Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 15 Apr 1914, p. 6

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Diséoveréd in the Rocky Mountains : . "by. Foresters." ig Mh United States ess seems | In the heart 'of the snow-clad!num Canadian adv Cenatcs. lobby Rockies, hundreds of miles west of | American farmers. 3 committee discovered that Ca Edmonton, lies a lake whose waters, t hi n dl t $60,000 a year for as : hy 4 g iver ing und Has be] Sao are 'always troubled, into which 'a Americans over her borders in thel large river flows but out of "which x he tor Nelson In ex: re Tae aot ie A pa ie Ritred Washington, an ad- | there is no visible exit: The leader | corpse tiaing "manager, spoke as follows:| of a forest surve rty sent out b "¥ou were hired by a foreign 'ROvern- 3 y pariy: ut by ment to do an act of Sisloyaity to your the Dominion Forestry Branch to own, . e ¥ . . 1 NE aahinston repiied that he did not SRDS - e rests in this wildere om hr unpatriotic or, dislovel 10 (or en Jake aa tat the, ndians shun | given, So important d e Si v, R * 5 . ; Foe al The New. York World agrees and adds t 18/8 p 2s Lu a Sed of evil £p1 sider. the work of riddi A, Ne To Somali aa avert | itn, und, bo give credence to his | puna distriet of Spaniards e lobbie 4 : ¢ rt 4 th nen an oll Souorl SAFES Geb! rumblings may be heard where | nates to seoute new job." "Can Y ore "Wi York Telegraph, 48 not a had county far below the surface the water: ihhox Canada. and It 18 not a bad idea | swirls through the hidden "outlet. : : RRR thousand of Phe | The river that enters the lake rush-| CAPTAIN: HUGH RODMAN. Telegraph as befits its name looks a ed from a subterranean cave many % Ls Tp y A llibectod } aif . : 3 lone way ahead Canada Wl of the| miles down the valley, 'the portal'of | shine Passing Through Panama Ca-| =~ Unfortunaies vo va 3.95 Telegraph's "own people" without or which no man has ever. yet passed! 'nal 16. Be Under fi Control. : Iv L or No. 1; co 35-38 por RE Ou oar = TA are hurt This summer the Dominidn Fores- na o be nder H is : o i & fh Si - Ee ol e per b ohicks s and at present we are getting along | try Branch sent eight survey-parties Capt. Hugh 'Rodman; .B.N, 'WITH BACKACHE EAD CHE. e ou : , 7 Den dv Ree: } Hicely; Pcs Hoodomy, into the forests of the far West, and | will be the real boss of the big Pa-}* py THAT TIRE ACHE : She ot The suggestion that macadam roads the story of their experiences reads | nama sluiceway, when it is open for er TIE, ED FEELING. le be, not constructed anywhere and taal] like fiction.- One party spent the | commercial shipping next' July, and} _ _ ~ ; & aii BRK h'ved higways: be made tbe Ie summer in the wild region of nonth- | will have entire charge of all the de- | rf So, Listen. fo the Story. of George| via, making a brick paved road is twice as|ern Manitoba ; three rties were | tails of putti shi through. 3 X NO, ry. of (zeorge Bacon, PR o 6c ~p much per mile as thut of macadam. DULY iy he hill itry-6f Dun Ap wi F. Stander, and Use Dodd's Kid-| 1b. on Oy rd Buch per mle a Ato the. latter. isin the hill countryo Saskatchewan | - All vessels entering the canal will ; ep wi 18}; do. heavy. 17 to 18c: rolls, 1 Hamed at twenty times ns much a year| north of Prince Albert; one party | have a canal pilot who will take the | --ney Pills, i : 154c: breakfast bacon, 18 to 19ci backs, as, the upkeep of 'a brick road. in the Roocki 1 3 . Lily ich fa med 22 to: or Ra EEN ws 4 Atacadam roads did well enough when | Was in the ies all summer ; an- | ship to an anchorage, from whic Handsworth, Sask., April 13th.