Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 22 Jul 1908, p. 6

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EVEN Two 'Passenger Trains Met Head-on Near LED IN COLLISION] No. 2 whitey ed or. mixed Toronto, July 14.--Ontatie W Manitoba ; oe at Georgian Medicine Hat. {etn st A despatch from Medicine Hat says: Seven killed and many injured is the terrible result of a head-on collision be- tween the Spokane flyer and the Crow's \ passenger 4rain, which occurred on Thursday morning at the crossing . at Pruitl's brickyard, near here. The 7 are:--Jas, Nicholson, engineer; © Howard Gray, fireman; Arch ambalt, ." baggageman; Duncan McEachern, pas. senger from Bow Island; James Shaw, passenger from Bow Island. Seriously hurt--Roberl Twohey, engineer; Conduc- tor Mallatte, Leonard Black, brakes- man, The collision occurred when the trains were going at"a high rate of speed. The lcoal passenger pulled out of the yards at 8 olock and the conductor had or- ders to meet the Spokane flyer at Cole HEMMED IN BY FIRE. Mr. Brown Rescues His Wie and Sick Son at Owen Sound. A despalch from Owen Sound says: 'A fire, which might easily have been al- tended with fatal results, br ke out in a dwelling-house in Brookholm, in the suburban seclion of Owen Sound, about 8 o'clock on Saturday morn'ng. In the house, which is occupied by Mr. George Brown and family, a lamp, which had been kept burning by the bedside of his 6ck boy, suddenly exploded, and in less than a minute the room was in flames. Mr. Brown managed to get his &n out of the room, but was unable Lo reach the front door, as the stair. cae was burning flercely, He was fore- el to jump from the socond SWOTy win- dow, and after procuring a ladder was able to rescue his wife and son, The Owen Sound fire brigade appeared on the scene, and but for their services the fire would have destroyed every house on the s'reet, As it was, Mr. Brown's' res dence was completely cemolished, and all his household effects were burmed. The total damage amounts to 82,000 --_---- BLADE IN HIS BREAST. Windsor Boy Named: Walter J. Pen- ningtan Killed. A despatch from Kingsville says: Wa!- fer Joseph Pennington, eleven years old, the son of James Pennington, Windsor, met death in a peculiar manner at his father's summer home, Cedar Beach, on Saturday. The lad was out a mile from the house with a small brother and sis- ter. While whittling a stick he mount- ed a slippery log to get some berries, He fost his balance, swung his arm vigor- ously to regain his equilibrium, and plunged the blade into his own heart. As he fell to the ground the knife was bhunged deeper into his breast, al- though he had already received a fata) wound. Death was instantaneoue, His terrified brother and sister witnessed the accident and tried in vain 0 aid im. Ei... MRS. PITT'S SUICIDE. Wile of a Well- Known Resident of Tyen- dinago Hangs Herself. A despatch from Bellevilie says: Mrs. Jas. Plt, a married woman, fifty-two years of age, committed suicide on Sat urday by hanging herself at the fumily residence in the fifth concession of Tyen- dinaga, a few miles east of this city. On Saturday the woman complained of not feeling well when her husband went out, Shortly after she was found by her two step-daughters hanging from "the halu- strade of the stairs in the front hall wit a rope around her neck, She was dead when found by the frightened girls and cut down. Mrs, Pit{ had been acting strangely at times recently, ---- ge MOSQUITOES HOLD UP TOWN, Pest so Bad in New Westmingter That Mills Close Down. A despatch from Vancouver, B, C., Bays: A dense cloud of mosquitoes has swept into New Westminster and taken: pl.ssession of the town. So serious a matter has the pest become that the men al some of {he lumber mills on the Fraser River were driven