a ment on ¥'riday Dee. 23rd. Arrangements have been made to «/ who has been working for Mr. YT hold missionary anniversary ser: Port Horne all summer, has gone to hier | ¥ices early in December, 'Watch home for a few: w for the date in next issue, Mrs, John Hope has not been well : for the end two weeks, Her many, d family | friends hope for a speedy and com- 00 Saturday evening, for their |Plete recovery: : 'home in Toronts. "They/[ 'There was a: very large uttend- catly missed from this {ance as the sale held on. Wednesday they will [Nov. 16th at the farm' of Mr. A "iF Wallace of 'the Head. | Excellent | pricos were realized on most of the sales. 3 u 'The farm bas been rented to Mr. ' ed H. Collins: ohear Miss Rogers]. Mr Orval Stone il purposing to stay here opses, move to the Stone Property. 'adjoin: 'hape 'to get another | DE that of Mr, Jno, Sweetman, ak rt pla y On Saturday Nov. 12th Wm. Dewara received a telephone mess- : stating that his father was at ih poi of death. On Monday [evening Mr. Domarn left for Graven: urs the home of his parents. Mr, Jas, Mawson spent Sunday mForonto,..." 5 Hiei un , Montgomery, (f Orono, 'and : Sade Nov. 13th with Robert s An item in a. recent & should have been re ---------- 'The program consisted. of violin "solo Mr, D. Gilson.. vocal solo by Mr. Alex McDougal; and several 'selections on the vialin by Mr. E.. L. Williamson. Two splendid papers were read, which appear on the opposite page. Refresh- ments were served. The next meeting will be held atthe home of Mrs. Rev. Konkle on Wednesday: Dec, Hat3p me All Ladies welcomed, | : LE BARGE G0. Instrumentalist Singing Humorist Magician 3