Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 21 Aug 1912, p. 7

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| tament, but gained ite promine : the home of Jesus. Tt on the southern the Lebanon Mountaifis, $0 should be fbe' ma ur-esvim means cle; from the Know you to be, to God' which you claim to be." Heard done at Oapernaum -- The exact site of the city has long been in" dispute, but the most probable location' is at the northerniend of {the plain of Gennesaret, on the . {north-western shore of Lake Gali- flee. The region was thickly popu- lated 'and the 'scene of much mir- '[acle working and teaching, the re- 3 ports of which had reached Nazar- eth. J 24. No prophet is acceptable in is own country--A commonly ac- cepted fact which Jesus illustrates from history. Read 1 Kings.17 and 2 Kings 5. } 28. All filled with wrath---Wonder- {and amazement had given way to anger and violence. 5 29. Brow of. the hill--A precipice southeast of 'the city. "|. 80. Passing through the midst-- They were overawed by his mysteri- ous influence and he went his way unharmed. errant HOME HINTS. How to Wash Glasses.~Classes which are used for milk «r any milky substances should always be washed in cold water in preferance £1to hot, as the latter is apt to leave has, cloudy appearance and necessi- tate a great deal more labor in the washing. The same rule applies to perfectly new glasses which have not been used. WY -| When buying bacon notice that the rind is thin, the lean tender and adhering to the bone, and the fat firm with a pinkish hue. If the fat has yellow streaks in it the bacon will 'taste nasty and rancid. To Make Booms Wea: Well. ny It is & good plan to dip brooms in very. A soapsuds once a week. This toughens® their bristles, and the + | brooms not only last longer, but al- 80 sweep better: than if thay were kept perfectly dry . : The. Cold Joint.--Any boiled or roasted meat t' at can be eaten ogld cooled 'in its gravy or liquor, and a boiled ham should al- ['ways be cooled before skinning, and in its liquor; the iaste is altogether different, -and the mea does not dry 'ne: go much, Lona Knite Handles. -- Knife handles that have become loose can be refastened to thie blades Make a mixture of equal parts of quick- lime and powdered resin, half fill the hole in the handle, made the part which goes into the handle hot, 'and insert it firmly in the hole. Let it remain without moving until quite cold, when it will be perfect- 1 4 . ye Ph: Toast.--Bread that > has been: toasted until it becomes brown has bad the starch in it largely converted into dextrine, and hen far as She, blown portion is' concerned, one ohihe Dracus "| of digestion is' gone through ore | the bread is taken into the stomach. It will be found that the thinner hon bread to a deep brown color found still more easily mmon citizen we the Teacher of |, 1) 'without, of Tad pasly. Bl they a1 he handed not one was loved so well as Cheer-{ hrough whose life of the plans of God . But it was not a selec- closure tion for favor, but rather for ser- vice, : _ Israel was 'the chosen people of God, but not for its own sake. Tt .& ministry for the world. Its leaders were prophets, priests, and kings, and these men, especially the 'prophets; were unique in their char- acter and' work. Their is not to' be found in: fory. But in the nation 'as a 'whole was regarded as royal, 'as' priestly, as prophetic, w Tat these special men did as lead- era for the nation, Israel as a unit was to do for the 'world. Herein lay its unique office. But from tke time of Amos and Hosea it was seen that the natign. as a whole was un- prepared for such a ministry, The religion of Jehovah was set aside too often for that of other gods, or was mixed with unworthy elements that rohbed it of its effectiveness. A CLEANSING PROCESS alone could purify the people and make them " worthy of their high ministry; and the agency through which this regeneration was to be wrought prophets of that period as being national overthrow by Assyria and later Babylonia. Only such'a puri: fication as should come through dis- aster and suffering could avail to prepare Israel for its true missiod® But after this period of suffering had passed the "remnant" or sur. vivors would be worthy and a glori- ous future should be expected. The consecration of kings and priests was signified by their anoint- ing with holy oil. From this word "anointed" or "Messiah' grew up the idea of the future glorious time as "anointed" or "Messianic."' The conception of a person who should stand as the common denominator of the new period of national salva- tion and purification is first pre- sented by Isaiah. , In his rebuke of King Ahaz for presumptious disre- gard of God the prophet announces counterpart last analysis the Young Folks \ CHEERFUL HEART. 'Annabel had been cross. = The trouble began when her mother asked her to-do an errand. She grumbled ' before 'she started and after she' returned. When she had to wheel baby. brother she grumbled again. When she had to practise her music-lesson for an éxtra half- hour, she shed tears all over the piano keys. i When mother had 'gone up-stairs with baby brother, Uncle Louis told her the true story of Cheerful Heart: "In an Indian school in New Mexict;"' he .said, "there was an 'orphan boy who had never known home until he was brought to government school. He had anything he could do an the. Indian boys Tat in Rosics OF a pd lived in es eir lives boys in that school, the never had any other his. M was recognized by all the |ed large. 'them 'Cross Patch' 1" 'later 'prophetic terance to set forth = A YET CLEARER VISION of the true character of the Mes- sianic work and the outlines of the essianic figure: The Ef i Prophesy discloses the Messianic 'hope in its fullest light, and does this under the figure of the suffer- ing servant of God. Here at first Israel asa whole is the servant, Though fallen upon unhappy days, yet this very time is one of puri- fication ; and, now that the process of purgation is reaching ite comple- tion, it is time to prepare for the larger things to come. Redemp- tion is not to be wrought by war and strife, as was the earlier view, but by peaceful meghods, and there- fore the figure of the king no longer appears, but the servant in a hum- ble and yet successtul work. Presently, however, the idea that the nation as a whole can do the great work appears to be abandon- . » Too many are indifferent. The remnant, the best part of the na- tion, is all that can be counted upon in such an enterprise. This remnant will save not only the apostate part cf the nation, 'but the world at But even the remnant was weak and unable to accomplish the divine work; and at last one rises from the remnant, a representative of both it and the whole nation; able to do: that which both had failed to accomplish, the divine ser- vant, the Messiah. In Isaiah lii., 18, liii., 12 the success of the ser- vant's mission is set forth in terms that show the blending of the per- sonal and the national ideas about the Messianic. figure. That this conception of the. Messiah finds its fulfilment in the historic work of Jesus Christ is the teaching of the New ' Testament.--Dr, Herbert L. Willett. no parents to love him, no baby brother to pet. But his black eyes sparkled, his red-brown face shone and his merry laugh bubbled all the time, . ) '" 'He's the most unselfish boy I ever met," his teacher said to me. - 'We took him in' here because he needed wus, but he has turned the tables, for we all need him.' It must 'be nice to have people feel that way toward one, mustn't it, Annabel ' " The little girl 'nodded.' She did not feel like talking just then. Uncle Louis had one thing more to say. 'Annabel, if Cheerful Heart Yas ready to do"so much for dthers when he had so little himself, what do you think about: ila children who have good times and happy homes, and yet behave disagreeably and in a way to make the Indians name "They ought to be ashamed, Uncle Louis. I'm going to try to be a Cheerful Heart, too"? =. Youth's Companion. 5 ' "HOPELESS. A

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