out by the slinging hosts, and the mills have been obliged to $hut down temporarily. At Cloverdale a baby was so badly biiten that its lite is' seriously endangered, , pms A. revolution has broken out in the yublic of Honduras, ridge, The passenger was running into. th warning, the Spokane flyer appeared around an abrupt curve and in an in. stant a cloud of steam told the tale of tho awlul collision. The injured were hurried to the hospital, where Engin- eer Twohey dicd a few hours later, Brakesman Black is in a precarious condition and will probably die, The cause of the collision is not definitely | known. Passengers. McEachern and Black, two well-known men, hod bi ting together in the passen when the trans came together. They were found dying lafer and only lived a short time. Bsggageman Archimbalt was killed when the cars telescoped. Several passengers had miraculous es capes, THE DAIRY INDUSTRY. More of the Product Being Used at Home--Big Figures. A dcspa'ch from Ottawa says: Mr. J. A. Ruddick, Dominion Dar Commis- sioner, gave ev.dence before the Commit- tee on Agricullure on Wednesday re- garding the progress made by the dairy- Ing industry of the Dominion. He ex- plained that the reduc'ion in exports of daly produce was at'ributable to the largely Increased home consumption. Mr. Rudd.ck gave figures furnished by the census department to show that be tween 1900 and 1907 th> value of cream- ery butter, cheese, milk and condensed milk produced in Canada grew from $29.200,000 to $35450,000. The annual value {o the country of all Canadian dairy products was about $94,000.00. Ten years ago there was no condensed milk produced in Canada; now thers are several factories with an output \ualued al nearly one million dollars. -- fe BIG COAL PROPERTY SALE. Negotiations for Purchase of British Columbia Arcas. A despalch from Victoria, B. C., says: I: 1s leaned on excellent authorty that r.egotialions for one of the largest deals ever put through.on Vancouver Island are mow in progress, the completion of which will mean the passing of the ex- tensive coal interests controlled by Hon. James Dunsmuir into the hands of John Arbuthnot, ex-Mayor of Winnipeg, and a number of New York millionaires, of whom Luke Wishart is one. The amount involved is upward of $5,000,- 000. Mr. Dunsmuir has signified his willingness to sell and only the questim of terms remains to be settled, The Wellington collieries, which Dunsmuir controls, embrace large shipping mines near Ladysmith and Cumberland, where the majority of vessels plying on the ccast fill their bunkers, ----e-- STABBED A JUDGE. Russfan's Attempt to Assassinate Presi » dent of Appeal Court. A despatch from St. Petersburg says: AM. Dokracieninkoff, President of {he Court of Appeal at St. Pelersburg, who Was passing through the Pelrozavosdsk, was lhe victim of an altempted assas- sination on Wednesday, He was seri- ously wounded by a knife stab in the chest, His assailant is a revolutionary workman. Trial of the people accused of blowing up Premier Stolypin's house in Aptekarski Ostrof and robbing the Slate Bank of 400,000 roubles began on Wednesday. Among the forty-four pri- soners were five young girls belonging '0 familiar and high functionaries, the Princess Michetzka and Miles, Klimoff, trial is expected to last ten days. rr pie A RICH GOLD STRIKE. Upper Chilliwack "Country Now Enjoys a Rush. A despatch from Vancouver, B, C., says: Reporis have reached here of a rich gold strike on, the upper reaches ct the Chilliwack River. The original discoverer, a Seattle man, is reported | {n have taken out $12,000 in, a few days. Several days ago the p tor came down. the river, bringing a handful of nuggets. A rush followed. The place of the strike has. long figured in stories of rich placer grounds. Early