Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 25 Mar 1914, p. 3

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Freeman Leslie, 'Greenwich, Yitess We have fou und Dr. 'They also ou my So nd when he was Jp rom a cents a box 'or SIX boxes for from The Dr, Williams "Medi- is That It us. y Literally as well as figuratively, ur oil upon the troubled wa- "to 'calm them 'to a degree. "has been known from Sime im- memorial, althou its scientific ex+ planation is boven it too familiar n at the present day. The 'se- sret, of the phenomenon lies in the act that oil is extremely viscous, at is to say, it is of a ropy con- sistency, sticky and adhesive, a can be spread out into a very thin comparatively strong sheet. lubricating a Seah in- ich present 'cons to the motions of the element : fue water waves still roll] h as before, but they reak into ripples, so sea, when oil-cover- L| editor of |' Mme. Caillaux's murderous act, youthful family: 31 Mark. said to her as she d nd Own Tablets an excellent remedy | iams'~ Medicine. Co., Brockville : earnest 'about it. /In an article in 8| of the travellers called to the others -- CALMETTE, ; garo, who was shot dead! by the ps of M. Caflfaux, the French 'Minister of Finance. Those who have met M. Calmette will Facog this 2 5 a striking likeness. An exchange has aptly stated that 'An one instant, ruined her husband's poli- tical career, which M. Calmette, with all his efforts as editor of Figaro, had failed to accomplish. A Girl All Right. Mark Twain, so the story goes, was walking on the street one day when he met a 'woman with her 'So, this is the little girl, eh V' isplayed her children. "And this sturdy little urchin in the bib belongs, I suppose, to the contrary sex." "Yaseah,"" the woman replied; | "yassa, dat's a girl, too." Ne 1A GOOD MEDICIN FOR LITTLE ONES Baby' s Own Tablets are an excel- lent remedy for little. ones. They are a gentle laxative which sweet- en the , regulate the els, banieh constipation, worms, colds and simple fevers, and make the child happy, healthy and strong. Concerning them Mrs. Pierre Tou- signant, Ste. Sophie. de Levrard, Que., writes: "I have found Baby's for my little ones and would not be without them." The Tablets @re sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 «By a box from The Dr! Wil- -|:Ont. 8 Business Instinct. apes "In aiPetilons Situation; ? your only su om bet in the Wide World Magazine, Mr.| Malcolm Savage Treacher tells the story of a German mountain-climber, who did: not forget to be economical, even in the midst of deadly peril. A party was crossing a glacier on 'the slope of Ment Blanc when one to stop and listen. came feet, Strange cries bow- rom the ice beneath heir : an all t Dad thea ya medi I | before, and I have femained strong I All women who stuffer should look' 'ever since. now, as well as "fam be. -}to the Kidneys. They aré the main- | Ohio. ia wr} y y he ua Catarrhozone is a guaranteed cure spring of health. eep the Kidneys strong by using Dodd's s Kidney Pills and they will take care of the rest of the body. ts ree Bite CAUSE OF THUNDER.: It Is Thought that Thunder Is Due to Intense Heating of Gases. For a long time it was supposed that the noise of thunder "was caused by the closing up of the vac- uum created by the passage of the lightning, the air rushing in from all sides with a clap; but the intens- ity of the noise is rather dispropor- tionate, and it is now thought that thunder is due to the intense heat- ing of gases, especially the gas of water vapor along the line of elec- tric discharge, and the consequent conversion of suspended moisture into steam at enormous pressure. In this way the crackle with which a peal of thunder sometimes begins might 'be regarded as the sound of eam Sepiosion = a small scale' caus 1 8s before tl main' fla The rumble would be wo the overlapping steam' explosions, and the final clap; which seunds loudest, would be the steam explo- sion nearest to the auditor. In the case of rumbling thunder the lights ning is passing from cloud to cloud: When the flash passes from clouds to the earth the clap is loud: est at the beginning. Ong investi- gator has given substance to these suppositions by causing clectrie flashes to pass from point to point through terminals clothed in soaked coarse wool, and he succeeded in magnifying the crack of the electric spark to a startling extent. It is quite possible_that further experi- ments will add to his findings. A Resemblanee.. © "Black makes me think of an | lactic, bu button, f 2 "He won accomplish anything unless He's pushed." [Healthy Boys : and Girls Always Hungry And for a quick, easily prepared lunch, a generous . {treatment price $1.00. « { shown, d : alted far above her len sister 2 Chrysothemis.. would