suits iri be well tailored in every respect, regular prices, $4.00 Boots discounted t0$3.20 3/00. i salam asain 250.0 a0 New Fall Suitines Splendid Worsted cloths in Greys and Greens. Also a heavy range of the finest blues - and blacks on the market. 2.00 1.60 1.40 Sessa abr. BOO: disunsssnsnnesnan: B.300 4 wianains wala wan ies 1:20, T, GC. W. H. Doubt Forman Son ¥ i 'PURDY'S CASH STORE] Camper's and Tourist's supplies in Fresh and No. 1 abundance. quality. 'in Fruit and Vegetables in season, Jce cream parlor in full swing. Groceries and provisions, fresh and right. E. H. PURDY 2,40. the fa of An authority estimates Costs a Canadian or Unit Haul oné ton a 'mile on' our 'bad North American roads than costs' the | one European agriculturist on' his good{felds. highways, Estimating two: be 10, 15, ).OF even thirds of North America's agricultar- the acre, but: half of the al products' last year: were hauled away from the farms, there wonld the 'mo have been a saving of $200,000,000 to the farmers it their 'roads 'had |mu been up to the Furopean: Seanlar. he farmaers are -the backbone of| In OF Sl the nation, aud 'they should be been ne ron ain provided with - smooth highways along which to get their prod ce 10 market at the lowest Railways are esscntial but so are geod wagon r we have devoted almost traffic. "The latter should get their turn. "Without smooth wagon roads | the railways to which they Jead are which means an excessive tion'of coal, slow trains loads, the company borrows 8 seduce he subivn save coal an nim id carriage, Millions must in jof § ¢ was especiall the same way on our highways. To and some had to fur it over three this end 'there 'must. be courageous : co-operation -. between ¥ urban and rural muoicipal a ities such as was foreshadows 1ast week's conference at * | In better country highways Do you wish to go driving in safety? We have a number of "city broken" horses, accustomed to all the sights and sounes that make ordinary horses unmanageable. Just tell us that you want a quiet horse with a good pace, We can supply you. CAWKEF BROS. fodud one of the readiest noun checking the city-ward: of the population, of multip the agricultural produstion, { stimulating the prosperity = of nation up Jorge. ' August Wedding : The home of Mr. and Mrs. Th Chilyers, near scene of a ver; = | Wednesday. '| daughter, Mary "1 holy kino to Mr. James isi was join Maclarlane, of Sonya. The 5 | was beld on the lawn, and the ¢ was ideal for the ogcasion. A guests assembled, among wi a8 | Mg. J; F. McParlane, brother of th room, who bad cone from C