Manchester ie 'R. M. Holtby is in the. West Pd, 'after his interests there. = . 7 "he Auxiliary of the 'W.M.S. meets {nithe church on Friday next. Miss Coultis, of Port Perry, spent Raster with her sister, Mrs. Wilmot "Walker. : Mr. W. D, Munro spent a day in Oshawa last week. 2 The following were home for Eas. fter:--Miss Mable Lambe, Miss Hazel Boys and Mr. Jos. Fitchett. "Everyone appreciated the service -wendered by our new choir on Sunday last, and we trust their good work will 'be continued. Mr. Harry Curson, who worked for Mr. Joseph Holtby last season, is 3eaving for his home in the .Old Country, where he will assist his father as game-keeper. «Mrs. Gibbs visiting with her sister- dn-daw, Mrs. J. T. Dobson. Mrs. Way, of Toronto, visiting with "her 'mother, Mrs, D. Rees. "Miss Lulu Bushnell has gone to her Some 1n Omemee for the holidays. Mr. Lonzo Tennyson has purchas- 'ad the house and lot formerly occupied 'by the late Mrs. Thos. Graham, and Smtends to reside there in the near Haas. P. C, Graham will hold an muction sale of household effects at his old home here on Monday next. J. Baird, auctioneer. X Utica Mr, and Mrs. Malcolm Beare visit- dng friends in Brantford. Mrs. Thos. Smith visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lapp, at Lorneville. Mr. and Mrs. H. Lakey, of Toron- to, are spending the holidays with his brother, Mr. James Lakey, Miss Irene Buck, Miss Violet Wood- cock, Mr. Harvey' and: Mr." Lennox, all of Toronto, spending Easter with{ Mr. and Mrs. J. Buck, Mrs. Woodcock and Mrs. Lennox and daughter, of Toronto, at Mrs. Hodgson's. Miss May Crosier home from: 1o0- ronto attending the wedding of her brother last week. Mr. Spencer is spending a few days with friends in Picton. Miss Olive Kerry and Miss E. Curl at Frank Millman's over Sunday. The Ladies' Aid in connection with the Methodist church, which was held Good Friday, was a decided success. X- Bethel Miss F. Watson, of Hamilton, is spending the Easter holidays under the parental roof. Miss Alma Pollock i is home for the holidays Miss Ada and Edith Bruce are spending their Easter holidays home. Miss Pearle Snyder spent a few days at home last week. Mx. Neil Campbell, of Argyle, has hired for another season with Mr. W. Pollock. Mz, Edgar Butt has started plow- Jog on the Branton farm. We are indeed sorry to learn of the severe illness of Mrs. I. Clements, whois very low at the time of writing, 'We all hope for a speedy recovery. Master Elmer Clements is on the sick list. We hope to see him out to' 'Sanday school again soon. . Mr. Wm, and Geo. Watson spent Wriday and Saturday of last week in "Toronto. Prince Albert Mr. Wauchope, of the Belleville "College, spent Easter with Mr. and Je T Turner. He expects soon to Toronto where je has secured 1 13 pm. "The tission Band meet 'on i Saturday at 2:30 p.m. a | Mrs. C. E. Lamb, Af Miss M. Sonley, of. Wiarton, is] 'home for the holidays. The three sisters, the Misses Sonley, assisted in the song service last Sun: day evening, also Miss Frieda Savage of Castleton, who is home for 'a few]. days during the Easter vacation. "Mr. and" Mrs, Morley spent the Easter holiday in New York city. They were joined at Toronto by Mr. and Mrs, Fred. Campbell.' Dr. E. A. Totten, Lindsay, spent Easter at the Parsonage. Mrs. Grieves is spending a week's holiday at home. : Miss Frieda Savage, of the Castle- | 7 di ton P. S., is home for Easter. Miss Tewkesbury, who has resigned her school at Ashburn, returned home for Easter, - Mrs. Forrester and Miss Brown attended the Gfosier-Goode marriage last Wednesday. Miss Sonley, of the Wiarton P. 8. is spending the vacation home. | Prospect Miss M. Morgan is spending the holidays at her home. : Mr. James Wilson had a very suc- cessful Woodbee on Thursday last. Miss M. Armstrong and her broth- er, C. Armstrong, spent the week end under the parental roof. Mr. and Mrs. W, F. McClintock spent the