tion from th "the Council at a special following response: y Mr, Carmichael, offer of of the Port gultural Saciety, they ation to pay the same ¥ known as the On- 9h. condition that the "own expense, also é 'entered into be: e of the. property to ort Perry." gling along financially lated a small surplus,' 'neces: : in buying dddition 'to. this other] ing only the thin edge sition cannot be made to" show a no ie merchants , who § In order to advertise more extensively my studio work and new styles of motints, I am reducing photos nearly to cost. "that everybody may try my. work for themselves. These prices are good. only from March 23th to April 20d. Positively no longer; and, on account of such reduction, no more than one | 'dozen: at this price to each individual. During 'these days I will give my regular $1.50 styles for 90c. $3.00 styles for $2.00 $4.50 styles for $3.00 See samples of my work in E. B. Flint's window and judge for yourself with regard to artistic workmanship, variety of styles and prices. $ On each $2.00 order one beautiful 9 x 11 enlargemant of your photo made on Royal bromide paper absolutely free. BE SURE to see the Paris and Vienna styles, also the " Students' styles, i. e. Collegiate and Little Monarch: ELDER HENRY CUNNINGHAM 8 Recommends: Yiwot For Weak, Run-Down People. "1'was run down and weak from indigestion and general debility, also . suffered from vertigo. | saw a cod liver preparation called Vinol advers : tised and decided to give it a trial, £1 mA PN NR and the results were most gratifying, After taking two bottles | regained my strength, and am" now feeling unusually well." -- HENRY CUNNINGHAM, Elder Baptist Church; Kinston, N.C. Vinol contains the two most world famed tonics-~the : medicinal, strengthening, ments ver Oil and Tonite Reon. Vinol contains no oil, and is by far the Best Str i