Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 23 Aug 1911, p. 2

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the Kowshing in the steamer's wy boats on Togo's orders... EVENTS IN THE LIFE OF THE JUSTIFIED: NONE OF THEM ARE USUALLY GREAT JAPANESE SAILOR. For four hours the Naniwa lay'at DITIONS SiR A i -a distance away from the trans ort SEVERE CONDITIONS. en Han 070 -- Ri * DAREER OF ONIRAL TORD urs im, THE KINDS OF EAT STROKES HEALTH IN AUSTRALIA. Observation-of Regulations Results Ria, T= while Togo tried to bring the Chin-1. ~~ SHE in a Yl 0 a " As a Young Man Me Attended act to terms. in the end > 380: | Recovery is Result of Loose aing| He Lan De En is Ge EER NE o : ese commander' fired. a : a or Me ARG t of Loosening! - Health: c Bond *in - Kustvali Naval College in Greenwich, through the hull' of the transport Clothes anil Giving! Gold Water * are Tite in bay" Auialie England. and she senk with all on board. and Ammon Se 1 41y, of the globe' if the low death} : Admit] Togo, of all! Japan's] ge SE nn threaten [| | a a, ; | rate of 10.95 a thousand a yearmay| Ff OFFERAREES Ci great men, is the most Japanese at tional difficulti country in inter-| Heat collapse is not usually. a|be accepted asian index, says the nty-four years ago the write | 4 "s0it has hoen said by for: na ona lifficulties, but subsequent | severe condition. The patient sud- Medical Record. " - for the first time, Whrough [or ta he havo lived in the em. | pletely. He justified him 'cm | denly turns giddy and fol; His The death rate from tuberculosis | the New York Customs, He had, pire, and who know at first "hand Dor of the war © 'through the | skin is moist and cool; his breath- | has steadily béen declining during| two big trunks full of kit; buf less | ani as much of the Japanese character G OF he war. . ne hurried but never sterterous; the last twenty-five years and now | thaw half an hout's delay ini a large, as any foreigner may know, _ac- WAR WITH RUSSIA, his pulse small and soft; his pupils is less than 9 per cent. of the total| draughty wooden shed was enau h oe ; cording to a writer in the New| When the war with Russia for ilated his temperature remains at eaths, which 1s a lower percentage | to convince the o s that he'was | Coffins are always looked Yorl: Sun. This means that aside | which Japan had béen preparin th falls below the normal, while po Fiah soon ion 407 Siben Bobia smuggler, & payment (of Rom ine ae Wl ar from the purely technical aspect of | for many years, seemed table there is no complete loss- of ~eon--{ COWNLXY.. which. compiles its statis- | four dollars and conts--18s.-- Some time ago, & fend "casket, aes his training as a commander over |early in 1890 "Pogo was made vice- sciousness as a rule. tics in an equally accurate man-|duty on a new English saddle was companied by. sorrowing : relative modern battle fleets the victor of |admiral in command of the entire Recovery" gradually ensues, says |" A on all that was demanded. in deepest mourning, was unloa Tsushima, is at heart of the old|navy of the island empire. He as- the London Lagcet, when the pa- In New Soith 'Wales the notific-| | qitinge ave 'very diff t Jfat. Now York. . The authori TL evel Satruma fight- | sempled his flect at mpire. He as {Gent is taken into the shade, his |ation. of cases of 'pulmonary and|gocg, A Da | smelt a rat, and insisted upon ing samurai such as we see on the base of Sasebo; then 8 eat nay clothes are loosened, cold water is throat tuberculosis has been" com- Yok Boron. ny ther: bi an €W.| being "opened. "To their -discomfits: vases and kakemonos, terrifying in|6, - after di Jomatic: » hegoti bi y dashed on his head and ammonia pulsory for over ten years. The gy, ors ar aude gs 18 ions ure it was found to. contain .& aspect under grinning war masks. With Russia Dn \egatia ions held to his nostrils. Far different, walls and ceilings of houses in To dot with v Yegu' sr quis ozs. corpse. T Even under the modern conditions, | but before a formal de re tie ot however, is it with heatstroke. which cases occur are sprayed With{ 2a fend I hy he | But at that moment an ingpector: which have changed and bewildered | wal Q claration of | This may be. either. direct or in-|& solution of formalin and the orst offenders, clever female IN-| qngiit an.cye keenly watching his Japan his code fas "een the an- war had been made, Togo sent part | direct. In direct heatstroke or flcots are washed with a solution of | SPectresses ave employed, and 10} ,,ovements from belfind a" black cient code of Bushido, and his life full of lect to on ey transports |sunstroke the attack may occur in corrosive sublimate. " only are their skirts searched yfor, bordéred ngndkerchief. 