holiday under the parental roof. Our League will be held after Sabbath School next Sunday afternoon in charge of W. H. Smith. z Mr. A. Hill is visiting at Mr. J. Wilson's during the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Burns, jr. have re- turned from their wedding tour. Mr. J. H. Cochrane and Mr. C. Phillips, of Brougham, are visiting %ith their uncle, Mr, P. Diamond. Seagrave The Ladies' Aid Society held a very successful monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Ed. Frise, election of officers for the year and other impor- tant business being transacted. The committee appointed to leok after Church repairs have decided to cement the Church basement this spring, also a foundation under the shed. Mr. Cephas Sleep has bought from Mrs. Miller the corner lot of her prop- perty and intends to build a new house thereon this summer. Itis with much regret that we understand that the Rev. Mr. Johns- ton has decided to retire from active work this coming conference on account of poor health. Mrs. Sidney Eaton with family has removed to: Merriton, where her hus- band has work. Mr. Stan Wooldridge is on a visit to the city for a week. Mrs. Rogers, sr. and Miss Mary Brown, her grandaughter, are spend- ing the holidays in the city. = Mrs. Jas. Shunk is in the city. Mrs. Wm. Pollock is in the city. . Miss Toule is at home during school week vacation. Mr. John Tanner 1s in the city un- dergoing medical treatment. Mrs. Jos. Wallace, of Toronto, is at home on a visit with-her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Leask. Mr. A. W. Smart is at home for Easter with his family. Mrs. Taylor, of Port Perry spent 4 Sunday with her aunt, Mrs." Thos, Midgley. Miss Alma Pollock and 'Miss 'Ada EE be rr a 'College, home of| Campbell : We can heattly reco the Aged of such wedieins = nt eset Stat Bitters, regular ne a bottle, on sale at 2 5c. A. J. DAVIS, Druggist Port Perry Ontario ROSE & 00, HO pil TIME Paint Brushes - . - - - Whitewash Brushes Scrub Brushes ' = Dustpans ~~ «* Brass Extension Rods - White Enamel Cottage Rods Wall Mirrors - 50 feet Wire Clothes Line Clothes Pins" - | Clothes Baskets - 10 quart Tin Pails - - Galvanized Pails " - oo. Gaivanized Chamber Pails - - Simmer"s Garden Seeds - ROSE & CO, be. to 26¢ -15c to 36c- 90c. to $1. 50 - 13¢ 25¢ to 46¢ Ppa tT -11 packets for 25¢ THE CORNER STORE| 5 Wiite. -general delivery Port Perry LAKEFIELD CEMENT I wish to advise the public that the Lakefield Ce- ment will be on the market this year, The Canada Cement Company, owing to. its very high cost of manufacture, had decided not to make any this .year; but the demand was so very insistent, both by the dealers-and' the public, that the Company. has agreed to produce it; bnt the supply will 'be limited, and dry rock substituted 'where: poste My first car is booked for shipment, April 15th." have handled this cement for twelve S years i + a failure, ; Price $1.75 per barrel ast "Place orders early in. order to" secure: it. J C. 'L VICKERY COAL DEA ER Dressed Sumber eto. ote. ; Bough Lumber Window Soreens | gonell, Hs Dy a Jas, I 2h 'Bb, ar. r ay 4, June 3, P 9 Nov. 7, Dec, 4 2h: v3 1916 5 thawed, 5 : LMactonc | itby, Jan 14, Fel 4, May b, June 4, july 4, a 3, Nov, 8, Dec 6, Jan 8, 1916 2 Brougham~Cletk ; M. Gleeson, G teen: go 15, art. May Seduly % his 5, oy 11; Jan 11, 1915. 3 Port Perry-- Clerk Ww. Bis Port Perry. an 17, hy: Ts: July 8, Seat fl Ho 1 1, Jan 12,19 5 4 Dsbeiay ors Ux 1: Kori Yan "16, 191 eta fn hos, H, Marg an eke ur 1 : Sly 16. LL, Nov. 19, Jan 1 5 Toit 1 " le Beaverion-- Clerk, Chas. A. Paterson, Beaverton. Jan, 8, Mar "July 16, Sept 10, Non 18 Fan 14 1918 7 Uptergrove_ Clas, Danish fvonard, iy 1, Sep, Bo I 17, Jin 13, 1018 Ontario : sinings of the Division Counts | COUNTY OF ONTARIO : 1914 ke 1 Whitby -- Clerk; Miss. Ei 1; Mac. 4 Oct [, Molassine Meal | Salt, Wool, etc. ane ae EE a a i Ep a aa Be Anat HOTS TREE Ee