Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 1 Apr 1914, p. 7

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ee or can be had by ea on on six bay for 50 from The Dr. illiams' Medi- ine Co., Broskville, Ong Jie --# Er x os 5 'of New re in Brevehiive Medicine, = oy Ee pre of the eadly of them a prey (to. others, which have a upon' the human 0 Samia! it is only very recently that the 'breeding hem, 50 as estroy * their patho- En ies, has dawned., SP ratour held that no "change in the form of bacteria was likely. {Koch apprehended the truth and ived long enough to see it demon- 'strated. Tt is now. known that there re at least four strains of the fu- ercle. bacillus, only two of which 'are Jathogenie for man. 'may be o! from one form iato an- 'other. he human tubercle bacil- 1 'lus, for instance, become bovine |. 'when passed through 'a cat" Their virulence may be largely or greatly intensified by culture; alo : Souzdtwenties The human | ; ubercle bacillus, culivated Tn af co where a Bd Es nd have never 'failed: te py eeired; efron: ' a Fd il my full permission to tell the og Jou x what they have done for me." . Women who suffer i in silence' i ntly. The and when tor Hugo was ei en Ta ly | celebrated biographical novel, 13 | "Quatre. Vings reise' - that is to irteen" -- he igs ha ve shuddered over the en- re area of his subconscious sensi- ls ire wr Yet he may not. The French, and even good stud- of other nationalities who have mail doquired a French which & French- man can listen to. Without gritting his teeth, do not seem to be worri- ed at- all' by this peculiar French habit, which, if it were not impels ed by courtesy to call a "Galli- cism,'" we would certainly call a {'barbariem." WHEN, BABY. 1S ILL. When your Baby 4 is ill; wher, he is|is cross and hard to mind'; when | his teeth are bothering | him or he lis troubled with constipation or indigestion ; give him Baby's Own Tablets. They are the best medi- cine for little omeE. They never 'fail to regulate the bowels and sweeten the ae thus making teething easy; curing constipation, colic, indigestion, and breaking up colds and fevers. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 95 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. RAEN 3 Costs Nothing to Ask. Caller: "But you said you would not charge me anything for the Jit {le legal question I asked you.' Latwyer: 'I didn't; what Pre charged you for is theranswer." 7 gm v pepe. wioolo dl : To whom it may, concern: This 15 to tify that' 1 have wu p mh he myself aswell as prescrib- iment > . KING, 'MD. i; Fi Xosomaia ie of the. ""Sirenuous Modern Tite. "So many men and women,' espe || cially those past their first youth, find gificulty in procuring the |i sou; | 8] ke igh | | heically the body is tired out, the brain i8 alert ag ever, and perfect ¥8 Landen ie off. 2 hemselvorgias : ee ep i to] The Magio Hoe Used as a Means of Punishment. i Amaury Talbot of the Nigerian political service, who has traveled much through Africa studying the various tribes, says the Ibibios, na- tives 'of southern Nigeria, who are of such aNow type ab they are called mud. fish. rank among the most ancient of "southern Nigerian tribes and speak different dinlects| of a very old and primiitve tongue. Witch doctors dominate the life} of the race. As a prot against farm thefts certain are recited over the long hoe d for breaking up the ground and' a "medicine" ured over it, after] which it is given back to its owner to be hung up in ® eonspicuous place on the ntation, No sooner does the thi 'creep Qrer the bound- ary than the magic hoe springs to his hand. Unconsciously his fingers cl themselves round the haft. He 18 bent down b oy a power there is no resisting and finds himself forced against his will to hoe and "hoe. Not for a moment can he pause even to straighten his back, so long as a single weed remains on the | farm, a single yam needs banking or a single clod would be the better for breaking. So long must the evil-doer continue to work for the man he had intended to rob. Only when the owner arrives, and should e wish 80, can the magic hoe "be released. It is not eaid whether the magic has ever worked. Quaint burial custome