. |. The storm on Sunday evening spoil ¥ ed the church services as itcame up just as the people were ready to go to' * church; : : Mrs. Douglas Adams and the Miss- es Davis have been enjoying a 'water trip down the St. Lawrence River, Mr. and Mrs. Larke, of Brockville, spent Sunday with. Rev. and Mrs. ..'Bamforth. Mrs. Larke conducted the "Bible Class in the Methodist Church in the afternoon. an Miss Willard spent some days holi- ~daying at Centre Island, "Toronto. _ "Mr. Follick presided at the organ in the Methodist church during her absence. In turning out to let a couple of ladies pass with a rig on the road to Uxbridge, Dr. Coates upset his car. "He was slightly injured, but is able to *.'be about his work again. Prospect Miss: Lola Gilroy also Miss Neva Porteous is spending a few days -in | Brooklir: Mr: W, Somerville returned home ;. from tee west last week. : . Miss Vera H. Cook. visiting Miss E. Savage. in Prince Albert for the ! week end. avice ¥ 2 . . : ; NOLL. dt vanohe] i da ut: Hi Several from here attended the on nis. Neve . b home, at 4 me that het son t ice, because a tax is | $1806 buys an eight garden party at Myrtle also Balsam. ER Sr SE oN ot st b coming to the college "a all" Aiithracite $1300 YS an ig A meeting is being held a3 the i him, fo : 10 hear, him spent; 4s Coram Coal mined "in sylvania; | church July 22 nd. to elect the officers : : : teren ore was gra a a er Xt | ; 5 Rennsylvania. for our League. ¢ Lake he : ; . oy Joba ha ; Miss Vera Somerville also: Miss + Mildred Somerville has been visiting in Bowmanville. "Miss Olive Edwards, Toronto, is with Miss Bertha Holliday. Mr. Robt, Butson was in Toronto one day last week. Sonya Mrs. S. Price and two children, of - Toronto, are visitiug at Mrs. N. Wilk- inson's. ; Acthodist min