rm rp rer ree AROUND PORT PERRY. By using the Bell Telephone, merchants and residents of Port Perry, as well as the farming sommunity, get a complete local, rural and long distance connection. zro0 265 028 We are indebted to Messrs R. G. Sturgeon & Co, of Peterboro, for the use of the accompanying illustration of 'a sedimentation tank. These gentlemen have installed such a system in Bowmanville, and according to the West Durham Review, from which we . gleaned the information given herewith, the system is a success In brief this is the way it works out. It is an item of general knowledge that surface earth, generally referred 10 as top soil, is a powerful purifying | agent. but comparatively few are aware that the presence in it of innumerable numbers of Bacteria, germs or mic: robes, 'is alone responsible for 'the extensive chemical brought about in waste matter which is placed beneath its surface, and that these Bacteria, not 'only through them remove and destroy the : dangerous portions of waste matter, but actually | The convert those deatlr dealing properties into plant food, which being taken up by the vegetation is again corisumed for the maintainence and sustainance fife. Pasteur placedthese microbes in two divisions or classes: N. B., E. D. WALLACE, Local Manager. p oi 'Hee Ae ns ura is ian pA i | | 1 | I 1 A a a +5. composed sewerage. ' The main soil {from the aiid enters the pipe weich enters the first compart-| partment through the soil pif pe; ment should be directly - connected | the first compartment in Ww ta the closer, bath, lavatory or any solid mattér is retained until other fixtures in the house, and it should be carried through. the. roof {by the: contained Ba and allowed to extend about . three [multiply and. develop rapidly, feet above it. The pipe. would not liquid form it is loned only carry. the sewerage into the tank, | the second compaftyen but] it would alsa be a channel Dr allowed to en which the superflous. gasses 'in the ment, where it the still tank may pass into the atmosphere atliquids. The action couti a_height that would render "them third compartment, and harmless to . the Occupants of the sewerage bas reached the buildi hon was built The frst and second: compastnents wand di of the tank remain rb A of t the time. In the' fest + com A as they are constantly ing ei or fe ovis of all the the ay oe sew! the tank hey do' not preceeding informa Y ins hich 8 ey 'ate or septic ue th not disturbed as there is no intermi value of the different makes fo Yh F Sewage rs Ss tan o the work of difrent rms e the constant, slow flow: from the # Ausohes, those which 'existwithout | ¢ a a OR MS :