resources. The thing that: strikes M8 in Bocrates is that Athenian TROUBLED AND MUDDY SOUL. Whil Spite, prison, and hemiock some: w do not touch the man, he' is' iling "within himself superior to enemies all the time. The Bhagavad Ghita speaks of those "inner treasures of the mind, in . Which the depending one. is nob! ffere's not. a star that thou. be-dle wi Jd SAL Wi h do > moved" by tne severest pain.' Amiel says, "Rentrer dans ordre, #e soumettre, et faire" ce qu'on peut," (Get step with the universe and do what you can). We hear no shrieks and panic fears. from Gen. Wolfe as he dies before Que- bec; as they assure him that the enemy flees he cries, "THEN I DIE HAPPY." The mioral grandeus appears: in this connection. Truly, he has "meat to eat tnat his disciples know not of." Ht sets this small life over against eternity: "Re- joice 'when men persecute you, for great is your reward in heaven." He escapes the harassment of the petty by refuge in the vast: "Take beauty ; rd 1 have ears, no ls sound shall irritate me, # | world: harmonies cease 'not, and: the But in his motion ; like an; angel} sings, ET 8till quiring fo 'the cherubim.?" =v While 1 have a heart no treach- ery nor coldness on the part of any one 1 love shall utterly cast me down; for there is true love some- where, and for me, and if I find it not on this planet, still my world is wider and none can rob me of the hope of some day | ¢lasping = again those 'young. "I have loved long since and lost awhile." E Our little earth is clasped by the no thought what ye shall eat and {majestic sky, our small planet is drink : seek first the ' kingdom 'of God and his righteousness, and all} these things shall be added to you.' He even submerged death with the flood of his inward glory, for he 'endured the oross, despising the shame, for the joy that was set be. fore him." surrounded by 'an. innumerable company of 'worlds, 'my ' insignific- ant body is one of a billion similar bodies now extant, my' whole self and all 'my concerns are as 'a drop of rain falling into the Atlantic: 1 take refuge in the infinite. O mine enemy, you tannot find me! eyed' He nodded as he spok: nearly half a mile ly, ta mikcellane C rough buildings indicated a'; ment. That sométhing unusu goin' 0 : groups 'of "hutrrying figures; shouts, and "eccasional reports' of firearms; i HART "It's -either- fightin' or celebrat- in';'and as I allow it's that last I reckon she's come!' Bteve ued. 'T most wish Pdeet® © He did not finish, for a stumble; followed by a picturesque nl tion which sent the blue-ja ing into the bushes, made hastily, "Halloa, Josh!' he sai 'Managed to tear yourse! from the: festivities at last, Josh was a middle n" was evident from . the |f to. ret hold aloof; - When he Josh had vanished they: called home; and tered another. lum nonsense. had from' of h he: After all, the * girl word 'of love had if this dandy admir he asked himself, scornfull he knew it did. otherwise of generotis propo with a round, red face, ich he was often told--made one hot to look at) it, mopped his streaming brow and replied 'with a nod. Steve regarded him quizzically, '= + "'Why, you're blushing like a girl, Josh," he began, only to be swiftly interrupted. Steve, you're playin' me for an infant,"' Josh said severely: "'THat old joke of my complexion ain't worthy of you, an' you wouldn't take in a blind mules but if you meant to intermate that no news is How much = more effective' we|1 have hidden in the infinite.--Dr. Why else should he ha should be, how much the steadier |Frank Crane. his determination and visited Mo-| Queen's saloon that very. ev ing THE SUND INTERNATIONAL LESSON. FEBRUARY 19, AY SCHOOL LESSON 525 zai give: Jo it deceived the man, he was mistaken, J ticed that his 'partner 'slic : self up' before setting out, 'ma executed a solemn little step-dance| do: 2s sion as he had the cabin to him-} H; SLE Bo To A y Whatever faint hopes Steve: have been harboring died w! entered loon, The elter, but some#imes the best that could be had. 8. 'Went in the strength of that food forty days--The journey to Horeb, being not over: 180 miles, CT would redtiire 'a niuch less time Lesson VIII. Elijah's Flight and|ghan that. The number forty, how- Return, 1 Kings 18.41 to 19.21 ever, 4s often taken to symbolize a Golden Text, Isa. 40.81. period of testing (compare the cases x Verse 41. The sound of abund- ance--The Greek Old Testumeut has here the suggestive words, **the sound of the feet 'of the rain- storm." All the evidence the pr. phet had was the word of the Lord. "Bhow thyself to Ahab, and T will send rain." Faith wags not difficnit after the miraculous exhibition" of Jehovah's power in the sending 'of five and 'the blotting out of 'the heathenish priesthood. 80 Elijaa 'urges the king to renew his ex: hausted vitality «with - food = and alrink, at his tent up on the slope of the mountain, before the expected downfall should make a journey to Jezreel impracticable. 5 . Carmel--The course the 42, Elijah went up to the top of rugged haunter of {he wildernesses forgot his own need of refreshment in his eagerness to see the hand of Jehovah displayed still further. The attitude he assumed 'was one of earnest prayer. 43. His servant--Tradition says jaws of death. The sea was of Mediterranean from point from which the great ex- nse of water was clearly visible, Pu each time saw nothing but what appeared in the brassy sky for| 6 weary years. io 48. The hand of Jehovah was| ahh i was filled] of Moses 'and Jésus), and here doubtless refers to the time of Eli- jah's 'seclusion. 9. What doest thou here, Elijah? ~--Dr. Farrar gives a vivid' inter- pretation to this question by em- phasgizing the successive words: "What doest thou here *' "He was doing nothing, = Was there no work to be done in Israel tamely to allow Jezebel to be the final mistress of the situation 4 "What doest thou here' "Is it not very significant of thy name; 'Jehovah he is my God? Is he to to be the God of Fie one fugitive 1' "What doest thou here?" "This is the wilderness. There are no idol: ators or murderers, or breakers of God's commandments here." 10. I only am left; and they seek Was he. required; I'll: take it that way." ) *'Beein' that I've. been. slavin' up here all day with mothing better! than a Bing jay for company, an' that you've giddy 'centre of frivolity," he said with a wave towards the settlemen , "perhaps it ain't unreason: able to expect some news." "That's 50," 'responded Steb stolidly." "Well, Pete Adams lo a cool five hundred to Funny Rog | Josh mn in the "gay. and|and ers; the gambler, Jacob's best mule o Sp and broke hor off fore-leg,. amy of od paused as Bteve turn icked an unoffending. lump of clay into' infinitesima, fragments. "These interestin' items of social intelli my life--A confession of 'conscious we failure; on the part thoroughly discouraged, 11:12. Jehovah passed by--Ha lm of a manj irled round and regard is partner fiercely for ip t n his face } was present in the strong wind, and | sai in the earthquake and the fire, as well as in the still small voice. But|y the more tumultuous elements did not tothe sonl of the phet as did the calm followi mantle--The e