ela yards long, 48 to g4 inches u is from 'Window Shades Curtain Poles, eto. Tapestry Curtains 8.00 ¥ u Heavy tapestry curtains, * good' servicable weight woven in rich patterns in two tone or solid colors: Width 40 in 3 yds long. is finished with heavy knotted fringe. Colors shaded green, shaded red or red and green. Bagdad StripeCurtains $2.60 Handsome tapestry curtains Lace Curtaiis 3,34, or 3 The lace in curtaing is made 'quality yarn. of 1 Ee Showin he Iaett dears Rn Ga ton 3 yds. Tapestry Table Covers $1.60 |. English tapestry table covurs 2 yards square, . heavy quality with pretty damask patterns in red or green, Cover has border of heavy knotted fringe, ye Bagdad strip. Rich oriental colorings. Cur- tains finished at top with heavy fringe. Length Lace Trimmed Shades 60c Extra quality window. shades made from heavy opaque oiled cloth, trimmed with a lace edge 54 inches deep. Shade is mounted on ser- viceable spring rollers and is 2 yds long, 37 in wide. Colors white, cream and green. Complete with tassel. 60c Same shade trimmed with insertion only gc Top Price $3.00 Same shade trimmed with lace and insertion 7c Duplex Window Shades 76¢ Window shades made of heavy quality of oiled-opaque cloth in combination shades one side green the other whité or cream. Trimmed with insertion only, and'mounted on dependable spring rollers. Each 76c Brass Extension Rods 16¢ Extension rods made of heavy brass tubing finished with round ends. Extends from 24 to 5 4 inches. Price 15¢ woven in. fancy Per pair $2.50 Price $1.50 TYRE than "Rodman's 'house this week. Mr! Dowson, of Fingerboard is doing the work. : Mr. Elliott, of Quebec is Leonard Stacey's successor in the Bank of Montreal at Oakwood, ~Mr.and Mrs. L J. Glass are. mov® ing to Lindsay this week. They will be greatly missed by our villagers. Messrs. John Ferguson; Edgar Jones, Clarence Sparks, Charlie Jenk- : ins; and Mrs, Jas. Jenkins were among 26 | those from here that spent Saturday vi in Lindsay. rat. 2.30 Miss Chapman has returned to her nducted | ome in Orono after a 'pleasant visit 4 with Mr. and Mrs, Rev. J. F. Chap- ir will man at the Methodist parsonage, es Communion service was held in the Methodist Church last Sabbath. Dr. G. W. Hall was the guest of Dr.' Henderson in Cannington on Monday of last Week. Master Leo Dillman visited his + ) with E. Z. Yerex and Sons b Port Perry ------ time has resigned Friday being Arbor Day the chil- dren raked up the yard piled up the wood and made a general clean up in the Schoolhotise. Mr. Carl Jones, of Lindsay, visited friends in town last week. Nearly all of our local trappers met with good success this year, Messrs. W. J. Hooper, Harry Wéslake, Chas. Sweetman, and Tom Heatlie disposed of their furs. to rArmstrong" Bros. in Lindsay and realized good prices for same, ' Mr. Sproule, of Cannington, dealer in furs paid his. psual spring visit to our. village but did not. secure any pelts. Mr. Harry Keswick, travelling sales- man for Woodward Bros; Cannington visited our village on Wednesday last. 'Mr. and Mrs. Amos Rogers. left on Tuesday of last week for Medicine Hat, Alberta and other western points where they will spend a couple of months. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hooper and | Master Loyd visited her mother Mrs, Tinney in Oakwood on Sunday. * + Mr, and Mrs. Russell Wallis; of Taylor's Corners, spent Sunday with his patents. = automobiles that On Tuesday, Mr. A. W. Williams, Indian Agent, motored to the Reserve to distribute the. semi-annual pay- ments accruing from rent of their land, etc. On Thursday evening an interesting missionary Epworth, League service was held at Maple Grove, conducted by the Pastor. Messrs. Mortimer Clark and J. C. Johnston read in- i structive papers on the topic. * On Friday evening the first Ep- worth Leoague service of" the season was held at the Centre; with a good attendance. ' Officers were appointed as follows: : Hon Pres--Rev J W Totten President--Mrs George Sweetman Vice Pses--Mrs John Hope Secretary--Miss Irene Gerow Asst Sec--Miss Gwendoline Ruck Treasurer--Stanley Gerow Miss'y V P--Robt Prentice, Jr Literary V P--Clyde Platten A meeting of the members of the football club took "place on Friday gvening to plan the season's sport. It is expected that our boys will play in the field of Mr. Nelson Foster. + On Friday Mr. and Mrs. William Reader received the sad and unex: news of the death of ght, Mis, Cliff, of Bad wiio is Mic hi Br