Silk 'Remnants a These ust move, There are a lot' of 'ahem. If you require nice silks for any work "or wish to pick up some for Christmas present, they look remarkably cheap. ; 'Women's Corsets Regular lines of Parisian Corsets at wegular prices less 26 per cent. A dollar sworset latest design for 8oc¢, sounds attractive, When one aobiders the prices of these goods, 20 ; regular prices | Ronda like. ad money. By Ten while the assortment is god ; Come and see us. This is a genuine clearing sale. ve have the goods you are wanting they are cheap. {at foot of Caleb treet, riie : kx Je Top 8 "not of, what Dawlish, = 3 4 Babsrolf dois not ahoe ook for a d passed, and:i ah a piling ot Hr Whatorss wpos need them rence reconciles i rae A Possible, she Wo- b, that a ver "loved or ever |! ght that she loved, this ma will you alvays: treat mi 'pp stranger, Mi Babaroft murs. Gervase to' her that night y 8 very old und' A een those Xho 'once.