'He xplor- « off the quarterdeck of his flagship ni ht ot Feb v ores, . me hes more than one form, . In one form | : The effectiveness of the educa- lace, but their hair was probed 10,04 further, and found' 'sil and is as nearly like the lives of his his tor] edo Aotilia St th Be the persons affected arg mostly Honal campaign js gown by he sto A Ore Be shin. laces enough to stock a small shop. ¥ ; forefathers as he can order it. ectin *R ssi hi ab, P toAr more or less untrained to severe fact that open air sleeping is more Stones are, fopoesl Inthe shin; mM ee @ can of n / E ussian ships in Port Ar-lexertion as, for instance, young general than in any other country.}'"8 coils. CTICAL "NO RETURN." tr. mmediately [Mtex the little | soldiers newly arrived .in-- a. hot | There is. scarcely 'a dwelling house| = CIGARS RUBY BRAND PRACTICAL RECIPES. On the eve of the departure of vostment of Port A eted : © the country" and unaccustomed to the | constructed nowadays in Australia, , "77 | Fig Layer Cake.--Cream one" the Japanese fleet under his com- | yea. side of ort Ar bur from A e | fatigue of marching. It is especial-| even a Toborei's cottage, which is| The modern' srhiggler imiukt be cup of sugar and | one-third cup. Be ert Arthur, and the be- | heavy bo nd on Apr 0 a wl ly likely to affect them when the air not provided with a suitable veran- | endowed with a combination of in- | butter. till light, add three eggs | ginning of the great struggle with |}, 8 oe A 8 Ad e 1 Mu s| is moist, so that the skin:action be- dah for outdoor sleeping. There is| genuity and brass-bound ~ impud- | without "separating, Weating five' B® this admiral of a modern by Togos ce ice \ wiral | a- | comes diminished. Violent head. | Very little expectorating on the] ence. 5 "| minutes between adding te first. fei vel, "called his officers to | sulted in lo c ol al ya ic re ache is first complained' of ; the | sidewalks or other public places. "Anything to declare?" asked | two eggs and ten minutes after ads Be nee wd there, under the | battleship I Joss of he et class march, however, is still ¢ inued, | - Ordinances to prevent the con- the officer of a smartly-dressed first-| ding the last egg; add teaspoon. he Ras Mon eight-inch guD | contact p De ropaviovs ; throng until the patient at length falls | tamination of milk and other food | class passenger, who arfived. the|yanilla and one-half cup milk. Sif joi Pho hie cabin he addressed | mines which a string © Honing down in vonvulsions, with teeth | stuffs are well observed. In shops| other day in New York on a big! gwice two cups flour with two even gr them On the table before him lay | commander had rane in Pe od firmly clenched, where, fresh meat is offered for | Hamburg-American liner. teaspoons baking powder; add to the (Ahiee and a hall inches of | vance. INSENSIBILITY ABSOLUTE. of Ay ver fod shosts atid two boxes of cigars!" was| the batter and beat until light and onor"-- - . i : . . . : Si bon" hich Short Oot * he BARRED LETTERS FROM HOME| Tn a second form the subject, dindows and walls for the purpose They Vere handed over for ex- anoGth Fut mn Mo lage edhe : Beal is the last recourse of a After long weeks of investment streaming with perspiration, be- | of catching dust, All large cities, | amination, and a duty of a dollar I < _a quick ove ral | . : } comes steadily paler, with blood- | like Syd Melb . id ' 8 y } twenty-five minutes: When cool warrior in defeat. Togo made no |interspersed by bombardments of y paler, } > ke 'Sydney, ourne, 'Adelaide, | was demanded, and paid on each| a1 with fi te. Fig P : allusion to the unsheathed dagger. their land fortifications the Rus- shot eyes, swollen veins, respira: ahd others, have tuberculosis sana-| box. Had the officials only kmown |o a res fin ¥g Fasten "To-night we shall attack the en sians again made a showing out- tion shallow and quiet, until he toria and also a large number of| jt. there were hidden ingide those one pound figs fine, add one cup. of emy," he said. 