obo atay eet were, badly' bal Sd tras 12 Pai I had 'been doc- to give: Pills a trial, and oh a supply. Af4 they were helping ing we, and 1 -- a further Supply, sad 'nerves, begin to rar yourself to- day with Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, 9 ict under a fair trial will do for Dr: Wiltions hos, e, Ont. ar RELIEVED HIS MIND. 'Questioner Much Concerned About i a Few Million Years. An eminent English man of science recently delivered a lecture * during which amusing incident occurred. In the course of his re- - marks he said something to this ef- fect: 'It is a well lished fact that the sun is gradually losing its heat, and that in the course of seventy million years its heatin, wer will be so diminished that al eneficent, effects will be lost, and no life can exist on the ea, "Ag soon-as this sentence Was ub | . tered, a sturdy Briton in the rear of the hall rose and signified his de-{- site bo ask a question, "Pardon 2 He said, "but how long did say it would be before this ter- Te ian calamity would coeur?' "Why, about seventy million years," repeated the scientist, with al neither of Ahossivisite was'made, A few years ao, Bir Edward said i inal €peech : | (Ho died b ts went, around th' Vick | added to m 3 ueys. It you have any two a Paaatd AaiEn 'For een years my life a outiiesf 'struggle. to live TRE y an 3 3 oy . tape measure,' replied Mike, died; sorr."" £ 5 udeen y Rained t m1 sup ew 3 . "Oh, no sorr," e srr, an' died by th' ; le a BARTS OWN TABLETS. BANISH {ASTOR OIL Once a ollie ti uses Baby's Own Tablets she will never again use Castor oil, that barbarous purga- tive which all children loath, The Tablets are a gentle laxative; plea- sant to take and are absolutely the best medicine a mother can give her little ones. Concerning them Mrs. Hector Blanchette, Rouville, Que., writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets in place of castor oil and am well satisfied with them." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. me MN CANALS AND AUTOS. England's Waterways. May Yet Be ©. Converted Into Highways, Pew things can (moro strikingly illustrate = the changes brought | about. by the: progress of recent "years than the proposition to. con- .| vert the vast number of canals in England into trunk motor highways for the exclusive use of auto traffic. "| The suggestion is made by no less |, EE rie 8 iret on © pire Beat! | sey Dosti and Harbor Board. practical a personage than Danson | 0 TOm- It he mari. . "When Rheumatism was finally ills I decided to try, Dodd's Kidney Pills. One had ne no return of my trouble.' Kidney Pills cured Mrq|. Bytes T or 'because it was ! cauged by sick Kidneys. Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure sick Kid-| Pyl Bachelor: Why, abo ocook-book 1 I he Agent: 'But Es id fee +{ your confmiskion. , Have on Faded geiiwlll Lh % Pilon Cured 1.05034. eye D refund money es falls to cure a LAH tiog ; Time. Effie: my, when you and daddy Was a did you soguge 'him or he 'engage you ys Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. No Lie. ve et First Wanderer: op pay my rent by the' arbor now; Bill." '« Second Ditto: "G'wanl 'What {are you giving us?' 4 id a hs Sa oe First: 'That's : {atraight--twetitys five cents a Right, " "> Try Murine Eye Remedy It Red, Weak or Gruaiand Murine Murine ye Salve 25¢, Se Eye Sooks Free a Malt Murine Eye Bomedy Con Chi Chicase How Personally Conducted. He: "Have you seen our new al- tar?' She: '"Lead me to it." Minare i Cy 7 t ve us 3 Oroup; found nothin al to it; sure CHAS. B. SHARP. Hawkshaw, N.B., Bept. lst, 1905, Tiedrd in a Bako Shop. Baker: 'No. five-cent loaves of pumper. 'nickel left, sir; only the tomes 4 1 u ery: we give me & loa of perdime." 