Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 15 Nov 1911, p. 2

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to] los. was a i, ¥harities agree that neuralgia is a ry of the nerves for better food, pe that if the 'blood is purified and enriched the trouble will dis- appear. This is the reason why Dr. Williamse®: Pink Pills. re even 4 the most severe cases Jos gia They sebualy make make now; ¥ starved ih; and' Rude. She cure the trouble, at the same inge leaving the saffer- er in better alth in. jovery 4 than was formerly enjoyed Proof | we give the case of Mr. G. rooks, of Aurora; Ont., who says: {About two years ago, while work- nE in: Collingwood I was attacked , neuralgia, which became so that I was frequently unable to 80 to work. The pain would start over my right eye and would then spread to the whole face and caused me the greatest agony. I was under the care of a good doc- tor, but his treatment did not do more than give me temporary relief, and I was therefore an almost con- stant sufferer. Acting on the ad- vice. of my wife I finall- decided to give Dr. - Williams' Pink Pills a trial, and I am profoundly thank- ful that I did 80, a8 in the course of a few weeks I began to improve, and after a further use of the Pills the trouble disappeared and I have not since had any trace of it. I may also add that while taking the Pills my weight increased by nine pounds, which shows that Pills are a body builder as well as a nerve restorer." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 60 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- Yam' Medicine Co., Brockville, t. ee THE TOLL OF THE JUNGLE» Loss of Life hy Wild Beasts India Caused by Floods. India still pays its annual tri- bute of human life to the jungle. In fact, the number of deaths from snake-bite or the attacks of wild animals has steadily increased dur- ing the last three years--a fact which the London Times attributes to the great floods. The rising waters have driven the serpents out of the lowlands, up into the vil- lages, and have diminished, through drowning, the natural |¢ food-aupply of the larger wild in Bepat 10 fifty-five persons were killed by elephants, twenty-five by hyenas, one hundred and nine by bears, three hundred and fifty-one | him by leopards, three hundred ninteen by wolves, eight hundred and fifty-three by tigers, and six hundréd and cighty-eight by other animals, including wild pigs. No Adess"than twenty-two thousand four hundred and sevénty-eight "diéd from the bite of poisonous snakes. +The .grand total of mortality is algreny: -four thousand. eight .hun- ed and scventy-eight During the same year ninefy- three thousand cattle were also "killed by' wild beasts or snakes." Ewa RL) ich: blaod | vasion by Spain 1a who | gallant womén' of Tortosa, had been | knighted for saving that city from' Mary and Elizabeth and esticated animals combined. Nine- ty-one thousand one hundred and four snakes over nineteen thousand wild veasts of various kinds were killed. 'the Times also pa that a pasion Ja but jos and perm u : impossiple to assert the yalue , ince no one is whether all--or even a very lage Bumbae of the cases treated | Sdussd by. the bites of really i -- ANVIL SPARKS. /+ Kind words breed. their kind also. Intention is a poor thing with- out attention. The lazy man considers all toil dlavery. 5 He Iho breaks his word smashes mself It doesn't' require brillisncy to cast reflections . You can't butter it when you ' have to. swallow pride. The word 'always: looks - brighter from a smile. People who take too much liberty lose it all sooner or later. When you trip up, fall forward, and get up further along. The bést amen to a prayer is go- ing ahead to carry it out. asting from tae word is not the roper way to develop a hunger or it. Man quer world. It~is easier to be miserable than to be happy, snd many follow the handier way. The sincere prayer must always come from a heart that feels de- pendence and need. The way to get ahead of the devil is to move on; he doesn't run very fast upward. Flowers of speech are mot ac- ceptable praise, save they exhale the sweet fragrance of love. Treated properly, a broken ee- solution may be mended, and so made almost as good as new. Pertinacity is getting a grip ona purpose and clinging to it; stub- ornness is lying down on a pro- position and refusing to move. --_-- SICKLY BABIES CRY HEALTHY BABIES SMILE Baby's cry indicates distress--his smile health and contentment. The mother may be sure there never was a baby who cried for the fun of it. Baby's disposition is.naturally a happy one and it is only distress such as may be brought on by a dis- ordered condition of