prevail. Often slaves are sacrifoed at the death of a chief and buried with him. Until prohibited by the gov- erment chiefs were buried-in their houses with strange ritual and-sac- rifice. burial ber was pre- EeThs 7s pared underneath one of the rooms and. 35. Ahn the. «chief's body was st loved wife and te His bes beautiful « of his red the room and seated oppasite hel remonial A oll buy Ai the chamber the urforturiate 2 2 lingering WO ~ slaves ord. ; After soup « women Were death. oe mdi " Die mete : Jint and. Masel P: Pai "" Banishied: by Neriline IT cl RES RHEU 'Thousands of le, he joy of living--happy, glad, bright. ple, that Ni has curéd of reir pains, all tell the same wonder: ful story. of its power fo drive out the aches and tortures of r efmatipm and neck full of C3 oT - = 3 a WITCH DOCTORS STILL RULE.{ Boston, U. 8. A. UNNECESSARY DISTURBANCE. ---- Young Man Was Making Much Ado About a Small Matter. During the hearing of & law case, a man began to move about in the back of the court room, pushing back chairs, and disturbing things generally. "Young man," the judge said, at L length, looking at him sternly, "you are making a great deal of noise." "Your honor,"" was the reply, the fact is that I have lost my overcoat, and IT am looking about to find it."' "Well, sir,"' said the judge, "peo- ple often lose whole suits here with- |p out making half as much disturb-|L ance." Suffered 20 Years With Kidney Trouble, Cured By Gin Pills. Mr. Daniel F. Fraser of Bridgeville, N.8., says about GIN PILLS: "For twenty years I have heen troubled with Kidney and Bladder Discase, And have been'treated by many doctors but found little relfef. I had given up all hope of getting cured when I tried GIN PILLS. Now, I can say with a happy heart, that I am cured after using only four boxes of GIN PILLS." G60c. a box, 8 for $2.50. Sample free if you write National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. x Even Harder. "He had a heart as hard as stone, This villainous old gent; Perhaps we'd better.say as hard As reinforced cement. . Minard's Liniment Relisves Neuralgia. "Not a Professional Ned : ("What did Miss Petite 'do when you kissed her' Ted: "She' told me to call on Fri- 'day hereafter, because that was smdteur! 8 might, 1 in'@ to 14 Days %0 reofu money. if; PA BE toning, Bling, * fails to cur es. irst application . 60c. om giv es relief, * Breaking 1f Gently, Hellod.18it down. I beligvo, you have come to ask me-- ~"You-hdve-been misinformed. ! haven' t Some to ack you anything, " . el understand iyou----""" "came merely because 1 wished tq be first to tell you a bit of good ne "1 'ain going to marry your daughter. 4 Minard's. Linimont Cures Dandruff. fama "Wh to gated f en investi - peightior's farmhand d, | in his best. | the Tight as far as possible, © land, attracted by its evident ad- Saptability > their needs, as well' [hopes of the author of the experi- "| in all communities which prefer bats d | to mosquitos, and suggests to nerv- STAT EERRIES ESP REARS TIT ous folks that bats really aren't A A A + MiComnel '| very unpleasant creatures--when his left hand against the back of the are mosq a high wooden building, with I | findows windows so fashioned sof | fashio ned as to permit the bats to come-and go at will and yet Exclude t proves to be exactly to their liking, as by its n 80 near to an abusdass, food supply, they have oc- it in large numbers. result has far exceeded the ment. 'Mosquitoes have already al- most disappeared from the neigh- borhood, and malaria, once a soourge, is now practically un- known, At the same time, the nu- merous conveniences of the "bel- fry" are certain to make it a per- manent abiding place for the bat Fon os thus assuring freedom Tom mosquitoes and . consequent immunity from mosquito-bred- dis- eases indefinitely. It is not only a cheap system of sanitation, but one that promises permanent effectiveness. Its orig- ator commends it for general use once one becomes habituated to them. i an Ie LGV Unsightly Warts Removed The operation is simple and painless --just apply Putnam's Wart and Corn Extractor. For fifty years it has been curing warts and will cure you too. Try Putnam's Extractor, 26c. at all