Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 29 Nov 1911, p. 7

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oy in sper ih AE Rr gr IE fiscided I ought . to. try them. | not notice much change - Bh bad taken five or six boxes, when improvement set in, a! _ from that on I stronger and stronger" dach day, until through Somtinned use of the pills I was jo my old;time. health and : gre pa Dr, Williams' 1 s the best remedy on earth vl sick people, . aud cannat .too ; urge" other weak girls to ve a trial." Sold by all medicine deylers or 'mail at 50 cents a box or six '« boxes or $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' 'Medicine Co., Brockville, ee 1k PrrENDS ON WHERE HE 18 ¥ How old would you say she is?" "To her face or behind her back 1' : oe . © Away With Depression and Mel- ancholy.--These two. evils are the accompaniment, of a disordered sto- mach and torpid liver and mean Wi ess | to. alli whom they ~ visit. The surest and speediest way 'A, to combat them is with Parmeleo's 'Vegetable Pills, which will restore the healthful action of the stomach "ovand bring b relief. ev have proved iaef fhlness nh thousands of a) 'will confinue to give re- lief to the suffering who are wise "enough to use HEARTLESS, Cals, Jones, life with- , out you would for me, a de- ""gert. What is your answer?' jEthel 30 ae camel I"? - report her 'mis: ys Seah her mother : x black, ~ | BURGLAR-PROOF SAVES NO i 'make. at i impos- Yipes ight, ov. Joose nat- BA when there' Is The cites. of the stre His te: ores refue marvellously clean, "and all is blown into the tters near' Tefune pavement, 'whith, often. flushed "with oth be blow pi Ebony 1heee ten » Elysees in Paris. " 'owing to the surface, polished ivory tha 1 polished ebonv. The effect of the Road Board and its grants is already to be seen all in reeard to the over Enelan" making of main: roads dustless. A WARNING TO MOTHERS re No mother can expect her little one to escape all the ills of child- hood, but every mother who accepts fair warning as to the treatment of these little ills can save her baby such suffering. Thousands of mo- thers of young children keep Baby's Own Tablets in the house--all mo- thers should do so. minor. ills of babvhood 'and child- hood. They can be given with per- fect safety--they always do good; never harm. Constipation, ihdiges- tion, colic, simple fevers, colds, ete, all rapidly disappear. under The Tablets are sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box Williams' Medicine treatment with the Tablets. from The Dr. Co., Brockville, Ont. ---- SURPRISE 'EM. "He makes a fine appearance." "Yes. makes the touch." Pie A Bimple and Cheap Medicine. -- "and effective me- A simple, chea; dicine is something to be desired. There is no medicine so effective a regulator of the digestive system as They are simple, they are cheap, they can be got anywhere, and their be- neficial action will prove their re- Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. commendation. They are the me- dicine of the poor man and those who- wish to escape doctors' bills will do well in giving them a trial. J "GOOD. 'He has a good wife, hasn't he?' "I should say so. He can always borrow maney from her when he goes broke himself." _ Th 271 ( $ te llects 'most L riokie | of water; col 8 Light and dangerous detritus. which farther n of the "Champs 'have 'now of | in London 'many ebony "ways, but not ach ove wiven/as a mation @ J ation as our - a rient ur 'roads are mot dripping oil The surface of pi streets .is becoming more like The Tablets are a never-failing cure for all the You'd never guess he'd tome to borrow money until he ~ ns, Pontise Co., Que, Nov, ~Postmaster F. Tip- pins; of o) hia. place, who for three Jean has been more or less of an patil; 'and who. for some time. was to his 'bed, is up and sey again, a healthy and hearty 'man: Dodd's' Kidney "pine cured him. After r of Grippe," the Postmaster says in telling the story of his cure. 'I 'a pain in my back and I' suf- fered for nearly thres years, final ly getting 'so bad that I was coa- fined to my bed. "One day. 1 told wy) wile. to igo. and get me some Dodd's ney Pills, as that would: be the last me- dicine I would try. After' using|g about half the box I began 0 feel better, so I kept taking them When I had Fai wo boxes T was able to get up, and ten boxes cured' me completely." : +The: principal: danger of 'Grippe is. the after effects. The way to guard against this is to strengtien the Kidneys so they can strain all the dregs of the disease out of the blood. Dodd's Kidney Pills are always the last medicine anyone takes for Kidney Disease. It al- ways cures and no other medicine is needed. --_-- A WARNING. "Why, Mandy," said old Mammy Dinah, '""what's diss I hyah about yo' marryin' dat good-fur-nuthin' Sam Johnsing?"' '""Ya'as, Mammy, I suttingly am," said Mandy, blushing a rich ochre. "Why, dat man's de nateralest- born flirt dere ever was on dis yeare earth, chile,"' said Mammy. "Why, dey done fiashed him {"m de