the stomach or bowels that can change this. So, mothers, to keep your baby happy you must keep him well--Baby's Own Tablets will do this. Ooncern- ing them Mrs. Chas. Potvin, Causa- patcia, N. 8., writes: 'Baby's Own Tablets have proved an excellent remedy for my baby. I had been using syrups, but they failed to help and he cried constantly. The a champion who has con- himself is unsung in' this and | Tablets cured him and now he is a fat, healthy child." The Tablets are sold 'by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. : CLEVER. "She's a clever Eiereitignil ist." ' . "Very. She can even make a man who 'is talking about himsselt stop to listen. " Minard's Liniment Cure Cures Diphtheria. " KNIGHTHOOD F( FOR WOMEN.' "Its not at all well" Knows' that, knighthood has Se besa 'conferréd , upon Ome Lbndpri Graphic. ladies received" the dedo many more wers' s dolinde o nd knightly 'orders as the: Garter-and |¥ St. 8 John. When Mary Cholmon: | deley, 'the bold: lady of Cheshire, '* was knighted by Elizabeth for "(her " 'valiant address' on the Queen tak: ing: command 'at the threatened in: ,.did she know that city ord Spanish women, the 'the 'Moors 1 had both been knighted at . their coronation'; but by the time Anne, |: the: second Mary; and Victoria as- | V cended the throne it had veen quite forgotten that according to His a law and use a woman who fi | | man's office acquired. Me : oh and was" of i une from one duties 7 BRIGHT LITTLE EMILY. HEALTH IN DODD'S RIDERS , po) fathles wut now helefbtn i vy oy Sate Tf fom: te in' ais "neighborhood are alyars speak a good wo r Dodie Kidney Pills." They are Mr. and Mrs. Leon Sergent, and here words : 1 was very feeble. thiok and had & bri ment. As Dodd's already cured my 4 I bought three boxes. Now my urine is nor- mal and I féel fine." «It is statements such as these that |. give Dodd's Kidney Pills their po- pularity. They are no cure-all. They simply cure diseased Kidneys and the ills that: oéie from. is you visit' whet. DONA jo what 4 find find some, 'man or woman 'who ro and jp in and has beso cured by Dodd ney, Pills." PF. a soore of a work. going on and to-da; loday i ovety por of Canada' 8 are known as the oe sure cure for Kidney Disease, Urinaty Troubles, Backache, © Rheumatism, Dropsy, Diabetes and Bright's Disease. "urine was But: no |; --_-- A TWO DAYS AFFAIR. * "Where were you day before yes- terday 1' 'I was helping my wife to move."' "And yesterday ¥"' "Had the doctor helping me to." These Pills Cure Rheumatism.-- To the many who suffer from rheu- matisim a trial of Parmelee's Vege- table Pills is recommended. They have pronounced action upon the liver and kidneys and by regulat- ing the action of these organs act as an alternative in preventing the admixture of the uric acid and blood that causes this painful disor- der. They must be taken acecord- ing to directions and used steadily and they will speedily give evidence of their beneficial effects. A MATTER OF HABIT. He (nérvously)--"What will your father say when I tell him we're engaged 1' Bhe--' 'He'll be delighted, dear. He always has been.'"' poe Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't es Hye Pain. Druggists 'Bell Murine Eve Remedy, Liquid, 38a $0¢,-$1.00. Murine Bye Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Ere "Biors and Eye Advice Free by Mail Murine Eye Remedy Ce. Chicagos THE OTHER: "Is the doctor in ?"' 'No, sir, but won't you please TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Byes | gone to see his other patient." there isa 'simple - cure within the 'réach of all in Bickle's Anti-Con- sumptive Syrup, an old-time and cold, will invarjably give relief, ,Jand by overcoming' 'the' 'trouble, [guard 'the 'system' from any 'serious eater + Price 25 cents, at'all e MORE TO PICK FROM. I ¥ ho géts the best husband. LN " chances to! Pe rr 'béen" prevented water, "but - the water. 'handy. Seep a bottle of Ha Wizard Oil handy and prev ery 'pais of inflammation, * LOOKING AHEAD: op oh 'quarrel like' this' n we do 'after marriage vr a it y. "Ie sink § rush, blindly LEON SERGENT FOUND NEW 1] Lena is the reason in' Mr. Bergent's own | " suffered with my Kidneys and || oome int H&'ll be right back.' He's|i widély Yecognized remedy, whieh, if}* resorted to at the inception of af ; os om' always' the pretticst girl] , aybe no; Butidhs. has the: thost; i "The Chicago Fire could have] with one*pail %of gs was mobi: TARTRAVELL®D. NAMES. Familiar Everyday Words 'Have Come Long Distanoes. Calico takes its name from Cali-| cut, a city in'India. "Satin is from Zaytoun, in China, Damask was first: made af; Damascus," in Byria. Gauze is from Gaza, in Palestide ; and baize