dealers. a or Something Turkish. Mrs. Kawler: 'And is Henrietta's parlor well furnished?' Mrs. Blunderby: 'Indeed it is, my dear. Bhe has one of the most comfortable ortolans I ever sat upon." Only One "BROMO QUININE" et the sgnuine, call J for full name, XATIVE NINE, Look 0 signature of B. W, GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day.. 26¢. Room Savers, "These collapsible opera hats are a great convenience, 01" 'Yes; you have no idea wuch room they save in a flat." how Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Ete. A Mean Man. | FARMS FOR BALE. ' H. Ww. DAWSON, Ninety Colborns Stross, . Toronto. T7100 WANT 70, BUY on SELL 4 i rh Siok, St Grain, aay 3] > « 0! Jolborns Bt. Parente: A nm MW WH. W. DAWSON, Colborns St, Tororts. mm WANTED. GENTS FOR WEATHER INSBUR-, ance, low rates, liberal commission.' Apply, The Canada Weather Insurance ompany, Toronto. ' NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. { OOD WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN IN York County. Stationery and Book Business in connection. Price "only 4,000. Terms liberal. Wilson Publish ng Company, 73 West Adelaide Street. Toronto. NURSERY STOCK. & Bon, Grovesend, Ontario. MISCELLANEOUS, \ ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETO.) interpal and external, cured i out pain' by our home treatment. Write ye before too late. Dr. Bellman Medios)? Co.. Limited, Collingwood, Ont. H ESTAB'D 1856 Used by success- ful planters for over half a century Wl Ourlargeand beautifullyillustrated CATALOGUE FREE J. A. SIMMERS, Limited . TORONTO, ONT, Ne She saw him fold a piece of paper and put it in the farther corner of the drawer in the library table. If he had carelessly thrown it in, she would have thought nothing of it. "What's that?' she asked. 'Oh, nothing," he replied. She 'wondered what it was, and as he had said it was of no impor- tance, he had no one to blame but himself if she looked at it, which she did, at the first opportunity: This is what she read: "I'll bet you a new hat your curi- osity will not permit you to leave this alone.' The Demagogue Described. "Father," said a small boy, t'what's: a demagogue?" "A demagogue, my son, is 2 man who can rock the boat himself "and persuade everybody that there' 8 a terrible' storm #t sea.' s-- Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak Watery' Eyes or Granulated Doesn't Sma Mrlne GI Ee 0 TEL ! Eye Books Free by' Mail. SE Eo Ee Mu Murine Eye Remedy Ce. Chicage _ RCA + HE MEANT WELL. What Traveller Received for Ten- dering al Little Assistance. English cyclists travelling alone 'on the Continent have many queer 'experiences, says a contributor to the Boston Traveller. One of them it tells. A young man who was bicycling in southern France was pushing his machine up a steep hill, when he | overtook a peasant with # donkey a| cart who was making but little pro- 'grees, although the donkey was do- eo benevolent cyélist, putting cart and guiding his machine with the o ished hard that the i tabing 1 resh courage, pull- rst into thanks to his St vas very hE yon Jodeed monsieur," he protested hill ad up fo the top success- | ye. The summit redshed, the peasans} What IS Your Best Horse Worth fo You ? Vet your best horse is just as liable to develop a Spavin, Ringbone Splint, Curb or lameness as your poorest} KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE has raved many thousands of dollars in Horse flesh by entirely curing these ailments, Garnet, Ont., Feb, 25th, 103 "1 have used Kendall's Spavin Cure to cm' several jacks, and rem a bunch of; long! standing, caused by a kick." gyn Gramass, Don't take chances w Sh your horses, Xeep & bottle of Kendall's ha: 43 I --6 fos. Qurl Que boule | "Treatise on the Hora ce atdm, Dr, B. J. KENDALL C0., Enosburg ra "u { --_-- iil Yery Likely. Personal in New York paper:{ "Gentleman who cut a pencil in half for lady on train, please - be oni same train Wednesday , or make ap. |! pointment." ' { ky Lady: in Brown: "She probably wants the pencil sharpened." : it TAKE © MYADVIC p Don't waste tire on Inferk or salves' because: they're a CT have oe proved. * Zam-Buk 3 e \ as

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