The reason? "igo were found tmuckraking" and the. people with money didn't like the disturbance, and 0 gave these magazines the cold shoulder. Such is the testimony of Mr. French in the Twentieth Century Magazine. Every editor could be a yellow journalist if be would. 'There would be ho need to publish. anything but the plain matter-of-fact; truth in" any district to be able to get out the most sensaational sheet: that "one could wish, Editors and lawyers have to cul: tivate blindness to much that a .sen- sation loving public would like to see printed. Family skeletons 'are. not public property and should not be paraded. Community 'scandals do not grow smaller by being put into print, The grave dangers that, threaten a country seldom grow less by publicity, all this is 50 much advertising that simply increases the trouble. Life as we live it is full of trouble and tragedy, 'and when out of that tragedy we make newspaper hash tragedy is made doubly tragic. The public 'may demand: all "the news about "the other fellow," but they seldom court publicity 'when they are the ones whose: actions' are under discussion. Scugog Council: A Special meeting of the Munici- pal Council was held the following business was transacted. Moved by Mr. Geo. Hood sec by Mr. Wm Jeffrey that. the Freasuer be and he "is hereby .instrucked to pay Mr. Charles Vickery $52.75 for cem- ent and plank. Carried On'motion - of Mr. George Hood the Treasuer 'was instructed to pay Mr. Henry Demara '$40.80 for - work on Culvert. On motion of Mr. Wm Jefirey the Treasurer was instructed to pay Mr. Geo. Shell $15.88 for work on culvert. On motion of Mr. James Davey the 'Treasurer was instructed to pay Mr. + Wm Sanguins $6.90 for work and timber on culvert. ; On motion of Mr. Geo Hood the Treasurer was instructed to pay Mr. Alfred McRenzie $1.60 for work on culvert. On motion of Mr. Geo Hood the Treasurer was instructed to pay Mr. John McGregor $14 50 for work on 'culvert. ++Of motion of Mr. George Sweet: man the Treasurer was' instructed : to pay Mr. Nelson Foster $52.53 for work and material on' culvert. 'Moved 'by Mr. 'George Sweetman sec-by (Geo Hood that this council do unanimously. decline to "assume "the road around Ham's Hill or to main: tain the said road." Carried On motion of Mr. George Sweet- 'man - the "council adjourned £0" met "again on the last Saturday in t or-on the call of the Reeve. © THOMAS GRAHAM, you Bink. it Wo 1 % pay you to. invest 'in our $15 business suit? Summer School = | Students may enter any day oben the entire year. Now is-a good time |} {0 enter. Largest trainers in Canada. Graduates get best positions. Thou- sands studying at home. School of Isaac Pitman. = The largest and most popular school in Eastern = Ont, Our managment trained over 2000 students last year, There must be ' a redson. The only school in Eastern Ontario affiliated with the 'Commercial Edu- cators Association of Canada' Write, phone or call to investigate. SPOTTON BUSINESS COLLEGE Peterboro GEO..SPOTTEN, President J. H. BROWN MANUFACTURERS' AGENT SEAGRAVE =: "ONT. AGENT FOR Peter Hamilton Farm Machinery' Melotte Cream Separators. Toronto Windmills and er Ontfits Stickney & €hapman Gasoline Edgjnes {ohn Deere Plow Co.; of Welland. Success Manure Spreaders Dain Hay Loaders Delivery Rakes Gan, Walking Plows 3 Corn Calvan, a and Culilvators for any other High Lift Sully, Plo Plows Single and Double Furrow Plows Willis Pianos, made in Montreal Domisien Organs ond Sewing Machines a tar Metallic Roofing, etc. ' Haytodts and Loaders, Litter Carriers, Please give me & call and get prices before buying any of these goods else: where. 1 know that I can pleass you as to, Jualityan and price of goods. ELL PHONE. No. 9% Phove| orders will receive prompt and areful and careful attention. J. H. Brown, MANCHESTER Miss Gibbs, of Port Hope, "his : been holidaying with her cousin Miss Lottie Dobson. Mr. John: Munro. and wife, of Uxbridge, spent Sindy with friends here 'Congratulations Mr. Jou Fitchett, for the orga success hel' had with lis ; Entrance [Sass inf Blackstock. The pieme at Mr. Beare's pond h by the young ome day. Price $1400 FINE Brick RESI Locely location, lawns. All modern' ences--bath, drainage, light, fireplace, Sendd "| kind of property. = Anyone wi buy should do so atonce. = Se our clients have intimated ada 'owing to the' increased for residences, Outside buyers have bought in Port Perry all that they can get no properties in value to what we are offering. "4 7% Several properties advertised in columns have been sold, & James Lu a ror A Forman & Son Sign FORE San