Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 27 Sep 1911, p. 7

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'My Christian friends," he went on, as they stood round, "you see . those seeds If you will plant them "as I direct, "I will you : two- nce apiece for e: one you set. oo ho says willing?' wn & bave similar Mr. Hurst spread about fifty acorns, brought from home, on his handkerchief. He gave each man an acron that, at a given signal, he must plant at one of the marked | Places, and then return for another. e pointed out that under this ar- rangement the amount of their earnings depended on the vigor of their exertions, for the more ener- -getic the man the greater his pro- rtion of the whole sum set aside or oak-culture. "Shades of Sherwood!" to con- tinue in Mr. Hurst's own words. "What a sight it was to see those curious creatures displaying frantic energy beneath the blazing sky! 'As each man rushed toward me, I held out_an acorn and uttered words of encouragment, warning or banter, as the case repuired. 'For nearly an hour did the trem- endous activity continue, until not an acorn remained on the handker- chief. "I then cast up the account in my note-book, which showed the follow- ing score: Red Man, twelve; Mel- ancholy Man, sixteen; Fat man, eleven ; Blue-faced Man, thirteen.' rrr crise NEW NAVAL SUBMARINES. Great Britain Has Seventy-five of This Type of Vessel. More and more importance is be- ing attached by European naval and military authorities to submar- ines and aeroplanes. Russia, Tur- key, France, and Germany all in- clude submarines in their new "de- (dence schemes. England 'seems to ar ideas, for there are now seventy-five Submarines com- pleted or under construction: in British yards. That the modérn submarine .is no very frail affair, or difficult to manage, is proved by the: fact that one flotilla has just travelled nine thousand. miles out. to' Hong Kong and another to Malta in the Medi- terranean. Both had stormy pas- sages; yet no damage' was suffer- woo The latest, or "BE" type of Brit. ish submarines, is 4 tremendous ad- "vance on _ prévious achievements. Experts believe there are some no- ¢ table improvements yet to be ad- 'ded, so'that within a few years the "displacement will 'bé up to 2,000 tons and the vessels: will be able ! 40 travel under. water by day and on the surface at might.. By that time 'the old-time destroyers will be hopelessly. out of date. , ifiayy | Breakfast! A: bow! stesly cod , most des | val warfare for }cannot pay?' the future. I ~ DEATH AFTER A SCRATCH. Morris Quatzam, an eleven-yedr: old Windsor boy, fell off his bicycle and soratohed . his wrist. . He thought nothing of the injury, but blood poison set in and he is dead. Such incidents as these--by no means infrequent--ought to make people realize the danger that may lie even in the smallest wound. Take a simple illustration, When a knife, a rusty needle, a splinter of dirty wood, a barbed wire fence, or a thorn, scratches the hand, the latter is inoculated with germs. The way to avoid serious results is to cleanse the wound and apply Zam-Buk, Zam-Buk is a powerful yet painless germ-killer, and when applied to the broken skin is ab- sorbed into the tissue, instantly destroying the germs that spread disease and stopping the pain and smarting. That is why Zam-Buk is so popular with children. Zam-Buk must not be confused with ordinary ointments. Zam-Buk is & unique preparation; possess- ing antiseptic, soothing and heal- ing qualities that are not to be found together in any other pre- 'paration. It is not only a unique healing balm, but it is also a skin food. For all skin diseases and injuries--cuts, bruises, burns, ec- zema, chafing, "ulcers, ringworm, etc., it is without equal. It is also used widely for piles, for which it may be regarded as a specific. All druggists and stores sell at 50 cents a box, or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. Refuse harmful imitations. : CLEVER DOG. Cook--My dog took first prize at the cat show. Hook--How was that? Cook--He took the cat. No one need fear cholera or any summer complaint if they have a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dy sentery Cordial ready for use. It corrects all looseness of the bowels promptly and causes a healthy and natural action. This is a medicine adapted for the young and old, rich and poor and is rapidly be- coming the most popular medicine for cholera, dysentery, etc., in the market. She--'Doesn't « it worry you dreadfully to owe so many bills you He-- No. Why should I worry over other people's troubles" . Practically all Canadian drug- gists; grocers and general dealérs sell. Wilson's Fly Pads. If your storekeeper does not, ask him why, Lots of men would make good if employed to furnish the motive power for windmills. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. SENTENCE SERMONS. Deceive nobody, not ever thy. self- . God is a discovery, not an inven- tion. . . . The keynote of Christianity is power not words. Do the best you know, that you know better. You may not make a living, but you can make a life : Friendship is the flower of a 'moment, and the fruit of time. ld you count your true 1 Fall into misfortune. ve friend a . your work watch some 3 ohman tive 1) } terms. ub their meaning from a dictionary. it is a great help The people would learn | ---- WHAT IS A BOND? A mortgage on the C. P. R, could not very well be held by one per- son so it is split up and sold in sec- 8 to a number. Such sections are called bonds. Bonds are al- ways readily turned into cash at par or even better, and they pay twice as much intérest as a savings bank deposit. Write to the Royal Securities Corporation, Toronto, and get an interesting book on'the subject. They will be glad to send it and you will be pleased to have it; it's free. ) DON'T PULL IT OFF. "And you really think, doctor, that you must perform the opera- tion to-day?' "Oh, yes. There may be no ne- cessity for it to-morrow." rn LOW COLONIST FARES TO THE PACIFIC COAST. | Via the Chicago, Union Pacific and North West. orn Line, daily from September 15th to October from all points in Canada. Pullman tourist ping cars daily. Personally conducted Califor- nia tours in Pullman tou: sleeping cars on through trains leave Chicago Tuesday Thurs- day of each week. For rates. folders and full iculars apply to B. H. Bennett, Genl. Agt., Yonge St., Toronto, Ontario, PLEASANT TO HAVE AROUND. "That Jones boy who used to work for you wants to hire out to me. Is he steady?' 'Steady! If he was any steadier he'd be motionless." Impurities of the Blood Counter- acted. --Impurities in the blood come from defects in the action of the liver. They are revealed by pimples and unsightly blotches on the skin. They must be treated inwardly, and for this purpose there is no more effective compound to be used than Parmelee's Vege- table Pills. They act directly oa the liver and by setting up healthy processes have a beneficial effect upon the blood, so that impurities are eliminated. LABOR. Cholly--*"Are you working your way through college" Algy--"Yes; I'm working the money out of father." If every housekeeper would use Wilson's Fly Pads freely during the Summer months the house fly peril would soon be a thing of the past. THE BENEVOLENT BUTLER. A Calcutta correspondent reports "a truly horrible incident" which befell an English' lady. Her 'but- ler' was in the habit" of calling loudly beneath ber window every evening about 7.' Hig Say sugested | "was calling either the cat; pnd the . home; but though 'she had Hor dome time took no il one evening, havin to Took. she was horrified to see the butler, like a dusky pied piper, sur- rounded by a troop of rate! There were guite fifty of them, from the big bandicotes to small muskrats, all being fed on the remains of her soup, meat and other bits. In a plague. country this was an amuse- ment that was speedily ended. ce. Un- "Does you son indulge much iu piscatorial exercises. 'No, he don't care for nothin' but to go off fishin'." CURED OF GONSTIPATON Mr. Andrews praises Dr. Mr, Andrews of Halifax, N.S, A George An ax, ¥ "For many years 1 have been troubled with chronic ation, ~ "This ail- C! had neither, the lady | notd the curiosity | Sek Red, ' OLEAN and SIMPLE to Use. NO chance Dye Goode Beaker, FREE Color Card and Johnson-Richsrdeon Co. ¥. Booklet 18, Limited, Montreal, oon BUS!NESS COLLEGE ~ CHATHAW, . ONE OF AMERICA'S GREATEST BUSINESS SCHOOLS Over 2,000 cholce positions filled In past Four Years. ust filled; --- IL B. HLNN, from , placed with Sask, Milling OCo,, as Steno. FERN BMITH. Steno. Co, Windsor, E. C. ROBINSON Soms others Newfonndla: Moose Jaw, Peabody Overall Bkkpr., with Bel Furniture Co., Southampton, Out. FLOSSIE ANDERSON, Steno. and Bkkpr, Can. Wolverine Co., Chatham. MILDRED AND- ERSON, Steno. with De Laval Separator Co. Winnipeg, RB. J. SCOTT, teacher, with Drake College, Newark, N. J. The salaries of the three shown Yast week average over §700 per unnum. The salaries of the six here shown Arorage close to $700. Our students are