certainly have ; r been a suffragette, had she lived in this century, her sense of justice| 'at| was so developed as well as her is "but ¥ Kuown method. of isease germs after the air passages-- 'Catarrhozone. on By alone of all the thou- I and one remedies can be carried the air we breathe to the minutest cells of. the respiratory organs, where | it~destroys the. germs, heals all the irritated surfaces, and effects a per- manent, lasting cure. ~ "My nostrils were so stuffed up with }| Catarrh that my head ached all day. night I could scarcely sleep because awful droppings from my nose throat--which kept my stomach] a constant state of disorder. But Catarrhozone cured me--strengthened 'my throat and gave me protection 'against repeated coughs and colds. I urge all sufferers to use Catarrhozone." [--J. P. Andre (Salesman), Hamilton, for every form of throat trouble, Bron- chitis, Asthma, Catarrh, It has cured others, why 'not you? Two months' All dealers, or the Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Ont. Ps SPAIN'S GREAT LOTTERY. Kingdom Peeved Because Aliens ; Drew Prizes. © Spain conducts a national lottery all the ycar, with the largest prizes distributed at Christmas time. There is disgust in the kingdom be- cause in the recent drawing the two chief prizes were to rank outsiders. Buenos Ayres drew $1,200,000 and London $600,000, and the ticket buyers were respectively a commer- cial firm and a bank, Part of the fourth and fifth prizes also enriched foreigners. experience the past year was much like the year before, when aliens were the luck winners. Spain clears a good deal through the lot- terse t sold more than $10,000,000 . Pigkots ab Christmas, paid $7,000,000 in prizes, and netted more than $3,000,000. The lottery handles about 26,000,000 a year against 4,000, 000 in 1850, so that the institution is growing. Tickets are sold all over the world, but not many ig this country. Is Your Wife Bad Tempered ? Chances are she has corns that ache like fury, Buy her a bottle of DPut- nam's Corn Extractor. It acts pain- lessly, gives instant relief, and cures every kind of corn. Insist on getting only Putnam's Extractor, 2bc. at all dealers. ok CARELESS MINERS. Have Sought Out Method ef Light- ing Cigarettes in Mines. The comparative futility of mech- anical devices for reducing the dan- gers of mine explosions is still 'A few yearh ago it. was thought the safety lamp was going to do the service, but now it is es- tablished that the safety lamps are not always safe by any means. Ex- periments have shown that a small piece of picture wire across the terminals of one of the small two- volt batteries of the safety lamp immediately becomes red hot--hot enough to dgnite gas. In fact, miners have managed to make im- provised "cigarette lighters out! of the current thus produced. It looks as if, as go often has been asserted, that "the «chief danger to the miner lies in his own carelessness. regs Try ry Murine £1: Bye Remedy n Goldie ie has Yin 'Sed was is thority and following accept the 3 oo sm i Sa urine Lai powers of imperious persuasion. 'Cleopatra, Hypatid, Joan of Arc, however. diverse otherwise, were at least alike in rebelling inst au- eir own way. Rowena would have seemed more attractive had she eloped with| go Ivanhoe, and we all prefer the nob- ler Rebecca, who nearly died a mar- tyr because she was among the first lady doctors. From time immemorial courage and spirit have been extolled, and Justly so, too. People who feel ply cahnot always be passive.' They wish to contro} destiny, not to be controlled by it; and sometimes they actually succeed in their de- sire, through their very refusal, to inevitable. =~ Obedience is at 'to be often over: rated virtue which may be the re- sult of indifference or laziness, a mere craving for peace at any price, instead of a genuine and unselfish humility. Dangerons Throat Troubles Prevented by Nerviline IT ENDS MISERY OF COLDS QUICKLY. Don't wait till night. Get after your cold now,--this very minute, before it grows dangerous you should apply old-time "Nerviline." Rub your chest and throat, rub them thoroughly with Nerviline. Re- lief will be immediate. Nerviline will save you from lying awake to-night, coughing, choking and suffering from congestion in the chest and acute pain in the throat. Nerviline will break up that dull neuralgia headache--will kill the cold and chill at its very beginning--will gave you from perhaps a serious ill- ness, To take away hoarseness, to break up a grippy cold, to cure a sore throat or bad cold in the chest, you can use nothing so speedy and effective as Nerviline, For forty years it has been the most largely used family remedy in the Dominion. Time has proved its merit, so can you by keeping handy on the shelf the large 50c. family size bottle; small trial size 25c., sold by any dealer anywhere. dr Breach of Promise, He called her lovey dovey, And piggy wiggy May, In the letter that he wrote her Upon a summer's day. And now her lawyer has it-- It's marked "Exhibit A." Marion Bridge, C.B., May 30, '02. £ I have handled MINARD'S LINT- Mpa during the past year. It is al- s the first Liniment asked for here, ay unquestionably, the best seller of an the different kinds of Liniment I Hanale, NEIL FERGUSON. Why It Failed. « Visitor---Why- did your little pa- er fail? Bogville Editor--Why, rs. Chinn, the village gossip. had the news spread through the town before I could set up my type. