¥ A me rE . of Toronto, apd Mrs Spencer and family Lounty. an 15 on the sick list. "Mrs. Thomas Graham 1s Yary Tow at time of writing, RSE Auibng the Christmas visitors were: * Wii¥ses Minnie and Josie Mitchell, J Mr Joseph Fitchett, of Woodstock, with his mother. Miss Ella Parkin and Mr. Dan Mc- Clain, of Lindsay with Mrs. J. Parkin. Mr. and Mrs: James Pearson, of Oshawa, and Mr, and Mrs. Ed Bar-| nh of Greenbank, with Mrs. R. Mun- Ty E. Dobsofi and Mr. J. Masters. We are pleased to see Mr. and Mrs R. G, Stump with us after going to Alliston on their honeymoon. Quite 'a number from Prospect tendered them a grand reception on Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J- T. Dobson. Everybody present weported a good time. Stump-- Dobson On Wednesday of last week sur- rounded only by the immediate rela- tives of the bride*and groom, a very pretty event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Dobson, when their eldest daughter Lottie was unit- ed in marriage to Mr. Robert G. Stump, of Alliston. The knot was tied 'by the Rev. I'Snell, of Blackstock | + uncle to the groom, assisted by the Rev. J. W. Totten, of Prince Albert, the bride was very prettily and be- comingly attired in white silk voile and was given away by her father, while Miss Jessie Diamond of Pros- pebt, played the wedding march. The grooms gift to the bride was a beauti- ful gold watch and chain, and to Miss Diamond a pretty brooch. As the young man is a stranger to. us we congratulate him on his choice; more on his success of winning one of the most popular and highly esteemed young ladies in the Township of Reach. Miss Dobson will be greatly missed as she was very enthuiastic and a great help in all church and Sunday school work, being organist at both?' services for a number of yésrs and was always ready and willing to do anything tor the building up of Christ and his Kingdom. We are sorry to lose her but our loss is gain to the place she is going for we feel sure her good work will not sop and her presence and influ- ence will be felt were ever she goes, and as the young couple have decided to make Alliston their future home our best wishes go with them, and may they live a long happy and use- full life together. Utica Mg, H. B, Murray, of Calgary, is visiting friends in the neighBorhood. There wasa good crowd at the Methodist Christmas trec on Friday evening of last week. Mr. Will Myers talks of re-building the mill dam south of Utica. He = 'that hie intends starting up the gain, and putting some trout in 4 wil Cond wit of Lo doa has been calling on friends' here and ia Port Perry. Whitby' 'pouncil bas employed an _ engineer to report on the cost "of a Newage system in that town,~ © * ---- Mr an isting friends in Prince Edward Sorry to staté that Mr. Wm. Or- {Continued from front page the first possible date after the' signe ing of the agreement' by all the 'cor- .porations, party to it, and 'to "com- as possible after its' completion. = To adjust and. apportion from time to time between the corporations the ing the share' of each corporation Each of the Municipalities wl authorized to do so by the electors, will sign the agreement which will provide on their part, for. the follow: ing obli ations:-- To bear its share in guaranteeing the bonds of the commission to be issued to cover the cost of construct. ing, operating, maintaining, repairing, rerewing and insuring the said railway and the property and works as estab- lished by the commission according to a schedule to be attached to the agreement which will be subject to adjustment. To issue debentures in order to for the purpose of securing for the for construttion, equipment and oper- ation of the railway. set forth in the agreement intended to be kept and observed and performed by the corporations. If it is decided that the bands, can sold without making 1t necessary to issue the debentures authorized by the' municipalities and in the event of the revenue derived from the operation of the undertaking being insufficient to meet the cost of operation, adminis- tration, annual charges on the money invested, and depreciation on all works owned in part or in full by the railway such deficit shall 'be paid to the com- mission by the corporations in the mission. Inthe event of any corpbre: ation refusing to pay the sharg for such a purpose "allotted to it By the commission, it shall be lawful for the commission to sell any debentures issued by such corporation and de- posited with the commission for. the purpose of guarantebing the shates of! that-corporation in the undertaking. ~The agreement will provide that if at any time any other municipal cor- poration applies to the commission for an extension of the railway into its municipality the commission shall notify the applicant and the corpor-| ation parties hereto, in writing, of a time and place, and hear all represent- ations that may be made as to the terms and conditions upon which such extension shall be made. No such application for an exten- sion of the railway into any muni- cipality, which 1s not a party-fo this agreement, shall be granted il the cost of the service of the railway to the corporation rties hereto be thereby I or the revenue and accommodation be injuriously affected, without written consent of the corporations party thereto; Authority should also be given by the Municipalities appointing the Commission as trustees of the Rail- way and' all works, property, and effects. held and used in connection with the Railway, = constructed, ac- quired, operated and maintained by the Commission under this agreement and the said Act; on behalf of and for the Corporations hereto; | but the Commission shall be entit- led to a lien upon said property 'for all money expended by the Commis: sion Jost th NOMINATION $ mence operation of each" section" as| capital cost of the undertaking show- Pd raise and pay over to the commission bonds to be issued by the comnmssion | To keep, observe and perform the 3 covenants, provisoes and conditions}. , proportions as divided by the com 'out which fi The fri fifty Perso; engitled to sin All the above if not satisfactory. ( TG Tor Al Kidney and Bladder troubles. : Remedies are gipinteed money Wack |, trade we have. ever ro of the Municipalities in the very future, Yours truly, Hydro-Electric Power Comission Ontario. Mis F. A. Gasy, Chief Engi Scugog Council Elected For. Reeve -- Wm. Jackson, Trask, of Port , Pain will oo) 7 housework or washing to do or go out to wash A Wishing all} our customers and friends the "Compliments|, a 14 Uxbridge -- © SATISFACTION ASSURED In all our. settlements for fire lo our. policy holders: have 'expressed. perfect satisfaction. Delay in settlement-is. avoided ow ing to the fact that Mr. Ward isable| = in many cases to send im valuation of loss personally. to the company - ¥ Phorie 94. Write or phone: for ins formation Pianos and o tgans for sale Pearse & Wp PORT PERRY "ONTARIO - MARE and 'corr for Sale. ie] 15; Feb, Mar. 4, ri by May 7 June 5 July x 1904 8, Oct. +2, Nov, 7, » Dee, 9, Jan, 7, Oshawa~ Clerk, Miss 'B L Macdonell : Tubs, Jan 14; Feb 6, Mi 2 Broy ham---=Clerk, ~ wood, 3 15, Mi i * Sept b, Nov 11, Jan. 18 3 Port Perry--Clerk, by Port Perry. Jan 17, July 8, Sept 8, Nov 12, fon 1,1 Qk R. brag ed Sept an 10, ]