-- Lard--Tierces, 13ic; tubs, 13%c; pails: aoacadam Fo in sight, but the {other was cut off from civilization |She may not move without. permis- { (Special).--If you are one of il 14e. : : : BOY LOSES HIS Tar. 3 1 i # LE 3 I~ p or charadter of the vehicular traffic has : s h § rently. changed. Automobiles wear for several months in the low-lying | sion ef Capt. Rodman or one-of the | uniortunates who suffer from sors| Hoods. : Wholesale seed merchants are sell out macadam roads faster than wagons | muskeg region of northern Alberta port captains conveyed through the back: h Ap Vick bo bo og Sods + -- i 4 2id, snd bak vavement fof autbmobile near Lesser Slave Lake, 4nd two | pilot. : y Ee alate und that Hired et ing rec ; the trade, on Youngster Kicked Apparently Bmp Ll tin hh eka | paves explored the remote uplugd | All fhe officials who visit shift | dhip and life not wo.th living, the | 1,6 {Hl Buia tied clover, "Ne k| ty Can While Playing. Toleration in Chins. plateaus of the Railway Belt in [must report to Capt. Rodman as|giory of Geo. F. Stander. a well | Es No, Shy to 331; doy No & 80t| A despatch from Toronto - says: 7.26 t [| i President Y Shi Kal has issued a| B.C. As one of the party chiefs | head of the Department of Canal ' x3 pr BL oo ! p mandate explaining that in prescribing | writes: ('A forester needs to be i > P iy 8 fnowp Josie man of this place, will 40% 18: do., No bi. $13 0. Deter John Bolahood, ee a what Be a iclaniaes as tho. official here, besides all other professional " wo » : tack aig I'he thought empt 1g form of worship for the people of other | titlas a real bushman, an ax-man Tai For nearly ten years,. Mr. Ge Winnipeg Grain. > 1g0t, Was an empty can | : religions. "The choice of religions is 4 D] ' Stander says, "I suffered from sore | Winnipeg. April 14---Cash prices-- on the ground in his back yard, The Bill} left to the people," and diversities | and a jumper. » =; back 'and headaghe. > I had .a- bad | Wheat-No, 1 Horthern §s3c: "No. 2|can immediately 'blew. up with a of faith from whatever cause will be re- The total area examined last sum- or Caste' ia oy Ah in the M0 No : : No. 8 "North - A ' 3 3 "Bally + spected. » Pa Teed le President thtends to see to it 'mer was 11,000,000 acres, yet this is oR | ; Vil = that the sages of old shall have due hon-| hut one branch of the = Dominion ; 5 $9 and I, was always tired. 1 fipal ted ; or and that political changes shall not 4 derided that my kidneys we the : 3 Qeprive them of thelr worship. The | Forestry Branch's work of segre- Seuss of niy troubles and to | 888: Hed Wi "7 1 L decided 3 5 ho ©, 03 h 1 President steps into the place of the i 3 A ol B4dC; Emperor upon the highest terrace of the gating and securing, for the proper : s i ® ' ge Dodd's Kidne ; i W., 3 3 No. 2 feed, io Altar of. Heaven, formerly reputed to} use of the present generation and | 5 mY try 8 Ki y Pills, I got ls --No, 8, - ; No. ees rejected, Y Be the centre of the universe, that he posterity, the vast areas of mature ; 8 a odut 8 | half-a-dozen boxes, before 1 i S feed, A v Flax_No 1 Nowe, i may ther r eity h ' L " taking + 1.$1.36%; No. Wi, $1,883; 3 5 Behalf of the tolling iilions whose lot | timber, young reproduction and ¥ had finished taking them 1 Was com 3:28 et EY " . pletely. cured: +. fats § ES BALE En Ag Mttle cha d-by.the passing of. . the . x E "ola order and the humiliation of the fire-scarred brule lying between the HA ; | 1 advise anyone suffering as I © - Montreal Markets. Manchus, prairies and the barren lands in the ? : % Re or 9 Montreal, April '14. 4 ZLTt was a Manchu edict of seven vears| o.