to carry ont Yat measures of So, re) wlecidad to itroduoe the fol. rd bho tows! ox penises of Yo 5 Nfringent yegulations as vo #8) Three months' résidénce A) . Veto : ye! iene for Hdlia i 'possibly ou rule all 'around. Sickness. © Invalidity. isestablishment of the: Church h in: Wal ed. Forest 5 A despatch from Oftaws says: } Conservation Commission has 8 statement in regard to the ling' of forest fires by locomo- tives, and the proposed legislation ithe question. 'per cent. of all' forest fires have 'started by docomotives, and Shey: have caused: enormous fhe legislation will hold rail- ways responsible for damage cauged by fives started by locomotives un- less it can be shown' that all 'rea- Th sonable - précavtions have been taken to prevent such fires. The precautions will include the best 'possible ' spa. s-arresting de: vices; efficient fire-fighting staffs to y.| check fires which have 'been started, and the companies: will have to show that there has been no negli gence on. the .. part of their em- ployees in allowing fives to start or, spread. , n, and | Dit the Majesties onthe. Be La ha ot Mod N.8, pr+4 Canadian Lodomotive. Gon any has: received an 'order from 34, ogy Canadian Northern way Company for the building o flares locometives. CREAT BRITAIN. ProfessctiB; 'H. 'Butcher; 'hh fag ber of Parliament for Cambridge bi University. and & distinguished Greek scholar, ris dead Mrs. Clarke, sister of Mrs, Pank- E hurst and a prominent British suf: fragette, has died after leaving pris son, where, by Suflxagaites Alege, b shy 'wan hw UNITED ST STATES, Baled track, a Sixteen men' were Killed by an! explosion in Pittsfield; Mais. oni ureday, ~~ The relations between President Taft and Mr. Roosevelt ute said to] be very friendly. i Mr. Payne states "that a bill r a permanent. tariff commission will | "I be acceptable to. President Tat and te, Co , gress BE Pas affairs of th Northern | : of New Yori ® been' taken over by the a 5d erfutendent in' the {co interest of ER * dot cone? Bi speechiat thie: Command 27 to 980; H g-30 a Ble, x richly" 'nowrdaid, 198 Monste Steamers of the! Spoodiost hr a mE | + Type Ordered : : A despatch fron. i Montreal says: steamship. dompany will e past "for the cons n of the boats, and news cabled 'to the city on Wednes- in Every detail and het 10 tions will be-as 'great as jestior of the. iA aw rom London stating that "the| Mr a reeled Potatoes--Car lots, 70it6: 750 per | Goma ES