'From that voyag- | side the Tiger's Tail on August 10th slips to the ground. Consciousness | beds for chronic cases. The Green-| cigars cut rubies of a value of boiling water, one-half cup sugar, ing 'here is no return.' and after a running fight had to is not as a rule entirely lost, and | vale Sanatorium, near. Melbourne, | something over $35,000. juice of one-half lemon; simmer retreat beaten to the support of the revival occurs if the patient be re- | will compare favorably with simil- Th h ' d the United gently till it makes a smooth paste. HIS LIFE. land batteri This ended th ®| lieved of all impediments to free re- | ar institutions in Europe and Am- © man who cause © Cool before using. The biography of his early life is | und batteries e, and Togs was | Piration. CL erica. States Customs officials move trow-| "white Fruit Cake.--Whites of g : g In a third form the patient be-| Gratifying progress has been ble than any other aki Ti | ten eggs, one pound of flour, three- i certain famous gem SMUBEGT. fourths pound of butter; one pound: scanty in detail. He was born in| alled upon to do serious work | | ) : WY ] 88 Kagoshima, the capital city of the | the Baltic fleet under Rozh- comés exceedingly 'thirsty without | made in isolating chronic and more |; said that, in all, he imported 81,- ! 1 1¢ d: Lord of Satsuma, in December, | joctvensky was despatched from any feeling of fatigue and suddenly | particularly open cases of tuber-| 0000 ih of stones without pay- of best raisins (seed them) one: 1847. Satsuma, a province in the | J ibau on October 15th, and after falls down in a comatose state. In |culosis. In New South Wales, Vie- Inga wor io dut 8 | half pound crystallized cherries, gouthermost island of the Japan|... o icissitudes sailed up tnrough a fourth variety the soldier, for |toria, and South Australia it is ga pen y vy o one-half pound crystallized "pine~ group, has been from the, age of | he Tsushima Strait toward the example, after a long march in the gtimated that at least 50 per cent. His dodges were endless. bot apple, one-half pound citron, one-. fable the land of fighters. Togo Japan Sea. sun is seized with a racking head- | of these cases have been placed in [occasion he hid $125,000 worth oli. 14 round blanched. almonds, one : Hie porn of a family of fighters. "You must not distract my mind ache, which becomes 'more and | hospitals and a good proportion of digmonds hid vasile, wd gave Lio small tumbler of sherry. Cut the: is father was a samurai, a retaid- | jo ending me letters while 1 am | more agonizing. Great intolerance the remainder under supervision. a baby--child of one © rE hil fruit, up . Clip raisins _in two OX! er of the Lord of Satsuma under the | ii cominand of tne fleet," Togo to light sets in and unconscious- | The health officials believe that on- | @ge passengers--to play with Whie| yp, 0c hieces; cut almonds across old fendal regime; his mother was | Clee' hic wife during the months | 0°8° follows. If the patient recov. ly a few years will elapse before | the officials were conducting their po tree or four times with a un daughter of a sumural. A few | ein in which the fleet under ers the intense pain in the head |every case of pulmonary and throat | search. At another time he hed 2 penknife. Flour the fruit as 1b days after her child had been born | io oo mmand was preparing for the may not disappear for weeks. tuberculosis will be under such con- consignment of diamonds cast In : : she took him to the shrine of the lgna) oonflict with the Russians on peal i 91 other fruit cake and add last In cases of indirect heat stroke |trol 'as to reduce the danger of| a lump of sugarstick. The sugar © ¢ \ guardian god of the clan, laid him Anal eon he devoted himself batter. No baking powder is use upon the altar and, after the ol strictly to the business in hand and the patient is attacked indoors. The transmitting the infection to a min- | Wa8 transparent, but so, too, were Gi Cak T 1 ded 4 th ' temperature may run to 110 de- | imum. the anes, and pnyane could exam. Be or ja ups | ig eustom, dedicated the infant to : : : \ grees, and in case of death re- ine, the lump of sweetness withoun , tw , on ihe defence of the Land of the he Ja bis Beer the oe eh of mains high for some time thereaf- --* ; the least stspleion thos 3 vas any- re ve (ine ds and to the service of the : co ter. WHITE N thing but what 1t'segm 0 be. | eel chopped fine (the wii Prince." the blundering Russians, veacy nie To consider the various theories . Ir