+ North-West. * ; i: did to use Dedd's Kidney Pills. votiow ap: 18. ego that required formal veneration of | Brea NO SL. 5 y } Healthy Kidneys strain. all im] Wenn tn No. 2, : i } m- eis 3 Confucius. in the schools: and put this -- A 4 43% d4c; nitoba fae : : 8 to Toa ur-- Hances the standing of this worship but a §. | out of the. blood. Weal Simos Man! wh t : tents. . bee f dhe i couples it with the" enunciation of "81 Ji js not without interest to note | En leave these impurities in the blood, Ero 750. "Winter patent on He "neighborhood "$4.70 J broad system of toleration unknown to _,in bags, $3.20 to $2.35. | ployed on. construct fag of 00) FEVHA ep IT 1 8 ! } g A ; ov : tain | 43 to 48%. Bari worshiy oil & parity with rat af hearth | C.p.R. CAPITALIZATION. "| purities, all the sceds of diseace, | tp ta imatmg. y + } ents, bigoted Manchus, It iain Line with that the groes-eapitalization of the : : and the result FRO tired $0.20 to 8.50; straight rollers, s 'conciliatory attitude -towar ad- ye / ng and Cand @eh > Nerentaiof Vhe Ehistian faith, with C.R.R. per mile is greatly below the al : ot wh 1 pe into : ios 3 which Confucianism haf many points | avérdge which other big systems % oie evelopano | 3 7 : , "His action 1 r e. 3 b al. v en. Level ! of ele ers to nora show "in the United States. The 2 Bright's Disease. 5 D ) , yr AE Pein shall be a universal ceremony will be | fixed charges of the C.P.R. are un- 2 Fil. Take weak Kidneys § d feo a do. eastern, 10 oI Bun . MEDALS FORGBRA on one side and agnosticism on = the der $18,000 per-mile, as against an| » a 3 call Viet phasis Age A pine he. Spee hi Cho ia other, which may open' the way to average of "$38,000 per mile. The KiifED BY STR ET CAR a eh Sected, ¢. ~Potatoes--Per baz, | Kroonland's" Officers: and < J . i ER arn #2, 5 hd wide acceptance of Christianity. . x or oA. NWT : eo Geant R lines Jsowpared are tho, Adchisan, | RE : = = "warded tor Their Gallantry. ) (ng * mr : ' " Sh a i : ates Mark Diz Hon a y ep consuty Pacific and Union Pacific. As to the "1 gaptain Rodman. | Woman -Jolted From Motorcycle + Minnea; hoy "April "14 Wheat May, A despatch from New York says ah took place recently resulted in |balance-sheet 'value <of the rail- EA . | and Fell Under Trolley. ter} 5! PR bers 30 to She: No Captain. Paul. Kreibohm, -comman: 4n evervhanie mall (Or 412 way and equipment por mile the cn fe fe Tonante ag haat a SE ur 1 ho Kenan, Soli Bey Saf PR Th AR, | erage. for the lines indicated for (Operation: 'As soon ai ship moves olked from an extension sea of #| 18.4is, Bete Ro Ni BE Le eo eaniind dala Cty en demeral election the regis- | 1913 was 872,000 per mile, while for | toward the'canal, its wireless anc motorcycle "driven by William Duluth, A iL H--wh Re har fr ol - Berios haa ters were those used for fts remote pre. | the C.P.R. it was only $35,000 per |all signal arrangements will be un: Thompson, '90% Markham Street; fern, Py 3 i from the Benevolent Tasha in 1876, and "suspended" from mile. If the equipment of the |der the immediate contrel of the ca { Mrs. Emma Belz, 90. i keh 30. 34 ' Bu upils the revolution of 1918. and | 0.P.R. be taken as of equal value | nal authorities. The engines of a in front of 'an eastbo ad Dun 3.504 iiBeptember, 81:50 : tensively during pine war or stnee, with the average of the lines named, | shipswill be immediately locked by{, per { There 18 one member to every A oy ' 241 4 ot WL A wD bok al al 5 7 ok a ta and, every 600 voters:are there would be assets represeriting the canal officials. by 'means of 'a [M Arthur, ats) 'Live Stock Ma: {entitled to elect a delegate: these dele- | the ordinary of $300, per ordinary | steel chain and sealing device. This 7 il! T Os Toronto, "April 14.