Our $1.00 cor- set is built on the same lines as the more expensive mo= dels, and : g 5.15 : shows all the i 2 1 ay FLAS "Ml ; J | LE Te Ay Ge ; newest featur- Sey 8 TAN a = Wome ll ER : «J es. The mat- erial sed is a good: quality Coutil = with Rust Proof Steels, and is made with long hip and medium - bust. Trimmed - at Made of fine light | top with lace weight . Coutil. No, | and Satin Rib- 507 is a favorite with | on: Al sizes wh iM P . . DECEDO 'many custoniers : and pi $1.00 ~The abdominal support is '| gives a youthful sup: i LY EE : 1 t ediu : a feature of this model and | Pleness to medium CORSET WAISTS figures. Finished at top with Cream satin Our Corset Waist Stock is complete band and Ribbon | and includes styles to fit Children, Misses, Bow and Women, They are made of strong ure. . Cleverly designed give firm support, yet is 'wonderfully supple. j .Coutil, laced or buttoned back with button- A Price $2.00 ed front. With or with out hose support- Price $8.00 | el © Price §0c to $1.25 Mz, Jos. Sanderson; who- bad the ble. misfortune to have : his leg broken A tcheson, - of | about four weeks ago, is recovering {om "friend. Miss | nicely, CANADIAN ek end. 'Rey, J. C. Forster left.on Tuesday PACIFIC Mr. Wilbert Malcolm | to attend the Summer School at Lake: Bay lays last s vis- | Couchiching: He will: be absent for about ten days. Mr. Simeon Sanderson's child, who has been. ill for a. week, is now im- proving. ¥ fs Me. Foster Ferguson will open his visit : pel ¢ or mane business in Orangeville on the first of September, A ghter was born to} Mr: and Mrs. Ferguson recently. GREENBANK ACI CA, ; : » rs. Woon on Tuesday. afternoon ast week. There was a good at-| ce. ; 5 EE i ptably recently. bank, will have a p'nic on Wednes- ck Ritchie, of New|day afternoon, August. 28, in Mr. the guest of Mrs. T, | Blake Cragg's grove. Everyone is d Ha . jwelcome. Come and bring your bas- y | ket and a pleasant afternoon.