MAN DOOMED. ' part tush be omitted), ginge STERN SCHOOLING. * |good time. advanced as to the causation of heat | Professor Thinks Fair Skinned| BETRAYED. BY A GIRL. cléves and cinnamon to make The boy's schooling was that of HE GREAT 0 ake bios th calorie the- Races Will Vanish From Earth. On this occasion, again, he em- tablespoontul, Ee ne 16 in; x > , W ites the attac oT . . all youths of the fighting clan of AT VICTORY. + . If we are to take seriously the ployed a child: to help him e8rTy | noon soda. Mix this well; and t ! : ; the action .of intense heat per se. It we a i y ar- Kagoshima. Archery, the use of | Op the morning of May 27, 1905, | is supposed that the in tonsity of | pfedictions of Prof. Lionel W. through the deception. Afive-year-| 4} on stir in two well beaten egg gun and sword, rigorous training of | contact with the Russian fleet was istur . Lyde, of London University, th old girl was borrowed, and taught| gy; 'the \ the body and the development of established by Togo's scouts. At then the fo mths outlook for the white oan on the to call him uncle. She carried the Sprinkle he eeaeker rou wel the mind through reading of te 1.98 elock hat afternoon, when |of the body. To this, however, it|face of this earth is gloomy in- lump of candy in her hand as he Boke in moderate oven thirty oF i A the two fleets were less than five e ob) \ deed. Much has been wri eft the ship, and when one OL] ; his training. Above all else, after | miles apart, Togo hoisted this mes- ust be te he Ben' ave on ime and bn enarding oy Custom: House officials asked it he forty minges. salad at the old code, he was taught abso-|gage on the signal halyards of the| scarcely even affected by the "7 | the 'abmty of the white man to live might-have a bite, she cried. The is best ade t & Thi ing ute self-effacement, the control of | Mikasa: "The fate of the empire in the tropics and to retain his trick was successful. 8 made at home. Thiseree all passions and the ability to | depends upon this battle. Let ev- HEAT OF THE FURNACES. | |podily and mental vigor. The con-| 1t wa® years before he was even will stand the -test of time. maintain silence. At the age of 16 | ery man do "his best." Them the| Next there is the autotoxic the- |sensus of opinion, as pointed out by suspected, for he was clever enough | & emall graniteware saucepan aa he became a sailor on the single | two fleets engaged. ory, according to which the high The Medical Record, has been that to announce openly that he #:as im- | in it sir a teaspoon of sugar, warship owned by the Lord of 8at-| 1p less than forty-five minutes|temperature causes the blood to be-|he cannot do so, but after a time | POTtINg gems, a he always de- | little salt and dry mustard accords sum3, and at 21 he was a petty of- |the Russians were overwhelmed, |come poisonous to the nerve cells, | he will surely deteriorate physical- clared a goodly number of stones. [118 to taste, three tablespoons ok ficer aboard the little cruiser Kas- | hut jt was not until two days after. | especially those of the vasomotor | ly and mentally. ' Eventually, he was betrayed by a |vinegar, and three of cream. Whe uga, one of the infants of the Im} ward that the last of the Russian | entrés ahd cardiac ganglia. Then| Furthermore, white = natives girl. He had induced her to help | well mixed add two well beats perial navy just then in process of | ships, except, three which limped | there is the microbic theory of Dr. | whose ancestors have lived three or | him under promise of marriage. {egg yolks, place in a pan of bail: uriding. . into Manila, were either destroyed | Samhon, 'which, however, does. not | more generations in the tropics are When she found out that he already ling 'water and cook and stip il FIRST WAR. or captured. During the first min-| seem to be supported by the facts. | not, with rare exceptions, the peers had a wife, she made the whole | the mixture 1s like ¢ream. '° The youngster's first engagement utes of the fight, when shells gore The view that in the opinion of | either in body or mind of their re- } story. public, and he was not only} quantity can be doubled or treble came when, in the Enmoto rebel: spattering about the Mikasa, Togo |the Lancet best accounts for heat] latives living in' the temperate heavily fined, but sentenced to a | for if placed in a cool . place t lion of 1868. which was all of a refused to leave the place