-=~Cattl gen {gat thén meet at the chief town of A . z 21 oY as 1 "| butchers', $8 to $8,40;. Sogn TR ey Ow al] 5100 share without allowing any- |lock will be under the constant. n ,- William Good-| 37.6 adh: 85.40 xo 3. C Beeler : or members, Thus the second stage of thing at all for land. watch a canal guard and an en ; 7 0 ' were | 0 to. Helps Burglars in Work. - the election is Mable to bs Anfienced g FO 3 auch of the i wil after leav- ; nde Sat ' 1 7.40; good, $65.75. to $6. A ps 'g A 2 k 3 v cal authorities; an re have 3 3 y A 8 7 ) Abting On, 4 : a ta ? bien bitter complaints (hat the Chris- C.P.R. CAPITALIZATION. ing the locks when its removal will rey ; : MORE 8: NOW. used. tian Fopulation have been, under-estls i be ordered by "the canal 3 Tot 4 for P cli combina mated and under-represented, esp ally : v + x ¥ 2:9 BB 3 ad 3 > he é HER pat op tn Armenia. No doubt ihe awestion of It is not without interest to note | aboard. § ' ans Bo ) Bie holes 1 ; - good, LU] the ck a slight recognizing the Young Turks will under itaRzats ; K a : 5 88; to 3 tho imantances come up or the de- that. the gross capitalization of the * cision of the Jowers onstitutionalism C.P.R. per mile is greatly below 'the Capt. Rodman; (if 1] juust be upheld at all conta) even in| average which other big' systems | months he has been instructing and Mortality Prom Pneumonia. show in the United States. The | training them. : Croupous or labor. pneumonia, so- fixed charges of the C.P.R. are uns ! £ 'A e the cal \ ff, cars { called because of its affecting an entire Mal i rte Me = 4 some distance before car was treal, il % 7 lobe of the lung at once, is iH of the der $18,000 per mile, as against BN 1 p> « : N 1 Ls i J 4 5 h oy ce at 83. fum, | J ghtly was ooit Tata) forms of that disease, and |averagh. of $38,000 per mile! The DIVORCE BY WIRELESS. |between the rear trucks d the | 8 to 73; common. Af to bh. miloh cows; | © the discovery of a serum for.it is a dis- | ing od the Atohison vig Sr tose Sad oe tween the T 3 . 80 each, 3 to 8; sheep; tinct advance in medical science. This compar are. the son, Es -- Bera] ground 'that. the : ; lambs, 83 to 9; hogs about 10 Ma another Jriumoh, for the Rockefeller Topeka, 'Great Northern, Northern |n Response to Frantic Appeal By: pair gang 'had to call : A iy ara 5 of arch, which is : 4 * ' nl Ge ; wht ll > u y Ns 'doing such good service in the war Pacific and Union Padific. As tothe: * "Hawaiian Heiress. up. the rear end of feainst disease, and as in the case of | balance-sheet value of the nail: 2 : 3 could be removed rear trucks, and - again NT the typhoid 'serum and the diphther} 3 ¥ ental fs i I Oe new Tomedy tad a Yong | Way and equipment 'per smile the A Setpatell from San Francisco) \ and painstaking test before it was of: | average for the lines indicated-dorsays: Probably the first woman]... tt oi ars Cah Ws: years i eEpériment iid the Stitt 1913 was $72,000 per mile; while by 3 : ADIAN TONNAGE GRO VS. warrants the gratify i ' p a fe PAT aN Rg ants eT nR_announcement the €.P.R. it was only $35,000 per now be greatly reduced. Mr. Rog : ro mile, If. the equipment... of the Ho fu raiia ; : : u : ; 341 has recently added a million dollars to| C.P.R. be taken as of equal value. A 8 1 A 110! nent 'of a department for the stady of | With the average of the lines named animal, diseasesl 17011 : there, would: be assets representing . 74 But itis impossible-to patch up a he ord uty of 3300, ver ordi 3 Phationto hal theipssche won't 3100 ut allowing any

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