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Bays Pins ists refund money AZO MENT falls to cure Ficning, Bitea, ol I aes: First application gives relief. c. Slippery. No. wonder that his spirits fell, And that he tripped and stumbled © there. ta when he tried his love to. tell She handed him an icy stare. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Ete. FLEAS'. BITES DANGEROUS. Transport Micrebian Agent on to Those Bitten. Numerous diseases ave transmit- ted by stinging insects, yellow fever 'being spread by te stegomya, the ing sickness _propagated |. by Dba tnets: "Bt niin ; uitdes and" flies; fleas 'wou to play a: Pry strong deadly ne. sole Jn : FARMS ron SALE. 3 " re SAwsow, Ninety Colborne ror I a WANT TO BUY OR SELL A ruil, a Spain, or Dairy Farag Bra u mpton. or Cottorns 8t., Toronto, P H. W. DAWSON, Colborns St, Toronto WANTED, 3 a GENTS FOR WEATHER INSURs ance, low rates, liberal commission,, Apply, The Canada Weather Insurgnce Company, Toronto: We will pay you $120. 00 to distribute religious literature in your communi ixty days' work. Experience not -requi en or women, Oppors tunity or promotion, Spare time may be .. International Bible Press Company, 182 Spadina, Toronto. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE, OOD WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN IN York County. Stationery and Book Business in connection. Price only $4,000. Terms liberal. 'Wilson Publish- ing Company, 78 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. NURSERY STOCK. J TRAWBERRIES, RASPBERRIES, FIFT Varieties. Free Catalog. McCounnel Dye Grovesend, Ontario. MISCELLANEOUS, TUMORS, LUMPS, ANCER, ETO. internal and external, cured with out pain by cur ome treatment. Write us before too late. Bellman Medical Co., Limited. Gollingwond, Ont. Well Trained. The Manager--Yes, we need a man for the complaint desk. Have you had any experience 1 The Applicant--1've lived with my wife's relatives for the last four years and I've heard nothing but complaints in all that time. Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. One on the Customer, Customer--1'1l give you one dol- lar for that book. That's every cent, it's worth. Shopman--I--I-- Customer (interrupting) -- One dollar, or nothing. Shopman~-Very well, sir. Thanks. Cash! I-was trying 0 say that the retail price of the book was seventy- five cents, but you wouldn't allow me to. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININR Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. KE. W. GROVE'S sfgna- ture is on each box. sie 4 Hard fo Pass. Blobbs--Bjonnes is aa awful scrapper. He reminds me of a plug- ged dime. Slobbs--In what way? Blobbs--You can't pass him with- out raising @ Tow. Won a Client, . Jenkins--* 'Didn't that lawyer on the other side give you a terrible overhauling i? Thompson--*"Did- n't he though? You bet if I have any more law 'business I'm going to hire him.' HAIR GAME 0UT BY HANDFULS With Dandruff and liching Scalp, Scalp Covered with Small Pim= ples. Used Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Now No Trouble At All, 603 Jane 8t., Toronto, Ont.-- "1 was first troubled with my hair gotting brittie and later dandruff and itching scalp. 1 was afraid to comb my bair as it came out by | handfuls and the itching was go severe I was miserable. ) The trouble kept me from Eg slecping. My scalp wes covered with small pimples which scemed to run futo ono another and form a scab. The dandruff was bad I was afraid to comb my hair as it mado it show so plainly. It looked very badly. I was Htinking of Hav- ing my head shaved. Ea "For & 109g time Trlod ----, --a, =m and soveral other remedies but they did not cure it. After some months I picked up a paper with the Cuticura Soup and dintment advertisoment and sent right away for a salut Cutiesra Scape. Ointment. On using just or ht ho troubles 1 vot si or Bight hoxes of hE Soap y and.my | Olntmont also tho Cuticira al ntal researches haye just|. day 27-3 made at the Pasteur Tnstitute | ed by these insects / the part 1 boil

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