prepared or the bi sitions where the bi, y is offered. IT PAY! 0 ATTEND THE BRST. Catalogue 88 tells of the work at Chatham. Catalogue tells of our home courses. Address, D. McLACHLAN & CO, C. B. College, Chatham, Ont. NOT POLITE. The family had never been in the habit of saying grace, but when the minister took tea with them they thought it proper to bend their heads over their plates devoutly. All would have gone well if the young hopeful had not piped up: "It ain't polite to smell yer meat |' No child should be allowed to suf- fer an hour from worms when prompt relief can be got in a simple but strong remedy--Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. Unless we are wrong again, we have discovered why cheese is served with pie: The restaurant person wishes to get rid of the cheese. It always looks as if it had been kicking around the place for weeks. Blood Poisoning is often caused by slight cuts or wounds. Death may result. Hamlins Wizard Oil will draw out the poison, heal the wound and prevent serious trouble. "When you saw that beastly cow, why didn't you drive her out of my garden?' 'Well, you see, sir, your garden was in the cow I'? Minard's Liniment Relleves Neuralgia. Margaret--Isn't it strange? Kathering" -- What? Margaret -- That many a woman who has bléached her hair wants to keep it dark. TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY ed, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes sad Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't oothes Eye Pain. Druggists Bell Murine Bye Remedy, Liquid, 26c, 600, $1.00. Murine Eye B8alve in Aseptic Tubes, 25¢, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mail Murine Eye Remedy Co. "Breach of promise suits," said Uncle Eben, "is de result of a man dat wears his heart on his sleeve meetin' a gal dat carries hers in her pocketbook.' On Bale Everywhere.--There may be country merchants who do not keep Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, though they are few and far be- tween, and these may suggest that some other oil is just as good. There is nothing so good as a liniment or as an internal medicine in certain cases. Take no other. . The de- mand for it shows that it ig the only. popular oil. £53 it wad never won fair lady. A 'frog cannot breathe with its It to life practised by the 1 ed the men come back to life after being to all intents dead; Shecial shady of the restora: tally ile he dogs nat he does tell how it is done, and this in itself is interesting. In jiu-jiteu if & man is knocked {out beaten senseless, killed or' ath- 'erwise mauled, and if a man has been killed by a sunstroke 'or 'by drowning the restorer rolls the pati- ent on his face and extends his arms '| sidewise. "Then he strikes the pati- ent on the seventh cervical verte- bra with his wrist severely and re- gularly until the patient recovers consciousness. Immediately he is placed in a sitting posture, his arms rotated and he is aided in walking, . for otherwise he relapses into uncon- sciousness immediately, and in some cases dieg™at once, } This system of pounding the sev- enth vertebra has been found pecul- iarly beneficial in some acute heart diseases and the effects of the treat- ment under Japanese manipulation seem almost miraculous at times. As yet there seems to be no clear medical explanation of the effects of pounding the seventh vertebra, but the genuineness of the cures and re- suscitations frequently described by travellers is mow scientifically es- tablish by Prof. Abrams's ipvest- igations. ---- Faultless in Preparation.--Un- like any other stomach regulator, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are the result of long study of vegetable compounds calculated to stimulate the stomachic functions and main- tain them at the normal condition. Years of use have proved their faultless character and established their excellent reputation. And this reputation they have main- tained for years and will continue to maintain, for these pills must al- ways stand at the head of the list of standard preparations. WHAT HE THOUGHT. "What do you call a person that reads heads?' 