from the LEADING FASHION CENTRES W. H. Doubt Tailor LADIES FINE BOOTS See our Ladies' Patent Colt Boots at $2.75, $3.00: and $3.60 in either lace or button, |] MEN'S FINE BOOTS See our range of Men's Boots at $4.00, inBox Calf, Velonr Calf, Gun Metal © and Patent Colt in either lace or button. Everything in the latest styles and newest lasts. T. C. Forman & Son SCUG06 'The Ladies*Ald Social on the 11th "by the choir members; 'Mes; Milnersang fn "a sweet and ¢ffective manner, the hew song "The Golden City' Mr H; Clark's phonograph provided a ' Jot of entertainment. Mr. Clemmes, of Berlin represent- ative of the - Beet Sugar Co. has) been doing business on the Island. Orville Demara is - employed by | 2rou the Tod Bakery Co., of Oshawa. Dr. EA: Totten of Lindsay spent good Friday with his parents. Mr. Amasa Sweetman, assessor has been making his yearly visits at the homes, Mr. F. Lansing has purchased a house and driving outfit; @ Numbers of the men are busy trapping muskrats. =' The Football boys held a 'meeting in tné hall'last week to plan for the 8€ason's sports. Mr. Crawford and family, Ceasarea have moved into the home vacated by Mr. G. Hood, SEAGRAVE. The Bethel Sunday School intend holding there annual : Anniversary an' May 24th, Mr. Earle Beadle, who wens from here to the city last fall, is now a member of the Toronto Police Force. Earle has the height all right enough and will soon have the weight. Mrs. O. W. Moon spent Sunday |%° in Lindsay, Mere, Trebell, of Prince Albert visiting her son Frank. Snow is falling, as we wile, and Spring seems od Mr. J. H. Brown sroctsd A wind: mill for Mr D. Cameron last: week, | Mr. W. Thomas and. family, of Layton spent Sunday at W. Erise's Boiled Eggs and Hot Cross Buns, nsumed in 'large quantities, border 'between is around Seagrave during the boliday insanity is: on Hr season. i: |are sorry that The Northern Lights were very | give the name o brilliant on Sanday.night and were | the 'quick admired by many. personality kind of ehilly though. Oar Pastor and family spent. Sova Friday with Little Britian Mr, T. 'H, Watson is very Busy at the store; not only in sales ious staple goods, bus als pping Potatoes, furs. ete. Our rat 8 Jarge territory, and is well "ie pi hag Hot Heer | da of | just Ae yy oe ah vet foie ve Hise Par good catches are reported. ARH SA urIca We have plenty of good reading matter in our community for b and: 'the Sunday Behools, and the public fof s6biool 'have good libraries. r ads vantages here are chnrches; sch eral store, sa po mill, telephones-~the Bell and Tne dependant lines both busy aii : and extending their systems n , we haven splendid hall, Wh 18 free to churches and public} 8¢hool and is the