. Manchester Mrs, Mary Fitchett is very low at time of writing. We are sorry to report that Mrs. H. ©. Dobson and Miss Eva Holtby are on the sick list: The Quarterly Meeting Service will | be held at Prospect next Sunday at 10.80 a.m. Service will be held here in the evening at 7.30. Quarterly Board will meet the following Friday at 2.30 at Prince Albert for the elec- tion of officers and to transact the regular business. Glad to see that Mr. Cecil Graham is able to be out again. Mr. Ben. Holtby, of London, yisit- "| will please come out to the Annual a TE fa Mr, and Mrs. Sparks, nee "Miss : Birdie King, of Little Britain, vi her aunt, Mrs. J. Larmer for 4 i 4 days. young men Sunday evening. We trust that every one will be benefitted by| 'the same. Mission Band meeting next Satur- day afternoon in school room. ; All interested in Sunday school work Meeting next Friday evening at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of electing officers and "teachers for the coming | year, and other business pertaining to the good of the school. The Young People's League of the church held their annual election of officers last Thursday evening and. elected the following :--President, F. Watson; First Vice, Miss Bruce, Second Vice, Mrs. Snyder; Third Vice, W. Watson : Fourth Vice, Miss A. Stone; Sec.-Treas., D. Snyder; Organist, Miss May Brown ; Lookout Committee, Miss Stone, Miss AL Lambert, Miss L. Rogers, Mr. JE. Blight. Oakwood: We regret to state the serious ill- ness of Mr. Wm. Woolridge, also the illness of Miss Stella Savinac, and a speedy recovery is hoped for by thetr many. friends. Mrs. R. J. McLaughlin, of Toronto, is visiting her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Heatlie, of Little Britain, spent Sunday with her Rev. Mr, Johnston delivered. a very! ; interesting and instructive sermon to" Ste Biter tration 500. 3 bottle, on sale at 25¢. A. J. DAVIS, vs Port Ferry Jutarlo SATISEAGTION ASSURED} In all our settlements for fire losses aby our policy holders have, Expressed fail | perfect satisfaction, |Planos and Organs Sold ang friends in this locality. Mr. Weeks has returned home to B.C. after a short visit with Mrs. R. Munro. The Milk Yiipecion sent out by the Pann oh es TIME be. to 26¢ - 1bc to-3bc - 10c to Zoe : sister, Mrs. Wm. Woolridge. MOTHERS! Paint Brushes «= - <=: Whitewash Brushes: Scrub Brushes - Government, has been visiting the milk shippers in this vicinity. The object of this visit 1s to see that their premises are kept in a sanitary con- dition. A: Special Service will be held Here on Wednesday, May 6th, at 7.30 p.m. conducted by the pastor, assisted by the Rev. Thomas Laidlaw of Epsom As this will probably be Mr. Laidlaw's last visit here, we hope to have a good attendance. The Freewill Offering services in connection with the Sunday school will be held in this church on Sunday, May 24th, at 2.30 and 7.00 p.m., con- ducted by the Rev. Robt. McCulloch of Toronto. Music by the home choir. Everybody welcome. The Auxiliary of the W. M. S. will meet in the church on Friday next at 3 o'clock. Wonder what became of that foot- ball team? Come boys, now you've started one, don't give it up. X Prospect Mrs. R. Wilson is in our midst wisiting her brother, Mr. R. Vernon. "Sorry to report the very sudden 3llness of Mrs. E. Martin. 3 Pleased to see Mrs. J. Thompson out again after having sprained her ankle some time ago. Next Sabbath morning, May 8rd, quarterly meeting will be held at 10.30 a.m... We hope to see a goodly num- ber present. Sorry to report the illness of Miss G. Somerville. Raglan Mr, Staples-is expecting his brother _ early in in May from Weymouth, Eng. He is from Bristol on the Royal Erm of the Canadian North- "em Line, having booked passage Shiongh Adams & Hutcheson. What if this were your son? An i grief -strick ther a) pealed to us recently. 