E80 attend to'buisness and drop the habit." There's no need "re all-habit, th we can't see straight. eat. he brain. It is very fine mall boys; but there's no --*" a dead game sport' -- th pity for his. portion. nese arid Chinese who are f we don't look 'as carving respectability far. There 'was man who Lon the street corner a | years ago, and thankcd he wasalt as 'other mes : that nder of useless ornaments, das an illustration to show fpoor stuff piety is when it ised That same history that if the man who was thankful & was so good; tells some- ut some yeast that leav- hole lump. In point of t is no good until "ft docs the 'lump to léaven chers and teachers ound among. men € decently init? ee > The" learning a splendid lot of saw. a preacher where it required 'know the whole "voc! antespecial grace to be hap py and yy exeept one phiase~ tiling. Heeverisaw him lose now how to" 'deliver thea game and keep up a cheerful NEN leourape He doesn't know: what would happen if a plyer should g When the buisness ball is pit ifched to us, we 'fan'! oso Abumpiinto this man who talks 'of What can we expect? © There is'gelf-control. © It's the real thing a story told that illustrates the that's wan _ Practical Chris: {point pretty weil, A' Scottish tanity some call jt. Oliver Gold- 'minister became aut ardent golfer. | smith put it well One day after an especially ex-, "*He tried each art citing: rew a long sigh Reproved each dull delay maun gie it Allured to brighter worlds nion; And EL E'D the way, a, thei Now this is no suggestion that if sport the preacher" should spend his give up! whole time in sport or that even a 3 HEE "large share of it should be 'given ; elieve but those to this part of the *'moral vinevard to seed on sportare oftealbut there is no | reason why it : s in to ey {should be neglected any'more than sport doesn't know .muéh about the churchiand the church doesii't 'time to}sinners' and say of him who does t books aad a hk jand 3 Vi¢ 1p" "What. said his "Give u Golf?" "Na, ministry" Or put itshorte ¥ interferes "with business, gy | enthus: i the prayer meeting or the Epworth Lig s' League. The trouble is that the (know much about spoit.. They ris "don't 'refuse to éat with "'publicans and tetir. sport can only good. people cal interest in this t, and the worst| It won't feed the| and] provocation there'd be good ] averags young man never at attend profess- Jod supply of small fruits; good tion, - es Es Apply Henry Brunck, \ Port Perry. EE -------- Cow for Sale New Milch Cow four weeks in, splendid mitker, right everv way. Also one due to calve Sept. 25th, Apply to E. C. Burton, Port Perry, mei For Sale "High grade Durham cow--thre weeks iu, 'calf by side, 'splendid milker Also some pure bred scotch collie pups.and niother, $1 each. Apply W. H. Palmer, Port Perry Re | A Snap in Real Estate | Any person wisliing 10 'purchase a house and lot at a bargain would! do well to cousult W, H. Palmer, | of Port'Pérty. For $400 cash he! will s¢ll a six roomed frame house, | hard and soft water, good garden of about 3 of an acre. The prc- | perty is situated on Bigelow St... | pups | { On the 19th of Aug., between Port Perry and Epsom 2 pairs of spectacles. one pair with bent, frames and one pair straight frames also a tooth brush, ~~ The finder will please leave word at the STAR office or conimuicate with D. Till, Greenbank and be suitably rewarded SOMETHING NICE AT THIS OFFICE in the line of Cards, Letter Heads, Enivelopes, Bill heads, Statements, Folders, Hande bills, Show Bills, Posters, Sale Bills, Pamphlets, Blank Books. Let us orint them for vou FA AR a SIGS ne ; Fall Term Opens Sept. Ist. 2' ; ELLIOTT | This school is unquestionably one of Canada's$ | Labi Best and Most: Successful College {f | Let us educate you for posittons worth from $358 | to $100 amonth. We know how. Our graduat readily secure employment, | Write ay for, magnificent catalogue Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts., Toronto, Ont. W. J. ELLIOTT PRINCIPAL | 4 RI OES \L 3 ; LOST 3 mer wood, $1.00 per: cord; bardwood, $1.60 per cord; hardwood, $2 10 per cord; delivered: in towtr. Church of the Ascension Morning Prayer, iat, sd and sth. Sundays of each month, CL + Holy Communion, xt Sunday of each month E h Weakly Fra aad aa. ol sa anth Rev. W. ALLEN, MLA; INCUMBENT Over one thousand sta- dents enrolled by our chain last year. . It pays to attend a link of this great cham, for: "IN. UNION THERE 18 STRENGTH." The demand for our grad- vates is THREE TIMES the supply. Other schools engage our graduates as teachers, A special course for teachers: Graduates of two years ago are now earning $2,000 per annum. J. 'Three 'courses--Commer- cial, Stenography and Tele- graphy. Fall term opens Aug 30 Write for particulars. PETERBORO _ BUSI 11¢¢COEGE GEO. SPOTTON, Prin. FIIFIFIFEES SIFFS NERD A AAR MA. UrIc4 Garden Party to be held undex the: auspices of the Methodist Church at Utica on Friday Aug, 23" at the home of Mr. Geo Horn, sth con Reach, one mile west of Utica. Program will be provided by Uxbridge Orchestra and the Male Quartette, Mr. Foley Elocutionist of Bowmanville, Soloist Miss Edits Ross, Pott Perry. Speeches by Mr, Peter Christie ex M, P., Rev I Snell, and Rev Mr Sinchir. Messrs. 'Brooks and Hubble wilk render comic duetts. Admission 25c and 15c. Mr Sam Sharp M. P. will occupy the chair. - Rev, W. A. Sinclair, Pastor. APPLE BARRELS for sale~ap- ply to C. L. Vickery, Firewood for Sate All kinds of wood for sale, -» Sum- 12 in. 16 in. Carnegie Milling Co. on hard 20d steam and PORTLAND