2 4 Raed fo pasili Const Western Ry., fe, Abe ints in 5 or points noe ia, Vancouver, t and "Oanadian Northw Marsh Soh 81. tingalss, of which n any "for 'many °F 1 Manchester Inventor Has Machine was nervous and my skin itched and] 3 '| burned ab night. "Which Should Break Records. Highly ingenious device, 'which un- | doubtedly will prevent many future box | accidents is about to be embodied in '|cured mie completely, and I have; | & new British aeroplane now _near- ing completion. A difficult problem; which has al- way confronted aeroplane designers and has become more urgent i ever with the great increase speed, has heen that of F ohakling k| machines to land at's reasonably | slow anand Tot fy te fast as : s pro- vision may be gauged from the fact of he or ficsoplane: with; ita we. better part 1 fqn, and that "the usual" flying od | pods range from 01 80 miles' an our, . «i A.V, Roe, the Minohester design. ojo has adopted the expedient . of Azo | Providing his latest biplane, a'very all machine, with "Swept-back" | nas, and jig expested toibeat all "I'existirig* records 'with what are termed, "air; (brake: 4, Es NW iL Read the Papers. Teacher: "What is a pedes- trian 0' Country Pupil: "A feller what Bets run Overby an automobile.' ----ee His. Flesh Horribly Burnt "His druggist seld him a oheap dold corn cure; what he should haye bought was Patnam's Corn Extractor; it's purely Yogetable and acte in 24 hours, Inset on only "Putnam's Extractor," 25. at all dealers. ------ > TA Sensitive Protest. '"You've gone to a great deal of trouble and expense to give your boy an education." "I wouldn't mind that," replied Farmer Corntossel, *'if Josh would- n't come home and expect to leayn me a8 much in' two or three weeks as he found out during the whole term.'! Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Pardoned Him. "He has some sins,'"' St. Peter said ; "but cover them with chalk ; He's often listened for two hours to other people talk." Minister (who has surprised Mo- Dougal writing a betting slip): "McDougal, I am verra surprised at ye. Ye ken it's awfu' sinful tae' gamble, "don't ye?' McDougal: "Weel, meenister, I must either gamble' or drink. "Ye know the pro- verb says, 'Of two evils 'choose the least. ' It.wadna be carryin' it out to choose neither.' A. cable from London says: A)" {good crops 'in all seasons. 'named tw her a young prin- cess 'The Daydream and the E prin mare." EE Magical Effect on Nearalgia Throbbing Pain Goes Quickly A YEAR'S SUFFERER CURED BY ~~ "NERVILINE. {again suffer long from Neuralgia. Nerviline will 'quickly cure the worst 'Neuralgia; and Mrs. G. Evans, in 'her strong letter written from Rus- sel post office, says:--'One long year, n [thé longest of my life, was almost en- tirely given up to treating dreadful attacks of Neuralgia, The agony I experienced during some of the bad attacks was simply unmentionable. To [use remedies by the score without permanent relief was mighty digcour- aging: At last I.put my faith in Ner- viline; I read of the wonderful pain- subduing power it possessed and made up my mind to prove-it: valuable or useless. Nerviline at once eased the pain aiid cured the headache. Con: tinuous treatment with this 'magic working reniedy, cured me eptirely, and Pe ever since stayed well." - Mrs. Tivan's case i8' But one 'of hur- dreds that: might be .quoted. : Nervi: line ig a specific for all nerye; muscu: lar or joint pain! It quickly cures neuralgia, sclatica, lumbago, lame |. back; neuritis..and rheumatism. Forty years in use, and to-day. .the most widely used liniment in the .Domin- fon. Don't take anything but "Ner- viline," which any dealer anywhere can supply in large 60c. family sfze bottles, or in a small 26¢. trial size. Industry." Prisoner: "Your Honor, I stole to buy tools, s0's. I could go to work.' |. ; Judge: 'What tools did you need ?" : Prisoner: "Why, a brece and bit, a jimmy, a diamond drill. Dem tings cost money.' 