8he wrote ; if "I have a son fifteen years of who has tuberculosis in one Frm ¥ have not the means to give him the care he should have. The doctors say that with pro care and attention there is every hope he ight fully' recover. I would be very thankful if he could he admitted to the Muskoka Free Hospital if possible." Suppose that your son or your daughter were a consumptive. Suppose that he or she were pale and wasted and shaken b hacking, strength -sa sapping cough. pose that you hadn't the money to Sa the badly. -needed medicine, nouri ibis and skilled medical treatment. Think what a blessed relief it would be to you to know that the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives stands ready to help ! Contributions to the Muskoka Free Hos- pital for Consumptives will be gratefully acknowledged by W. J. Gage, Chairman Executive Committee, 84 Spadina Avenue, or R. Dunbar, Secretary - Treasurer, 347 King Street West, Toronto, SUBSCRIPTION RATES The Port Perry Stars $1.00 year to Canadian or British points, if paid in advance; otherwise $1.25. To sub- scribers in the United States the price 1s $1.50 per year in advance, THE PORT PERRY STAR and Canadian Farm . ....eeves$1.85 Farmers's Advocate, ........$2.35 Globe fWeakly, IHustrated) ...$2.00 Globe (daily, R. M. R.) ....8$4.00 Globe (Daily)... .... hess s'er$5.00 Mail-Empire (weekly) +... 9s .60 Family Heraldeyse,ovv00.0.81.85 Weekly Sun. csecissssse. $1.75 Weekly Witness. ..... Daily Witness. .... Daily World. ...ci sass es$325 Northern Messenger. ses es. .$1:40 Evening Star(rural offices). .$2.35| Evening News........o00.082.35] | Dustpans =. = Brass Extension Rods White Enamel Cottage Rods Wall Mirrors 7 - 50 feet Wire Clothes Line Clothes Pins - Clothes Baskets '= 10 quart Tin Pails Galvanized Pails - Gaivanized Chamber Pails - Simmer's Garden Seeds ROSE & CO, 95c to 45c 11 packets for 25¢ 30 for 5c ; 20¢. to $1.50 13c bbc THE CORNER STORE LAKEFIELD CEMENT I wish to advise the public that the Lakefield Ce- ment will be on the market this year. The Canada Cement Company, owing to its very high: cost of manufacture, had decided not to make any this year; but the demand was so very insistent; both by the dealers and the public, that 'the Company has agreed to produce it; bnt the supply will be limited, and dry rock substituted where: possible. My first car is booked for shipment; April 15th, I" have handled this cement for twelve years without a failure. Price $1.75 per barrel net. orders early in order. to secure it. GC. L. VICKERY * Dressed Lumber Bough Lumber Lath Shingles Roofing' 'Metalic Shingles Biding & Ceiling Oedar Post Coal Lime Hair Cement =..]. Bash Doors Mouldings Door and Window % Frames 4 Window Soros doc ate,' | Consutt him "about feconatng | house this spring. : {write e general delivery _|4 Usxbridge=Clerk, R J Noor + hs Farm & Dairy oooseiasers 1.85 i: Grain Growers' Guide. v..4..81.50 Canadian Poultry News,.....$1.50 2 Painting, Paper Hanging, Bese ] 5 Jing. and Sign Writing. Port Perry' COUNTY oF ONTARIO LB 1914 1 "Whitby -- Clerk, Miss E. L. Mac-| donell, Whitby. Jan. 13, Feb. 5, Mar. 4, Apr 3; May 4, June 3, July 3, Sept. 3 3, Oct. 2, Nov. 7. Dec. 4, Jan. 7, Oshawa-- Clerk, Miss E L Macdoneli, Whitby. « Jan 14, Feb 6, Mar 5, 'Apr |: 4, May B; June 4, July: 4 a Sept 4, 4, Oct. 3, Nov. 9, Dec 5, Jan 8, 191 leeson, Green: | 3: port Perry-- Clerk, J. W. Burnham, "Port Perry, & 17, Mar 7, 7 July. 8, Soon _ bridge. Jan 10, Mar 14, '14, Sept 8, Nov 20, Jan 16, 1915, 6 Cannnington--Clerk, Thos: H. outer, ; Cannington. Jan'9, Mar Jaly. 15, Sept 9, 9 ov 19, Sami 6 Beaverton Clerls, Chas. Beaverton. Mar July 16, iy 10, 10; Nov 18 18; ho 7 Uptergrove--Clerk, Daniel Leon: -Aibatiey, Jan. 2 Mar 11, May 16, 17, Sept | , Jan 13, 1018 Ontario] Stings of the Division Courts| DEALER. Mill Feeds : Clover seed, ;

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