y roads has advanced in|. $2000 per farm, In Prince tile in the Province, for" each '100 acre acent to Brampton. farmers ced: $500 per farm; the s the increase in value, ve through one 'mile of ¥500 bushels of wheat." To! of from twenty to. thirty Be cut ty cucthalf, there jsa or one tomer alone. A be worth three dollars a $30 1) $15 0a his 'wheat 'corn, barley, . are to himself 'and his nd teams 'wasted te. two-thirds that of energy saved: worse for 'the 'go to some one, to no ane; it is an absolute waste. ads such as those 'cents. per ton mile. other countries where of $ from 8 cents to t vach farmer estimate his. personal be found that the cost of good roads f the tll levied by bid: roads, If ding Lhe time, energy and discom: nigh bud "roads," the country | 'Pavements, i an's profits, ay Evin, I m of commerce. | 1o8tart work- at Jeast an hour aan 'edulier in the morning. al !the midnight bowr especially if he Tew home in, Car RL from Bugineer Tiusley, and we sion from e'ectric light nsers; as to the changes suggested: .- Briefly they ate as follows: |Ue saw the great possibilities «1 human life as few men sco them, = and his emotions were readily stir- red to a sympathetic. understanding' of the needs and 'aspirations of his. fellow men. : ER " Here isa 1 regarding our| 'A® & stndeut of Jiterature few men rie ge arate ae eeyines Keay svjoved thin wide, cd of research, and in his puble addr e- would like to hear « frank . expres- | © Bpon this subject before tenchiers Bnd cthers his enthasiagm was ecm- pelling, . "His mind: was cast in" the finer key bus be did not lack p= electric' light system. ; At preseut the electric lights are|Hmism.' 'Perhaps iv was a proper Tun until 12 p.m. each night of the #Ppreciation of the way in which week. Of late it has. been the People neglect life's best opp: muni; = policy of the coungil to get all users ies that put this note of sadness into of electric light to instal metres, | his character. The result has been that at 11 p.m, | 'Abive ali else the kindly thought- by far the greater part of the lights fulnessof Mr. Nutting was pre-emin- | are put'out, and only the flat raters ent. It wus the impelling motive and the street lights" keep things of his life.: Thoughtfulucss fur golug, But as most of the paying others in home, inschool, in church, part of the business has quit using ad in Jnicipel alinite, : ; ; ia ia hei 8 work was withutit eat or slesuricity the poe! liaise ispeing |, 00 and that is why he has Tun lof the accommodation of al- poo 'inocital as President of the thost deserted streets, and the few Adult Bible Clits in Uxbridge, nn who pay flat rates. Under 'these organization thut is rmarkalle for circumstances eleetri¢ity is beigg it+frreugth and leeanco uf the kind supplied ut a:decided Joss. i men it has influericed. Tlie proposal ifio shut off the! For several years Mr, Kusting Bas lights at 11 pin. except Saturday . been Secretary of the North Ontarto nights, which will save 6 hours per Teachers' Aesociation, ard his year- week six houts that are run at a 1¥ reports have been seecial features 1088 to the town, In return' for Of the annual conventions. Se ; ; !. Mr. Nutting is 10 be buricd te-da this it is proposed that for. four. NENG ! y months, starting Nov. 1st and end- (Wednesday,) with Masonic honc rs. ing with the close of February, ® -- morning service of two hours be UTICA given. . The assistant engineer is Miss Edith Smith has returned : Asie wi lati . capable of looking after the morn: er vy a nS with relativesat Lon ug reryice. ~ | = Me. and Mrs: Arthur Gilroy, of Such a scrvice would be a dis- Prospect, Mr. and: Mrs, Stanley tinct advantoge tothe housekeeper Croxall, of Uxbridge; and My; and wlio is forced 10 use oil lamps on Mrs. Norman Phair 'were recent datk winter mommings, and. would visitors at Ridgedale Farm. gh : News was received here vester~ enable a sumber of business places day of the death at Tyrone; Out . of Mr.. Edward . Virtue: resident ¢F this place. The average bouwseholder nsing = We understand; Miss Eth 1 electric light wonld not miss it at Crozier will shortly leave for hiv adt,. 'Alberta. Our best wishes go with her. Mr. James E. Buck was in Tore a former pays for his light by metre, should any persou wish 10 have light after he farmer; the, 11 p.m. because they are entertain- the condition. ing, ihey could do so by paying Perishable, actnal cost of sunning the plant $1.00 between eleven and twelve' | ® aud a $475 per hour after 12 p.m. suggestion is werih consider-, | we should be glad to hear' k opiowion of the proposal subscribers, who are Whi fA onto on Monday. EH There was a bee on Tuesds shingling the shed at the Methid- ist Church. J ; John Buck has engaged for the season with Mr. Sam Johaston, of Mystle, © : 5 t | The first chickens of the season in this neighborhood were hatched by ote of Mrs. Jno. Christie' liéns on the first of April, TE freak 'of auture Jast Mr Luther Mitche