barber shop' caaze ebbery time he lok in de klass . he'd wink at himsel'f!"' CALTE AND PIERCE. He-- "What do you women do at you club?" She--"Talk about the faults of you men. What do you do at yours?' He--' 'Try to forget the faults of the women.' \ Often what appear to be the most trivial occurrences of life prove to be the most momentous. Many are disposed to regard a cold as a slight thing deserving of little «uvn- sideration, and this neglect often results in most serious ailments entailing years of suffering. Drive out colds and coughs with Bickle's Anti-Consumptive Syrup, the recog- nized remedy for all affections of the throat and lungs. Ninety per cent. of the cycles im- ported into Japan are supplied by British manufacturers. - Minard's Liniment Cures -Distemper. AWFUL THOUGHT: Neil--"Won't it -be. grand when women can vote?' - Belle-- 'But suppose election should come on a day when you have a -fitting at your dressmak- er's."! -- » Minard's Liniment Co., ions grief pAsnGting SRDS LINT: MENT have requ efitly very effective in case of In W. A. HUTCHINBON, -- A ri it to be a od A Power of Its Own. -- Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil has a subtle power of its own that¢other oils cannot pretend to, though there are many pretenders: All who have used it 'know this and keep it by them as the most valuable liniment available. Its uses are innumer- able and for many years it has been prized 2s th he. Seading liniment for man and bea: MEAN N THING. He--"1 _ suppose, wifey, you. wouldn't care to go to the theatre in your old dress?' SR ..She-- 'Oh, dear, mo: "Of course ; Hr what T thought, so Bhe--'Yes, dear--"' C He--'So I only bought one tick- 3 et for myself.' hey cured | 'sures the J recovering from an attack PY P Jas rs 'of Ee nal 8 on Hots s de. is Je give the stomach- a' task: hh s 'diffi- cult in the extreme to perform. .; * Pillow slips should oy a half inch narrower than the piflows they are to cover. This pnugness in' fit in- llows 'standing upright when the is made up: A: clean brick represents an ex: cellent makeshift stand for a flat- iron. Brick: retains ;heat better than the perforated metal rests |' which are usually employed for the |, rpose. If cooked meat is 'ready for the| table before it is required, place in a dish and set over a pan of hail- ing water placed*on the back of |" the range and covered with cloth. If baby has swallowed a fish- bone and is in danger of ¢hoking, ure, your forefinger in the form of a hol and gven at the risk of con- a: Fain a" ra 'the: little SA Tittle ¥évoRene added to warm when, washing. windows, os- Ei outside,' will 'remove; the ition often found bet- ter_sthan. alcohol, whiting. Try washing of the hands with a little sugar added to the soap. This greatly increases the lather and, ¢leansing power, and will re- move dirt'and chemical stains in a wonderful manner. A never failing rule to follow in placing sleeves is to measure one- inch hack of the shoulder seam, measure one-half of tho arm hole, and piace the underseam of sleeve at this point: Shiloh' Cure PERSONAL. Cholly--"How much "hloretorm will it take to kill a puppy | Druggist--' 'Tut, tut! Stop smok- ing cigarettes and you'll think bet- ter of it.' FREE TO BOYS Splendid Magic Lantem (with twelve ®lides); Steam Engine (nearly one fool igh); with whistle, fly wheel and every thing complete for running; Guaranteed "Starr" double-ender Hockey Skates; or guaranteed Watch free to any boy. Send in your name and we will send you Bo sets of Sarnia views and Christmas post cards to sell at 10 cents a"set. When sold send us the money and we will send you whichever prize you choose. We prepay all charges. Address, HOMER- WARREN CO., Dept. 29, Toronto. ammonia, or HAD GOQD CAUSE. '"He never seemed to have any friends." "Yet the heirs seemed unusually mournful." "Well, most of his money went to charity." Hard and soft corns both yield to Holloway's Corn Cure, which is entirely safe to use, and certain and eabistactory in its action. LEGAL LORE. "As a lawyer, how would you advise me to sue for a girl's hand ?"' "Take the case to court and ask for immediate trial."' Quick-spoken Customer -- You keep everything for the piano, don't you? BSalesman--Yes, sir: We do, sir. Quick-spoken Custom- er--QGive me an axe. CANADA SECURITIES CORPORATION, Limited, it make 4 ing, serves the eyesight of the young; it You can pay $5, $10, or $20 better light than the low-priced The Queen City Oil Opticians 'agree that the light from easier on the eyes than any other artificial The Rayo Lamp is the best oil lamp 'made. It gives a strong, yet soft, white light; and i it never flickers. It pre- Rayo gives. Made of solid brass, nickel-plated. Easily lighted, without remov- ing shade or chimney. Easy to clean and rewick Dealers evetywhere ; or write for descripti yh oil lamp is helps and quickens that of the old. for other lamps, but you cannot get ive circular direct to any agency of Company, Limited When buying yout Piano insist on having an 'orTO HIGEL" Ptano