ness, . We are all aware of this fact without sight kno . the advantage of looking after your eye? W 'not-express it. It's a case Je say ad of ABSOLUTE: NECESSIT 3 ge, but this ve Children that would otherwise be bright, clever an studious are often dull, irritable and neglig ent. The Aor this in many cases is eye strain. If your child's ey 5 | defective, the constant strain on the eyes will cause ner ness and often total collapse. This is something statis prove, something that is backed up by medical opinion, it you want proof, your doctor will give it you. Here is a Warning PARENTS DO NOT NEGLECT YOUR CHILDREN'S EYES!!! SOE We 'cannot impress this point too strongly Negligence in this matter is posia tively dangerous, and in some cases CRIMINAL This isa strong expression, but nevertheless 'true EXPERIENCE Here is a Vital Question ae Do you need glasses? Does your child need until 'next month or next year--~GET THEM NO and our optical department is compléte with every have an optician that knows his business % Remember, we make no charge for ex opinion Itis to your benefit to go to We say that not because we guess it, but because we Know by: glasses ? * If so, do not put it off 5 W. We are here for this purpose facility for eye testing and we amination, and we give you our honest GREENBERG'S Sued for subscription to Church : 'Whitby Gazette The frequently postponed suit. of the Myrtle Methodist church against Mr. H, E. Derby for the payment of a suhseription of $25 to the new Methodist church at Myrtle, was tried on Saturday by his honor Judge MoeCrimmon in Division cours, Col. Farewell appeared for the plaintiffs, Mt. L. T. Barclay for defendents; The piuintiffs in the case were the Board of Trustees' the building committee and the Treas. "~The subscription was made in the latter part of 1997, after two con- gregational meetings had been held, at which it was decided to build a new church on the old site, or with- 40 100 feet of it. - .. Later a site midway between the villages of Myrtle and Myrtle Sta, -'waschosen by the Board of Trustees -and approved by the Quarterly Board. The owner of this site, Mr. Carmichael, died before the deed 'was made-over, and his son declived t0,give 8 deed when required by the . Having 'purchased ma gerial, which they must unload from the cars somewhere, the board was offered and accepted the . present Mr. Derby disputed the payment of lis subscription, claiming that it w iven 'on the understanding was tobe built A number of Myrtle people: were present, deeply interested in the case amongst them being Messrs, Jobn Bright, Beacock, Parke, Briggs' and others, LD FINGERBOARD The Ladies Ald, of Pleasant Pt. shack met at the home of Mrs, T, Mus. je. on Thursday Iast, there was au tairly good attendance. Mr, Chas. Moase is busily engaged in moving his driving house, Mr. A. Gillson who has been suf: fering frem an attack of Grippe is able to be around aguin, We are sorry to learn that Mr, Wm. McLean met with a very ser ious accident while helping Mr. Richard Martin to build a fence, we hope he will soon recover from the effects of it. Last Saturday = Master Allen Stevens entertained a few of his friends, it being his birthday. - The afternoon was spent in games after which they all sat down to a dainty repast, ie 'Misery in Stomach Why not start now--to-day, and' forever rid yourself of stomach ' dis- tress and indigestion? = A deited stomach gets tha blues and grumbles. Give it a good eat, then take Fapes Diapepsin: to start the digestive jaices working. . Th ll "no dyspepsia or belehiag of gas tations of undizested food; like a lamp of lead in the a mtn Ser urica Mrs. Wm, Crozier of $Manchy visited over Sunday with Mr: Mra. Wright Crezier. g Miss Ethel McDermott and Cars. ence Town, of Port Perry: visited Mr. 'and "Mrs, Frank Crozier' Sunday, . Mr, J. Park and daughter Bifle} of Manchester were. calling on Jerome Sutcliffe on Monday 1a Mrs. 'Shier 'and son Roy © Cannington were the guests uf M Bond a few days last week, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnson: of Uxbridge were the guesis of Mrs. Jerome = Sutcliffe one day last week, : Sik Mr. J. Tennyson: of Stoufiville visited her son, Whit Tennyson week, ' : Mrs. 3. Bentlvi] and daug! Marjorie visited Mrs, Walter Sonley last Thursday. Miss Whiteway of Port Perry a 'music 'class here on 'Mnesd afternoon at Mre. Bond's, : Remember: the Greenbank Pres- byterian Sunday School Anniversary on the 24th. Tea from 4 p Concert at 8. Come on time, if y would be sure of a seat. ] * Pineapple for preserving, far best value for your money. without Ae Whe would be: wi nl . full length storm coats, in Oxfo Regular 5.00; 6.00 and 7.5 ) £. sounds Navel Oranges, Seedless and sweet. " Bananas, good size... .. "Boiled Ham, well cooked jellied Tongue, first of the you .not only save money you save disappointment, and you know you are getting ea 'P ON