Il tours in ny sonally tourist sleeping | through trains leave Chi- |: and' Thurdtays of. a9 + olirist sleepin aily of "full particu to B. H. Bennett, General A ont, 146 Yonge Street, Toronto; «.H.. Terry: Travelling Vol Toronto, or B. A. utchinson, | Manager Tours Dophs, 212 Clark : Tho ost for the wc Jick Nick, ] Positive PILES of all Kinds, in any and all stages, quick! y relieved and Positively cured. Cure your el ghy Mint application on of Sivellings; Goitre, + Glandular Enlargements. 5 and live quietly: {Common iles will doite- $1 a. box, Xes, to on receipt of | pice Wille Mamie will it 'hurt to : yé- thie. tooth out 1 + Mrs,' Blim- ie . elevate | son--~"Naturally; but it will 'be so "horse-racing . to den that you won't have time ta: n his personal in-|thitk--just a quik turn; and it will 1 be all over." Willie--*H'm---that's all that could happen to me if I 'had my head pulled off?!' The merits' of Biokle's Anti-Con: | = tive Syrup. as a sure remedy * conghy And pe: are attested who: know its power in | sh "instant relief' when:| sioh be is gore with coughing] 7 sports. and the Svhole pulmonary region ng ato! isordered in consequence. A bot- a - tle of 'this world-famed Syrup will | eave doctors: bills,. uffering. Price 95 cents, at all If a man succeeded in discovering s{ perpetual motion he probably i | apudne oa ro Yt, ha'did 8 thon Sh Soni don't | Sond whistle through his teeth. s| seem Lots CL Jom Mere. in CURE A oto IN ONE Boar No, not exact : but he wanted iE money If ar BW, £ She-- "You say you love me with all your heart. 2 He! 'With. all i 2 Wo "And would you He--*'Hardly. You is ou love!' Foner WHILE satisfactory re: It is all net profit. and a great deal | altcady: 5 y Chicago, I, ER © WHY WHAT? os Why J the dumb waiter re- turned ! Because it didn't answer; 2 Why i is the letter W like scandal? ecause it 'makes ill will, hy is a fisherman's the most profitable. s business | A i ad cute Bronchitis by J of' Tanger sf! M. CAMPBELL. " f ¥ cial © Ni 1 HOY ih IMENT, parsigia ; by aginghill, N WM. DANIELS. of. Ohro nt iS hae file, Bheumatiom by Albert Col, NB. GEO. TINGLEY. ---- Re Beautiful Maiden Mr. 'Scrap- ple; I ean't have you coming to see me any under a misapprehen- fi .isn't wealthy now. He er all 8 money last week on the Stock Exchange."" Persistent Cal- ler-- "That doesn't make any dif- ference, Miss Flosser. I know it Pm one: of the fellows who got his money." i. Comfort for the Dyspeptic--There is mo ailment so harassing and ox- haukting: as dyspepsia, which arises from defective action of the stomach and liver, and the victim of it is to {be pitied. Yet he can find ready relief in Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, a preparation that has estab- lished itself by = years of effective use: There are pills that are widely advertised as the greatest ever com- pounded, but not one of them can rank in value with Parmelee's. 7 "Waiter |" called a diner, at a glub,: "come here at once! Herg's'n hook-and- -eye in this "salad!" "Yessah, yessab," said the waiter, grinning Lroadly. "Dat's a paht of de dressing, seh vl RINE EYE REMEDY Watery Eyds Eye Remedy, u c, 50c, $1.00. Murine Eve ¥ "Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books Advice Free by M Bye Remedy Co, Chicago! oi are a sharp boy, Tommy." 'Well, IT" ought to be. Dad takes me into hiy study and strops me it [three or four times 8 week.' Winard's Liniment Retioves Neuraigia. PASSED ON. I Mr: 'Lammemwell believed that to {share the rod spoilt the child, there-| re he kept: in a certain closet a oathe strap with w admi # sam, A apply |. "condusted California 5 Ww, DAWION, Ninety Soiberny Toronto, 3 |S 25° ACRES, Township Fein ro Middlesex, soil of aut-bu THE WESTERN. pb ee 2 ine UHANGE, Ltd, London, Ont. AL ial Nils n's 5% Seale orks, iano: oro i$ ACCENTS WANTED. aENTS WANTED. 85.00 a da otsy. AR experiance 0 ts baolute necessi PE work of 'th ny a for Juselt one hour. INERY CO., (Dept. 8) § Say Rs FOR SALE. ARM SCALES, special price. Wilson's Esplanade; Foronse Scale Works, 9 Joh SEE 8 "ek for our SLANTS ur HOMPOON, Nope, 1° Su 'ate lobking dor, nn ot i als ops ia system=--constant practice. '-- Istrustion-s few Soke' complete free, Gradu it oan twelve: te He hg % HL Queen Las THE BARBER TRADE-N Wi in pit Slory weoky College logue. oler Barber 0, East, Toro! OC i TUMORS, LUMES, ato. a ternal Ld external ain by our Home tim ont. ihoat us fore 1 Doli wa wond Rliman eles MOTHER KNEW. Mother™ 'Pm afraid Gwendoline. is setting her heart on that young Penniless.'" Father--/'You think so?' <3 Mother--'d 'am = almost sure of it. " Father--'"Well, he is not a fib person for her to marry: He is as* poor as a raf, and has no prospects. Something must'be done to set her' agaipst him," Mother--"I have thought, of that, * and have hit upon what I think is an excellent plan." Father--"Yes. What is it' Mother--"We must tell her that we. want her to marry him."