from Baza, in' Spain, oon Dimity is called after Damietta, in part | Egypt. Cambric was first made at Cambria, in France, and muslin at Mosul, in Asia. Serge got' its manie 'from Xerga, | a Spanish word. Velvet is our equi- valent of the Italian word velluta ; and gingham is from Gingamp, a town in Brittany, where the cloth was first. used for umbrella covers. Cashmere gets its name from the valley of Cashmere, in tue Hima- layas, buckram from Bokhara, lawn from Laon_ in France, and khaki is the Indian word for earth, But we have many home-made names of fabrics. Tweed was originally the praduct of the weav- ers of the Tweed, melton was first made at the town of that name in Leicestershire. Worsted is from Worstead, famed for its fine wool yarns. Cheviot was originally, a cloth made from the wool of the; Cheviot Hills; and * blankets got |i their name from their original English = manufacturer -- Thomas Blanket. Shilohs Cure QUICKLY STOPS COUGHS, CURES COLDS, HEALS THE THROAT AND LUNGS. 26 CENTS -- NOT MUCH OF A SHOW. "Did you enjoy the play?' 'Not much." The leading lady A cough i is often the forerunner 'ot | serious pulmonary afflictions, yet: Minard's pitt of «| Gentlemon,--I x A on mys oan bo painiesly 0 g Hol ay's rn ; fed sent home | pow. .[tion, rheumatism or . any ailment | arising from derangement, of the di- -f Zam:Buk Is A su Fase AF #5 5 8 ¢ e i nat * Disvey): of vay Elio Fay Winnipeg, says: --"A few 'months since I was cured of a pni- Soned finger through the timely use| of Zam-Buk. 2" "1 cut a deep gash across the; knuckle 'on the first finger of iy right hand in opening a lobster can. I suffered at the time with the sore- ness and pain, but had no idea it would become a serious wound: y However, in about two days my whole hand and arm to the elbow | became inflamed, and the finger was much discolored, showing signs of blood-poisoning. "I then decided fo star{ the Zam: Buk treatment, and having first bathed the cut, I'applied the heal-| ¢ ing balm. It soothed the pain al- most instantly. . "In a week's time, through per- severance with Zam-Buk, a com- plete cure was brought about. " Zam-Buk'is just as good for ec- zema, ulcers, scalp sores, abscesses, piles, ringworm, boils, varicose ul- cers, running sores, cold sores, chapped hands, ete. Use 'it, £00, for cuts, burns, bruises and all skin | injuries. Zam-Buk Soap should be 'used in_copjunction to the balm for washing wounds and sore places. Excellent too for baby's bath. All druggists and stores sell Zam- Buk at 50c. box and Zam-Buk Soap at 25c. tablet. Post free for price from Zam-Buk Co., Téronto. Toronta, * --e ree HE KNEW HER. "John, do you love your little wife?" "Yes." 'Do you love me very much ¢' Oh, yes." "Will you always love me?" | "Yes--say, wo-| man, what have you gone dhd Inder oF R Trial is Tierpantive, --To those who suffer from iia, indiges-f ive system, a trial of Parme-| 's Vegetable Foe is recommen- 4 So hia is ote) .Clres can oer- so be aehare ve: P ineltective, ; 'mi fliculb lF enn do' A We FARMS FOR RENT: 'ASK DAWSON, HE ROWS. 4 we wena = best prices' right. 1, WANTED. -- A LINE FO! » WIne us for our on . We have GENTS overy hom hoe 01 agents. realest ron Son to-auy. No ouulay C. ide Co., 428 HELP WANTED, S Ee PER WEEK SELLING oue nand sgg-boater, Terms 00. money reiuuded If VubASIAG wry, Pm MIg. vompsny, Coulug- Would, N 5 a WOR ni SCELLANEOD us, AY and YAKM SUALKS. Wilson Beale Works, 9 hepissade, Turouvd. Aw] s MACHINERY, PORTABLI SOT Newry -Lutue Muy, Bhiusgie dual sugiues and Bouels, alill Bupyise, 3 &. MOLE Manwaring C0 Luk, W Brees, Urls Uuiario, C Anuils, LYUBURS, Luks, o ote. Ae wrMul aud, exieronl, withouy wild by our wkodie eam, Write us velore Ur, BBIALGN Cou Limited, 1" Collingwood, Ont. a Gy nA EED, Wison's | orks, Eeplannde Toronto, 6G: * Soule lo BLHI TANNERY---QUSYOM RUBE aud Fur tanning, Uatite and Horse" uues make best Moves ana Uonts Ww. propery tanned. beud them to me have nem aressed right, - You will be well Savane. b. ¥. bey; Deity, Ont. - ] /PARN THE BARBER TR TRADE 8 BIGHT. b '4ne Mower burper Uo kal OOllege, tounaed in ro fc are. LOW, sucCessdul baroers ail: over us World; yOu ges 6k Sp a praviage. thiogue. 3 Barver Jollege. LBL nen asi Loronio.: GENTS © WANTED, -- a STUDY or Junge or Agency Broposiiions convinces Us. shat giong oan' You will Ww. regret it if you op, t apply for paw ticutars wo 'fraveliers' Dept., Ls Albert Ottawa. h Q PECTaLIsTs J) us in reg ADVICE YhER, to nard's Liniment Cures per. AR irl usually thinks tha hor harfhonizes with he piano; worms, and many are born are them suloring by 0 NE : Member Standard Segok and Mining]

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