I keep 'em in the bath _-- ECZEMA of: Unnecessary. ou ought to brace up and show wife who is running 'things at ; Gl FOR ROY) RVIOR Ree Sie Oy PoP mE ve way hit me," isn't necessary. She knows.' 'oung- wife--John, dear, I do you will like this cake. I put heart and agul into the --Oh, I say, me for a cannibal? Fo, apm ¥ ne | EE Op fen PARNS FOR SALR H.W. DAWSON, Ninety Golborne Street: RUIT, 6TOCK. GRAIN _ DAIRY F Farms in all rir her Ontaria eo Snaps. ft oY ACTORY BITES, WITH OR WITHOUT - Rallwiy trackage, Toroute, Bramntan and other fawn --_t oltten. R ior INTIAL PROPERTIES ~~ IN Brampton and a dosen other towns, H. W. DAWSON, Colborne St. Toronte. STAMPS AND COINS. QTAMP COLLECTORS--HUNDRED DIP. LY ferent Foreign Btamps. Catalogue. Album, only Seven COents. Marks Stamp Company, I PAPER FOR SALE. C WEEKLY NEWSPAPER BR openi a, man Boing 0%, ig Al 's Publishing Oompany, Toronto, ¥ E MISCELLANEOUS. REND 15 CENTS" FOR THE WAL LD Bong Buocess, "My Wonderful Girl" N. Wilson, 25 Melinda 8t:, loronto. CANES. TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC, internal and external, cured with. out pain by our home treatment. Write ne hefore too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co., Limited. Collingwood, Ont. ALL STONES, KIDNEY AND BLAD- der Stones, idney trouble. Gravel, Lumbago and kind! ailments positively | cured with the new German remedy. "Sanol" price 81.50, Anather new remedy for Diabetes-Mellit: and sure a "Sanol's. Anti-Diabetes." Price from 4 or direct. The Ranol Mavufse ng Company of Canada, Limited, Winnipeg. 3 When buying 'your Piano insist on having an OTTO HIGEL"| Piano Action Fou put on your child's skim gees === Taken in Exchange for NEW: hme RS of Sh ey, used Nervitne us a sargle, snd | The man's Jes and arme weve [JJ] Soop cmments contain) get | Models a, eS, ee - A ngh uate bl 5