Action H. H. NIGHTINGALE . STOCK BROKER Member Standard Stock and Mining Exchange LISTED STOCKS CARRIED ON MARGIN Corresponde invited. © FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. ASK DAWSON, HE KNOWS. F you want to sell a& farm, counsul® | we. 1F you waut to buy a farm, coasuld me. HAVE some of the best Fruit, Steck, Grain or Dairy kurms 1a Quotarie and prices right. DAWSON, 1 Ww Colberne « Btreet, Toronto. Ninety ACENTS WANTED GENIE WANTED. -- A LINE FOB L every home. Write us for our choice ' list of agents supplics. We have the greatest agency proposition in Canads to-day. No outlay necessary. Apply 23 MELINDA ST., TORONTO C. I. Co., 228 Albert bt. Otiawa. Twenty-First Withrow jour. Feb. 3. LACONIA New York to Madeira, (iibraltar. Alge.ia, Nice, Monte Carlo, Napiex Then c uise to nicily, (reece. Turkey, Asia Minor, Syria, Palestine, Egypt on DUNOTTAR CASTLE, I0U A. aus ives of Sir Henry Lunn. Naples London, 1llustrated Progra. F. Withr .w, RB A_, Methodist Book Room, Toronto, Canad MEDITER- RANIAN EUROPEAN Harduppe--Is Wigway honest | Borrowwell--Well, he came around to my house the other day and stole an umbrella I had borrowed from him. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, &c. There are cighty thousand kinds of beetles. Worms sap the strength and un dermine the vitality of children. Strengthen them by using Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator to drive out the parasites. Oats contain a larger amount of flesh and bone forming substances than any other cereal. You will sneeze; perhaps feel chilly. You think you are catch- ing cold. Don't wait until you know it. Take a dose of Hamlins Wizard Oil and you just can't catch cold Man at birth is the most helpless of all living things. Minard's Liniment Cures Carget In Cows. Harhor for British Home Fleet in The Firth of Clyde. Glasgow. Scotland, that the ad- miralty has decided to make a new naval Dase at Lamlash Bay, in the Isle of Arran, in the Firth of Clyde. Heavy moorings are being laid down there, and everything points to the intention of tho Admiralty to provide safe accommodation for a complete squadron. This new Clyde base is to become the head- quarters of the third division of the home fleet. Hitherto, the cast coast has for obvious reasons been the scene of the most vital changes in the dis- position of Britian's Naval strength. At Rosyth, on the Forth, there -{are, as is well known, immense works going forward which will is Place a 2 very important and strong naval or the larg- est ships. At. Dundee smaller craft, includ- submarines are concentrated, ¢ -Soapa Flow, in the Orkney Hy has also of late received 'considerable attention from the ad: miralty:, NEW ATLANTIC NAVAL. BASE. | It is stated on good authority at' | Ask youn DEAL HELP WANTED. Sy ALESMER- $50 PER WEBK HELLING ~ one huud Egg-beater. Sample abd terms ie. Money refunded if uaskutisieos tory. Colletto Mfg. Collinge wooed, Out. T ONCE A trade; expert instruccion; oconstans practice; tools 1ree; alwuys sure "mploys ment for a barber. Wriw tor catalogue. Mcler Barber Coliege, 221 Queen hast, Toronto. ompany, MISCELLANEOUS. AY and FAKM BUALES. Wilson's Beale Works, 9 bspisuude, Luivuto. ee ---------------- S AWMILL MACHINERY, PORTABLB . or heavy Latne Mins, Shiugie Millis, kugines and Boilers, Mul Supplies. The E. Lopg Manutaciuring Co. uLwl., Wess Street, Orilhia, Ontario. Pan TANNERY CUSTOM KROBR and Fur tanmng. Catue und Horse L.ues make best Rooes aid Uovatls when properly tanned. Send wom to me aod have them dressed right. You will be well sausned. I. F. beu, Dechy, Ont. C Anleu, LUMUKS, Luar, clo. Ine ternal aud exieruul, cured inom bed LY OUP WOMIe Wuoulwenl Write betore Loo late. br. bouwau Medical Cor Limited, Collingwood. Ont 6G. e LYON BUALE GuAlaNiekD. Bcale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto "GENTS WANTED A BTUDY OF other Agency propositions convinceg us that none can equal ours. You will ak ways regret it if you donut apply for pan ticulars to Travellers' Dept. Lz Allert Sty Ottawa. Wilson'g y PECIALISTHE ADVICE FREE ~~ Consulf us iu regard oo auy diseass. Lowes( rices \n ot all kinds russes fitted "hye "mail Rend measures ment. Glasses fitted by age. Write to-day anything sold rat-cldes dru stores to Dr. Bellman, Collingwood. Ont. snd a! kinds of ho' s- hangings, slso LACE CURTAINS °VeD Aro cLeanen Write to us about yoara BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING 80., Box 158, Montreal = The fact that a mule didn't know any better than to kick you doesn' add to the enjoyment of your stay in the hospital. DR. DOW'S TE. STURGEON OIL LINIMENT External applmation for man or beast. Everyone knows of the wonderful qualities in' the oil of the STURGEON for sprains, lameness, ete. Dr. Dow's formula has it in ; jis best form. For BRhoumatism, umbago, Neuralgia, Swellings, . ete.; it cannot be equalled. pass Try it once ty you will he Price 25 cents. ol "Issn MEN TO LEARN BARBER ~

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