'Only One "BROMO QUININE" To get the genuine, call for full name, LAXATIVE BEOMO QUININE. Look for signature of KE. W, GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day. 26c. RECLAIMING WASTE LAND. Farms Are Built Out of River Silt In a Part of England. . A curious method of reclaiming waste land for agricultural pur- poses prewails in a limited district of England along the Trent, Ouse, the great estuary of the Humber in northern Lincolnshire and south- east Yorkshire. The water of the tides that come up these rivers is exceedingly mud- dy. In summer a cylindrical glass filled with this water to a depth of twelve or fifteen inches will present- ly deposit an inch or more of mud, known locally as '"'warp."' No one knows where tho warp comes from; for, to quote an English description of this locality, "The Humber at its mouth is clear water, and no floods in the countries washed by these rivers bring in the warp, but on the contrary they do much mischief by spoiling 'it. I the very driest sea- sons and longest droughts it is best | and most plentiful.' Originally, the. tide water 'aged to overflow the river banks, and 'spread a "deposit of mud over the surrounding cotiitry," When "the | rivers were banked in, strips trom a quarter to half a.mile wide on either || side.sbecame fertile tracts.of land | and were greatly esteemed, as they werd well drained and 'produced Behind these tracts, however, there are ex- "Utensive tracts of 'lower lands' that {'were Waierlogged of since they were the river. "warping," below the leve The system of or i building up these waste lands into glans by the use of the river a to about 1780. A ig est inclosed with a the river fentile de ep No person reading this need ever Don and other rivers that flow into Cuticura Soap AndOinfment Treatment: On retiring, soak the hands in hot water and Cuticura Soap. Dry, anoint with Coticum, Ointment, and wear soft bandages or old loose gloves during the be night min mar np rn DiniD; at past-from. Kidr Pot Dr 4 Oram Gics. Deg. 13, Boston, 0.8. LPARMNS "FOR: SALR rex IMPROVED - FARM, ACES, owner, Bn Bintang. Ti M WW. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Strast, Torentd. F YOU WANT TO BUY OR BELL A 1 ue a tock 'Graim, Bon "Dairy 4 ly; ABI m, or other 8t., To enar emp he H.W. DAWSON, Colbérns Bt, Toronts . WANTED; 2 N A oa "WE WANT YOU. . WRITE Dominion Shade Adjuster 'Cou Wind: sor, 'Ontario. 'We will pay you $120.00 to distribute religious literature in your Spmuniy, ied 2H. days' work, Experients not en or women. Oppors tunity f for promotion. Spare time may be ued, International Bible Press Company, 182 Spadina, Toronto. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. 00D WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN IN York County. Stationery and Book - Business in connection, Price on $4,000. Terms liberal. Wilsor-Publish- ing Company, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto, NURSERY STOCK. TRAWBERRIES, RASPBERRIES, FIFT Varieties. Free Catalog. MoConnel Son, Grovesend, Ontario. MISCELLANEOUS, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETO, internal and external, cured with. out pain by our home treatment. Wri ue before too late. Dr. Bellman Medio Co.. Limited, Collingwood, Ont. S & ANCER, Den't tnke too many chances with Splint, curb, ringbone, bony growi vs, swore and of lameness. Use theold reliable re) KENDALL'S Spavin Cure It has been used b horsemen, veter narians and farm. ers {or 35 years-- and it has proved its worth fu hundreds of thousands of cases, Bickerdike, Alta.; Jan. 29, 1013. "I have been using Kendall's Spavin Cure ora good many years with ood results, I fos Tam never without 1. E H. NEIDORY, $1 a bottle--g for 85, at druggists--or write for copy or our book '"I'reatise on the Horse" free, Dr. B. J. KENDALL COMPANY Enosburg Falls, Vermont, U.S.A, ™ Sree e----y Got a Surprise Himself. Cholly : 'And' was my present a surprise to your sister?" Willie; "You bet! Bis said she 'never thonght you'd send her sug. thing' so cheap." Sr fof Minard"s Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. ti married?' "Yes; formerly I had good quarters." "And now?" "Well, now I have a better half.' 'Are you better off for: get In a certain literary club years ago one of the members, in propos. ing the name of a candidate for membership, mentioned among his Anaifgtions 3 that he could speak ages. . i this an never heard the Topliod a in * Be a speak but one, dead language, and 'he murdered as he wentalong. Te