7 ren td nse e. A poor hard work and a | a simple sunt in sul Saved on rent §50; lost on lab we |Braor lost on erop $200: Haswer-- of {minus $ase, ohn nao The old problem of having -to pay for what you get. and getting 09 Mo S than you py for is the n farming. They save start in. = md to work, Being poor arm where the rent is n ten chances. to one © Port thing is to fimd ot' which docs which. Briefly. then; . Some tenant farmers fail for lack of capital. -. 'Because they are afraid to do to much for the landlord and cut off their 110s¢s to spite their faces, .+ Because 'they rent poor build: ings. + Because they think farming is a six month's job. ' e'day (don't tell Dor on 'the profits Ffenant who keeps his farm er doesn't have his. rents - Of course it is just as well a farm 'for five years: if & with fat the end. There. are dup to the saving ideal It our might'and main. £ valuable (ime trying to pick ou binding twine from the straw- ack And' 1 all th 'had a fatm to sell, 'a was found and the day argain came, so. did Being a careful, : 2 | spring. 15g his «did not Wari. up. and bought elsewhere: © When the farm was: finally. sold it: brought just $1,000 less' than the first buyer was willing to give. ke fallen like a fish yarti doesn't it? But it isn't. It's the unvarnished teuth a . "A farmers a business man, aud if he does not act in a business spend $10 80 20 i Didi} Sec. a man 'spend hours tie the knots? Ten : ilyear's job nowadays. € crop, or seeding down Bpstone of "all good farm he result is that his land is ina few years begins to work like a hero to town 'He won't raise much stack becduse they're too much 'bother His grain is Sold in the inn the fall when prices are low:and he. has nothing to sell in the This farming buisness is a whole You can't #0 out and scratch the top of the grounb, throw.in some seed. sit on the fdnceand reap a good crop in the fall. = A: man bas to keep gyerlastingly at it if he wants tu wit. . Likely enough the buildings are 10. good on such 4 farm as this. That is to be expected. When the fences fall down und remain uj mended, the hinges are pretty sure to come of 'the stable doors and the floor rot in the stalls. Matters.like these form a harmony 'of their own. If you see one in: a dication of lack of 'thrift, you can generally finda number of others without looking very hard. "This man who fails often un: [dertakes to work too much land, | In homely language he has bitten off more than he can "chaw" and the worst is he can't get H anybody to *'chaw" with him. HI'because itisa 'He'll baye no money to hire hel , | ill taken up in rent. It sounds fine to say "I have 160 acres in erop", But what kind fof crop isit? How are you going to take it of ow will it thresh hee: the = option of} Pi WINE he goes) | Because they try to work. too much land: Because they have no system of farming. Tenders Wanted tenders for the decoration of the interior of the Methodist ¢hiur~h at Manchester; until Wednes- day, Sept. 1, 1909. The work includes painting, graining and papering and putting in metal- lic ceiling, Particulars on ap- plication. = Lowest or any. ten- der not necessarily accepted. W. D. Munro ; Sec'y of Board, For Sale High grade Durham cow---three weeks iu, calf by. side, splendid milker. = Also some pure bred scotch collie pups and mother, pups $1 each. Apply W. H. Palmer, Port Perry A Snap in Real Estate Auy person wishiug to purchase a louse and lot at a bargain would do well to consult W, H. Palmer, of Port Peiry. For 8400 cash he will sell'a six roomed frame house, bard and soft water, good garden of about Xf of dn acre . The pro- perty is.Situated on Bigelow St, RO IRE Fall Term-Opens Sept: Ist. This school is unquestionibl; od M one of Canada's reatest, Best a to $100 amonth. We know how. Our ily secure employment. © Write today for magnificent catalogue © Cor. Yonge and Alexander Stx., Toronto, Qn. W: J. ELLIOTT PrinciPAL he practicat| | can make itself Perry Branch: Blackstock | Branches also at Bowmanville, Oshawa. 'Claremont. Stoufeille. Sunderian, nd The undersigned will receive | Ww, J. WHITE. Whith Church of the Ascension } : Morning Prayer, 1st, 3rd and sth Sundays §: 5 Holy Conon | ey of cach mom E . {sth Surda oh ening 41 Suda of ench month REV. R. W, ALLEN, M.A'; INGUMBEWY Over one thousands dents enrolled by our last year. It pays to attend a link of this great cham, for "IN -UNJON THERE IS STRENGTH." The demand for our grad- uates is THREE TIMES the supply T Otherschools engage our graduates as teachers. "A special course for teachers. Graduates of two years ago are now earning $2,000 per annum, Three' courses--Commér cial, Stenography and Tele graphy. Fall term opens Aug 30 EUW for particulars, © ETERBORO BUSIN 1 £¢ («EGE GEO. SFOTTON, Prim. FILIP ISSIIISEPISIIIIES Urica Garden Party to be held under the auspices of the Methodist Church at Utica on Friday Sug 2y at the home of Mr. Geo Horn. sth con Reach, one mile west of Utica Program will be provided by Uxbridge Orchestra and the Male Qnartette, Mr. Foley Elocutionist of Bowmanville, Soloist Miss Edith Ross, Port Perty. Speeches by Mr, Peter Christie ex M. P., Rew I. 'Snell, and Rev Mr Sinclair. Messrs. Brooks and Hubble will render comic duetts. Admission '25¢ and 15¢. Mr Sam Sharp M. P. will occupy the chdir. Rev, W. A. Sinclair, Pastor. APPLE BARRELS for sale--ap-~ ply to Ci L. Vickery, Firewood for Nate All kinds of wood for Sale. Sume- mer wood, $1.00 per cord; 12 im. hardwood, $1.60 per cord; 16 iw. SEELEEIAEEEELEEELLELLEELERLERELICEItEEEET | HE COLLEGE OF QUALITY | ? i hardwood, $2 to per cord; delivered in town. Carnegie Milling Co. PORTLAND'