enough to knead. - 'in a cool place, just %0 it doe freeze, until evomng." Then oo. little thicker thai pie crust. Germans have little fancy molds for these, but any small cookie cut- ter or baking powder can'lid can be used to cut them with. After the; gable and cover with a thick cloth and let lay over night. In morning sprinkle baking pans 'with caraway seeds and place cakes 'in pans on seeds 'and bake in ow oven for three-quarters of an hour. These are favorite little' cakes @mong the Germans and are excels nt, ; Orange "Marmalade.--Take five ood sized oranges and two large mons, 'Slice thin, peeling and all; remove the seeds.' 'Add to these three quarts of water, bring to a . boil, and allow to boil briskly one- half hour, then three quarts of sugar and boil for three-quarters of an hour. Then remove and. pour into jelly 'glasses. It will be thick and delicious. This amount. will make fifteen glasses. This is fine and will be a great help to make 8 change where fruit is scarce, Lobster Fabric in Scallop Shells ~One-half pint of sohater meat and four hard boiled eggs ped fine and add to a cream oli made as follows: Melt three large table- spoonfuls butter and rub into it three large teaspoonfuls flour, gra. dually one cup warm milk and salt and pepper to taste with two or three dashes of cayenne. Cook up once and then add four table- spoons. minced parsley. Butter scallop shells, fill with farcie and sprinkle on top of each shell one teaspoon = buttered' breadcrumbs. Place in warm oven to brown, This amount makes eight shells. Shrimps, crabmeat, ' and salmon may be used in the' Same manner, making a delicious dainty for a Bunday night supper or a lincheon, 8s it may be prepared hours before pooled and then warmed in oven before serving. FISH, Salt Mackerel.--Salt mackerel is less popular than it should be be- pause most pedple have not cook- ed it the way to bring out its best points. "Here is a way to make it the best Sunday breakfast 'dish in the world! Belect a good, firm mackerel, Soak it over night in ivy eold water,' flesh side down. In the morning melt in the frying pan a heaping tablespoon 'of 'butter. Pus in 'the mackerel, fry one side, turn. carefully; keoping the fish whole. 7 Lift 'out onto 'a hot dish aod pourin the pan & pint of thick sour. cream: Lot it boil 'up 'well, stirring it thoroughly; and. pour it over fish." The salt. of the fish takes . wout_all the solr of the cream and m kes & "delidious gravy. Serve with hot buttered toast. Salmon Patties. One. egg, one cup swepl' milk; one can of salmon (remove 'bonés), one and' one-half cuph eracker forumbs rolled" fine. Apepper" and salt to tablespoons in' hot gs or' meal NE are all cut spread 'ont on a ! oF Aibeen the | ey or onion to the.veal when . It improves it. a8. my in fmint adds to the lamb. Sewing machine needles' may. be' used much longer if when the points begin to get dull they are rubbed on" a' piece of emeryboard If a lamp wick will not work eas: ily 'try pulling out a thread = at each edge: This will make it 18 slightly gmaller, and generally end Ahab, the difficulty." To prevent baked potatoes from becoming soggy; break the sking upon taking them from the oven. This gives the steam a 'chance to esoape Dates cut' up and sovéred with | 208 cream make a simple but delicicus dessert, Pile it lightly into a ory- stal dish and serve 'with a white walnut cake. If you tie the knot in the end of the 'thread just broken from the spool and run the other end through the eye of the needle, the thon will never kink in sewing. If a Brussels rug persists in roll- ing up at the edges it should be turned over and a good coat of glue applied, Let it dry. before turning, {- and. there will not be any more trouble. A delicious filling for layer cake is made by mixing a pound of fine: ly minced shelled almonds with two. eggs, a cupful of confectioner's su- gar and a teaspoonful of vanilla. Hemstitched tablecloths and nap- kins can be nicely mended when the hemstitching breaks by. fagoting the edges together 'with strong thread. This will wear as long as the article. Apple and celery salad shay have the addition of nuts to 'the advant age of the salad. Grapes, celery: and nuts make another; combina tion; oranges, apples, grapes, del- ery and nuts make salad not to be improved on. Hamm salad is geod made: as fol: lows : Grate some .old boiled. ham and add some chopped celery, -Mix in some mayonnaise dressing and serve on lettuce: leaves, adding. a spoonful of 'mayonnaise on top of each serving, = Ifa polished hitting needles 'is dipped into 'a pail of milk and with- drawn, to be held upright, some' of the milk will adhére to-the needles if the fluid is pure. 'Even the smale lest amount of water will keep any of ie milk from adhering: gt Many. vegetables ma ed hg 8 bos or pork fat is, by some, to! render a better Boitr to veal, poultry and game. F. the soup kettle is good potatoes, make meat in. To Sotich: ap an' oa Tug; 'get yes 'of the in the rug and & number. the cake. posal to Gabry Them Free. : Btroet Cars, : 'minute or two Belore Tsmoving b why: Naboth could: ns another, even his f 'price. it was an unwritten © ; (Num. Fog! that Property scend in the same This ancient py -- of 'the liberties i the) the pi y' some time, possi more likely after, this custom butte to be written into the of. the nation. who has been thwarted ing some fond desire, "Do you olay ab: ting! ing ? this wayd" = Jezebel had gq masculine, as well fp ious, than "he honors, and ate of dian Sonor, : will have to she was a Phoenician, with pro- | nounced foreign views as to the per- rogatives of kings, and she did not soruple, therefore, to a plot for the possession of the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite. ' 8:10. Notice the insolenice of her. # name, | 260 writing letters in the and putting his seal" upon. them, and of proclaiming a fast so as 0 deceive the people into believing|It may some public 'calamity had befallen, besides the added touoh of venom in| for her' setting the innocent victim on high, in a conspieuous place. Surely Ahab had weakly abdicated ie pow- er in Tsrael, when such corruption il The climax was xe 0) practiced by an: i anrous. Roberts he to. paying 70, wh him hin 'the base' fellows; in: 'Yesponse such. to. the orders of a fawning local bunal of elders, were hired to p jure: themselves by accusing one Nabothr of blasphemy. 13, Stoned "hin to. death nls, of course, in keeping with + that bldspheme 1 should pe wr Honing outside the city, 5. Arise, take possession -- Ae-| ling to the custom, the sons 'of perish' With him