he had | stroke is the actinic theory of Col. | zone. term of imprisonment. dressing will keep indefinitely part with the civil wars of the Re- chosen there, and it was not until | F. Maude, R.E. This distinguished Prof. Lyde not only insists that Diamonds are hidden in the hol- mrtg ee Yioration, he helped serve a gun several of his officers had begun to] officer had suffered from several at- | the white man cannot live in health | lowed-out heels of boots, in cakes, SAUCE SUGGESTIONS. hoard re of the primitive war- drag him to the conning tower that | tacks of sun stroke, when he con-|in tropical countries, but he also | of soap, in the corks of perfumery | pe i ionced bh de ships rxainst the defences 'of the | he agreed to shut himself in behind | ceived the idea that the rays of the [professes to believe that the white | bottles, and in the hollow legs of ve AEP re e Lord of Enmoto. In 1871 he was steel. sun which cafised such attacks | man is doomed to vanish from the dolls, sometimes at 8 05 as bh rl sent to England by the Govern- After the battle his return to] were not the heat rays, but the ac- | face of the earth, giving way to the| There are in the Customs Muse- per fact to serve. lhe foll ment along with thirteen young Japan was made a triumph such as | tinic. rays situated at the other end colored races. The nglish pro-| um in New York over a hundred ing list, if pasted in the ree; men to learn the craft of modern the island empire had never Wit-| of the spectrum. fessor bases his belief on the the-| different articles in which precious book, will often prove ben: warfare. He spent' seven years nessed. He was made 8 count -by | It occurred to him that if he lin- | ory that the original color of -the| stones have been" discovered. t 4 imperial decree and. head of the led his helmet with red to cut off Prman skin was dark brown, the| Among these are a score of 32-cali- : clad with i there in a military school near Y ed nan : WV naval staff. these chemical or actinic rays, just| variations of that color being the | bre revolver cartridges: The smug- Portsmouth and in the Thames actir Nautical: Training College .and re- Re as the photographer lines his dark results. of the weakening or gler had taken out: the contents of | § ; S turned aboard the warship Hiyei, . room with red for the same reason strengthening of the pigment under | the cartridges, replaced the powder | 3.--Celery sauce with quai "hich had just been completed in| PROPEL BOATS BY BUBBLES. |in developing, he would obviate the | different climatic conditions. en dixmends, and: then put'; the ~4.--Stuffed olives with fish b an English shipyard for the Japan- FI edn disastrous: effects of the sun. He} Taking ordinary precautions it| bullets back. 5.--Horseradish sauce with be Australian Has New Device for Air [tried it, with the result that for|may be possble for the white man, | The rick wopid Dever h beef. * ~ 8 ad not i ese navy. . Pi PRE . . § In 1887, when Count 8aigo, a Power of Vessels, many years he experienced ' no fur- | two years of acclimitization, to live | discovered 7 iid be Be Horseragish and owerful man of the south, quarrel- ther ill effects from the sun. | in the tropics even more immune | smugglér been so pleas wi with Myer, To. . lod with. the still weak oven of An officer who did not beli from tropical- diseases than the} own : enuity 5 wif hie | « 7.--French. 'dressing of the Emperor, and the Satsuma oite by aif bubbles. ~Hin{ ihe theoty, however, >| black, But this period. of immun- ji Selo Ee fon followed Togo fought on |idea is to force air th . sys] rep ously abstracted t in ity Jasts for only ab "hie side of Saigo because he was tem of holes in'the bottom of the ing from. Col. Maude a Satsuma man and all his loyalty | vessel, which are '80 arranged that | was about to expose me was of the old fendal order of per-|there is practically an air cushion _ sonal allegiance. Saigo was de- | between the bottom and the water. feated. and killed, but Togo lived | Only small engine power is requir- © to 'become chief of the Emperor's fed, as 'the inventor does not re defenders on the sea. on the forcible expulsion of air for WAR: WITH CHINA: © x tive Bower. : "Togo came suddenly into the eye | gol: ; of the/whole world at the outbreak | e, war between Japan and 1a In 1804. He was then com- 'of the erniser Naniw

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