Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 24 Feb 1909, p. 5

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al [ her rights {lin Treaty to protect sd Francis Irvine; has sent to prison st Enniskillen ot allowing vaceination of two is children. He would not yield, em his: conscience would not The tenants. of the Castlehamil- a ows its almost-daily - attacks iglich foreign pcliey. © on one particularly violent to terio : A : or r "of anti Eo. lish pamphlet; obviously . printed he. reason for Austria's Anglo- 3 England, has just been received hobia is the discovery that = fund, could 'wot: be. Taft n a signato: e new con- stitutional regime in. fagainst Austrian' aggression. was not expected by Baron von Aerenthal 'when he laid 'plans for the annexation of Boknia and Her Ving. hue the various recent reverses| Which was styled by fools to Austrian policy; such as the nec: essity of agreeing to a ¢ of the Dowers heing held aud the ayment of an indemnity to Thoxs Rae embittered Austradn public Taft out of 'mo-| King Edward's ubles in the Near [last Novem . Maintaining | people of India. - to the Ber-|- Turkey This London. It ia a sounterblast " 8 riendly message of bet to the princes and "A TYPICAL PAMPHLET. The pamphlet, entitled . "Two Historic Docunients,"' refers to the Xin throughout '#3 "the. tyrant'! an 4'The tyrant has issued a new ed- ition. of the proclamaiton of 1858, 'the Magna Charta of India.' When onference | the fo-called Queen's proclamation was first published, in 1888, our patriotic ancestors were still carry- ng on that glorious. revolutionary opinion, which: makes England tho | struggle for the liberty of Hindus. scapegoat. for everything. Great Britain is accused of brib- i ki intain the boy- danger p ok 49 Turks 10 a tai Service Feringhi (English) rule through de- fagaingt Austria. - The public be- wes in these untrue charges. By | those who understand the sithation the feeling is one' of fury that Austria has been balked in her ori- ginal plans. The failure of them miust, however, be laid, if it were nob foreseen, to the short-sighted policy of . the = Austrian Foreign se SENTENCE BERMONS. fan. They issued a' counter preo- clamation to warn Indians' agsinst the danger 'of submitting to the lusions and false hopes. The tyr-. ant has repeated his falsshood-- let us repeat ous ancestors' pro- phetic warning I' SANGUINARY WISH QUOTED. Then the paper quotes at length the replies made by two: prominent leaders of the rebellion to Queen Victoria's proclamation half a cen- tury ago, one of them being the notorious Bahadur Khan, who was hanged in 1860 for the murder of * 'Charhioter is caught, nét taught. | many English. women and Shildrens Living for bread is one way of losing the bread of life. Rocks in our way are just heaven . | saying, 'Climb up higher.' 'named: shern, 10 ba § Masher, over #26. She was granted time, | said to begin wi they are go: | ness worry Our habits are éithér our great- est helps or our saddest hindrances: You may sow your sins in the dark, but they come to harvest in fight. t's always easy to see throtigh whe disguise that other's blessings wear; Nothing clears up remote diffi- culties better than doing immedi ate duties. The hardened conscience is the one trampled down by many com- promises, id The man' who puts all his faith in and whose last words wers: have killed a thousand more." The pamphlet, which is signed by 'Bande Mataram" (Hail the Moth- erland) ¢oncludes. 'Blessed be the day when a United India raises up the flag of Liberty from the dust of 1857 and Flants it triumphantly on the top of the Himalayas to the honor of 'man and the glory «of 0 A meri iy GAVE SKIN TO HELP WIDOW. Life of a Factory Girl Saved by Wealthy Women, The Misses Zoufall, Prchal and himeelt usually despairs of the uni-| Karl, three young 'Bohemian girls verse, | You cannot do much "good for men if you seek to do good only Ba casi up: of ciaty waial & ele ng up of society usual- start where charity i 1y has to "Men are to be judged by where i ing rather than by whence they came. : 'by on the other side «ever he gees ong who has fallen, It's: mot the wrongs we do him that worry the great Father of us all; it's the ill 'we do ourselves. ; en you. take the rats of busi. to the ehurch it's not g- leave you nothing' but + ange th No matter how elognent you may 3 to" your Father in|) will not balance a sour give some of their own skin for your family here, of good family, underwent an op- eration at Prague; Austria, from philanthropic motives, A young woman named Fritsch, employed in a Prague factory, re- 18) cently had the misfortune tobe completely scalped, 'owing to her hair being caught "in a machine, To save her life it 'was necessary to transplant fresh skin from an- who | other person. to. her head, Her when- {employers advertised a reward of 8100 to any person who would pro- vide the necessary supply, and no. fewer ' than 600: persons - offered themselves at the hosp tal for the purpose. The doctors chose a poor: idow, who required the money for the education of her children. The three young women mention- ed heard of the case, and informed the dootors' that they would each nothing 'on condition: that: the wi- dow should receive tha $100. . Theis ; ree

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