x; despatch 'from Toronto. Jealousy over a woman. was the cause. of a row on Friday night at . the rear of 40 .Agnes Btreet, which. «ended inoue man being kil * three others badly wounded: : + ) man were: infatuated with the same girl, a young. woman by the name of Fratord, whose. father has a. boardin dead man -is- John. Russello, labor: | ho er; 'who lived 'at: 40 "Agnes Sct, i He had hi': 'throat: badly gashed with «large butcher knife, and the man who 'is under arrest with the murder is Donate Panzini, of 93 Elm Btreet. Vincent Aceisioli, who alse lives at the Agnes Street" house, is under arrest on 4 charge of carrying firearms!" Andy Mat, who had his head badly out, is be- ing held as a' muterial~ witness. Frank Russello, the brother of the urdered man, is fn St. Michael's Boapial He has a bad cut'in the . Read and the thumb of his left hand Is almost severed. ; It appears that Panzini and the JARDINE WIL "making » » trouble: wg i The question' of their affections for the one lady natirdlly came up and it 'was' decided 'to "fight it: out in the hack yard, This i8 one ef the versions the pelice "werés able te obtain on Friday night, and they 'think it is cerrect in many details. The Italians are loth to speak on the subject and it was a considerable time after the murder before the correct name of the dead man was found out, [BE HAGE place "on Friday even: charged | ing with "the "intettion from pithi The beg, Shots Rbthvey Brides stich tion as lies in his power. Belleville: Council has asked the!' County : Judge to investi charge against ex-Mayor Marsh and Qity. Treasurer Price in cennection: with the sale of tax lets... - Three men dropped into the ca- nal at Iroquois 'when a scaffold o which they were working collapsed, on Friday. Elgin Servis was drown- ed, but the other two managed to get out. So as GREAT BRITAIN: The Liberal member for Exeter, England, has been unseated on a re-count. x Y UNITED STATER./ A cotton clearing house has been established in New York: * Denman Thompson, = the = well- Last Chapter in the Murder of Lizzie Roun actor, dr dead, odd Mes Anderson at Goderich A despatch from Goderich says: Edward Jardine will be hanged on Friday, June 16. = He was found guilty by the jury on! Friday after- noon of the murder of Lizzie An- derson, ' after a trial lasting two Su and a half. cept' for a slightly heightened eolor, the prisoner displayed no signs of agitation. © He stood in a slouching attitude in the prisoner's box during the' passing 'of the sen- tence by Chief Justice Falconbridge and afterwards walked from the eourtroom, unfalteringly, ahead of and unsupported by the constable. o was taken to the jail," The jury returned shortly before noon, and when, the court. met again at 1.15 they were ready with their verdict. foreman simply announced that they had found a verdict of guilty. Jardine, sitting in the box with SOUTHERN 'TORNADO. * Bulldings Blown Down and Many Persons Injured, JA despatch from Leavenworth; Kansas, says: A tornado which ./.struck this city at half-past five ...@'clock on Tuesday: did thousands of dollars worth of damage to.build- and growing crops. . Hail tones, as large as pigeon. eggs, practically ruined every greenhouse: the city and broke out hundreds |! i i Scores } 10 of windows in: residences. of sheds and outhouses were over- turned and 'telophone wires blown down. Reports from west of the city and from Platte County in: (dicate that great damage was done "to farm buildin : storm lasted about half an hou SE gs and crops: The | bei George Vanstone, the . other man to be tried for murder; was ordered tp stand up. ' ; "It is not my practice; under these dircumstances, to dwell upon the enormity of the crime. If you have not by this time realized the terrible nature of your offence, it is impossible that any words of mine could make you do so. In passing sentence on you," the Judge said to him, "I warn yon not to have any hope of commutation of the extreme penalty of the law for thecrime you have committed. I would, however, recommend you to spend the 'rest of your days on earth in prepara- tion for your entry into the 'world to come. On Friday, the 16th of June, you will be taken to the place of execution, 'there to bs hanged by the neck until you are dead." May God have mercy on your soul." SLAYER OF SON. George Vanstone Fond Guilty and 2 Sentenced for Life. |" A despatch from Goderich says: 80. Janstone ; was on Friday, foun _of manslaughter rag e death of his , whom he beat to death with a stick because he was either slow or er was seeking str He was sentence Mr. Justice falconbridge wife burst into tears when she héard the sentence. The trial last ed loss than four hours, the defen houses were blown ae 'miles, in' a | tenanoe. Only' can belligerents that border: fight- ing must not jeopardize American citizens on U. 8. territory. 4 GENERAL. Aviator Pierre Prier made the trip. from London' to France, 290 1 monoplane 'without a x stop. ninemsn I eestren. MATTHEWS ACQUITTED, i Not Guilty of the' Murder of Jo= hanna Brimacombe, A 'despatch from Cobourg sayh:. Henry 1. Matthews, jun., was quitted' on Saturday night of charge of murdering Miss J phine of Johanna Brimacombe. Court assembled shortly before i o'clock, and the court room and balls leading to it were crowd The ~jurymen almost noiseless! filed into their places, and they & looked haggard. One or two were visibly affected by emotion, prisoner préserved a quiet dem or and appeared unmoved in co nly the. deeper li about his face revealed the. or e glanced at his the Crown Attorney, and the rep kentatives of the press, and looked straight at the. foreman of sts gone. Ee Snsiemen of thniuts, & thoiury. ha obstinate in making' figures on his | Dl SHen Jury Lave agreed on a verdiet?' asked Clerk of the Court. = ? ery, 'Bay. ports; te: the | ern, 97¢ cash, and 95%¢ | ; No. 2 Northern, 94)40 cash; and 93¢c, May delivery, Bay ports.' re Ys : Ontario Wheat--N. 82 to ¢ ! 0 oie, ¢ Qats--Ontario, 8234 to 33¢, out-|tion side, and 35 to 35%¢, on track, Tor |ni tonto." No. 2 W. c. oats, 87c, and Bay porte, © + . i 3 American, 56 "to| freight. : at 80 to 8lc outside. auch wlieat-Ne, 18% 49 to 60o out- | 8 Bran=Manitobas, $28, in bags, Toronto, and shorts," $24.50," in bags; - Toronto; 'Ontario shorts, $24.50 to, $95. Lh Ae : - Apples--Spys, $5 to $6; Baldwins, | $4 to $4.80; No. 2 assorted, $3.50 to $4.50 per barrel. ; Beans--Car lots; $1.75 to $1.80, and small lots, $1.90 to $2. Honey--Extracted, in tins, 10 to ile per Ib; No. 1 comb, wholesale, $2 to 82. r dozen; No. 2 comb, wholesal 76 to $2 per dozen. | "Baled hay--No. 1 at $11.50 to $13 at on track, and No. 2 at $9'to $10.50, Tha [$1.06 ous, 15. to] to 130 per 1b. ; y Jou {160 per 1b. ; fowl, 13 ; 21 per 1b. Live, 1} turkeys, 10 to 20 less, LOCAL DAIRY eri "We have," answered the fore-|8% life imprisonment. The prisoner's i i : : 87; on No. 3