'A phrenologist, my boy." "Gee! Then ma must be one of those things. She felt on my head this afternoon and said right away, 'You've been swimming.'"' Carterhall, Nfd. Minard's Liniment Co. Limited. Dear Birs,--While iu the country last summer I was badly bitten by mosqui- toes, so badly that I thought I would be disfigured for a couple of weeks. I was advised to try your Liniment to allay the irritation, and did so. The effect was more than I expected, a few applications completely curing the irritation, and preventing the bites from becoming sore. INARD' LINIMENT is algo a good article to keep off the mosquitoes. Yours Luly, W. A. V. R. QUALIFIED. Ryter--I've half a mind to write a popular novel. Crytic--Well that's as much as you will need. It is an undisputed fact that one packet of Wilson's Fly Pads has actually killed a bushel of house flies. Fortunately no such quan- tity can ever be found in a well kept house, but whether they be few or many Wilson's Fly Pads will kill them all. Mistress--' 'Mary, another knife, please! This one is not clean." Mary--' 'Not clean, mum! I'm sure it ought to be. The last thing it cut was soap!" Corns cannot exist when Hollo- way's Corn Cure is applied to them, because it goes to the root and kills the growth. The young wife's version: "Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you get what you want |" Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Eto. Papa--"Well, did the photogra- pher succeed in making the baby look pleasant?' Mamma -- 'No; but the baby succeeded in making the photographer look very plea- sant." Some things that come to those who wait are badly moth eaten. SHIRE "KIDNEY PILLS + { nonentity ; and a. nuisance. best interest returns. 4 There is no reason ment to ouset the fact: .at whet is the best investment for tl.: Bank surplus is the best invest- ment for the individual investor. q Write to-day for our booklet on Bonds, and Bond issues we recommend. ROYAL SECURITIES CORPORATION LIMITED BANK OF MONTREAL BUILDING YONGE AND QUEEN STS. TORONTO FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. ASK DAWSON, HE KNOWS. IF you want to sell a farm, consul me. 1° you want to buy a farm, consul me. 1 HAVE some of the best Fruit, Brock, Grain or Dairy Farms in utarios and prices right. W. DAWSON, « Street, Toronto. Ninety Colborne ACENTS WANTED. GENTS WANTED.--A study of other Agency propositions convinces uf tbat none can equal ours. You will ways regret it if you don't apply 1 particulars to ravellers' Dept. Albert Bt, Ottawa. J NEMPLOXED MEN OR WOMEN, DO you wish to make Five Dollars day for balance of year? If so, consult J. Nichols Co., Limited, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. AY and FARM SCALES. Wilson's H Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. AWMILL MACHINERY, PORTABLE S or heavy Lathe Mills, Shingle Mills, Engines and Boilers, Mill Supp! ies. The E. Long Manufacturing Co., Ltd., West Street, Orillia, Ontario. GENTS WANTED. A LINE FOR A every home. Write us for our choice list of agents supplies. We have the greatest agency proposition in Canada to-day. No outlay necessary. Apply B. C. I. Co., 228 Albert Bt, Ottawa. C ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, eto. In. ternal and external, cured without pein by our home treatment. Write us efore too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co, Limited, Collingwood, Ont. e TON SBCALE GUARANTEED. Wilson's 6 Bcale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. o PECIALISTS ADVICE FREE, nsuly us in regard to any diseass. west rices in drugs of all i russes fitted by mail. Bend measure ment. Glasses fitted by age. Write to-day for anything sold in rst-class dru stores to Dr. Bellman, Collingwood. On FEATHER DYEING Cleaning and Curling sud Kid Gloves gleaned. ese can be sent by poss, 1o per oz, The best place is BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO. MONTREAL. a Be H. H. NIGHTINGALE STOCK BROKER Member Standard Stock and Mining Exchange LISTED STOCKS CARRIED ON MARGIN Correspondence invited. 33 MELINDA ST., TORONTO Silver Pine Healing 'Oil Healed a Barb-Wire Cut without leaving a scratch' Mrs. Kate McCraxe, or Mows BRAY, MAY. writes: "Please send me a bottle of Jour Silver Pine Healing Oil. 1 ad a colt cut last winter with barb wire--I used half a bottleand it healed up and didn't leave a scratch. Now I have another colt that has got cut that I calculate to heal with what is left, but I would like to have you send me another bottle if 1 should happen to need it, for I think I could not get on without it." For all kinds of wounds, bruises, burns and sores on animals or human being®: Silver Pine Heal- ing Oil is a quick, safe and wonderful healer. Keepa bottle on band for times of need. In 26c., 0c. and $1.00 bottles, as your dealer's or from the International Stock Food Co., Limited, Toronts, Can, opinions, he's has them, he'

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