oneers found it inaccessible, as hos- le Indians looked upon the ground as sacred to the spirits of the departed. | town, when, without & moment's|® 10 to $1.20 per bag, and new $4 in car lots on track here. £23.50; half barrels, $11,50; backs, $23; dry salt long clear backs, 1c; barrels plate beef, $17.50; hall barrels do., 89; compound lard, 8%c to 9¥c; pure lard, 123c 10 13c; keltle rendered, 13¢ to 13}4¢; hams, 12%c to 14c, accord. ing lo size; breaklast bacon, 142 to 15¢; Windsor bacon, 15¢ to 16¢c; fresh killed abattor-dressed hogs, $9.75 $7.25. stronger; swore, $1.15; Winter firm; No. 2, red, Markoff, Souhinoff and Emillanoff, The | S4c. No. 8, corn, 7% to 76%c; 5634c. No. 3, white, 563c. malting, 68 to 72c. Rye--No. 2 on tr. cky $0c, Canal freights, wheat 5c to ew York. 50;: second Rye--No. 2," none o 85c¢. about 85c. Buckwheat -- No. 2 nominal ) quoted "2 » _ ted at 815 0 $1 + Bran--Quoted a $16 c outside; shorts, $20 to $21; quotations for delivery in bags $2 more, Flour -- Manitoba patents, spec brands, $6; seconds, $5.40; . ers', $5.90; winter wheat palents sling al $3.10. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Butter--Creamery, prints, 23¢ to 2ic; creamery, solids, 22¢ to 23c; dairy prints, choice, 21c to 22c; dairy prints, ordin- ary, 20c to 21c; dairy tubs, 19¢ fo.20c; inferior, 16¢c to 17c. Eggs--New-lald are quoted at 18c to 20c per dozen in case Cheese--Local wholesale dealers' quo- tations are 13c for large and 13%c for twins. Honey--New strained is 10c per pound. Beans--Primes. $2 to $2.10; handpick- ed, 82.10 to $2.15. Potatoes--OW Onlarios are worth $1.- ans PROVISONS. Pork--Short cut, $23 to $23.50 per bar- rel; mess, $18.50 to $19. Lard--Tierces, 12¢; tubs, 12}{e; pails, 12%c. Smoked and Dry Salted Meats--Long clear bhicon. 1c to 11¥%c, tons and cas- es, heins, medium and light, 143c to 15¢; has. large, 12%c to 13c; backs, 17 Ww 17%c; shoud-rs, 10c to 10)e; rolls, 10c to 10%c; 15%c; green meats, out of pickle, 1c less than smoked. breakfast bacon, 15¢ to MONTREAL MARKETS, Montreal, July 14.--Flour--Manitoba soring wheat patents, $6.10 to $6.20; sec- ond patents, wheat patents, $5 to $5.50; straight rol- lers, $4.25 to $4.50; in bags, $1.05 to $2.10; extra, $1.50 to $1.70. $5.50 to 85.70; winter Rolled Oats--$2.75 in bags. of 90 pounds. Oats--No. 2, 49c to 50c; No. 3; 46¢c to 463)4c; No. 4, 45c lo 4534c; rejected, 4dc, Manitoba rejected, 46c to 4634c. Cornmeal--$1.75 to 81.85 per bag. Millfeed--Ontario bran, in bags, $20.- 50 to $21.50; shorts, 823 to $24; Manito- ba bran, in bags, $22 to $23; shorts, $24 25 to Provisions--Bbls short cul mess pork, clear fat Ch ese--Westerns quoted at 11%c¢ to 12¢, and easterns at 113c to 11%c. Buller--Finest creamery, 23c to 233¢ in round lots and 24c to grocers, Eggs--Sales of selected stock were made at 22¢; No. 1 at 19¢ and No, 2 at 16c per dozen. sa we UNITED STATES MARKETS. Buffalo, July 14 -- Wheat -- Sprin No. 1 Northern : carloads, Corn--weak; No. 3, yellow, 8340; No. 3, white, Oats--easier; Barley--Feed to Minneapolis, July 1i--Wheat--July, hard, 81.12%; No, 2 No. 3 Northern, $1.- $1.10%; Seplember, 923{c; No. 1 81.1454; No. 1 Northern, Northern, $1.10%; 06%. - Flour--First patents, $5.40 to $5.- ] patents, $5.30 to $5.45; first] clears, $4.35 lo $4.45; second 50 to $3.60, Bran--In Bulk, i Milwaukee, Wis., July 14. --Wheat-- clears, § 818.50, i live, 87 to. No. 2, white, 58e;]: 25,000 sters for The Hudsen's Bay Railway built without delay, says Hon. Graham, k A four-roomed addition is to at Orillia Collegiate Institute as a c! 810,000, HES Port Arthur Board of Trade has pre- sented a flag to the new C, P. R. lake I'ner Assinaboia; ae W Chas, M. Hays will increase 1h¢ facili ties of the G. T. .R. for handling milk 'n Montreal, i The Dominion Government has under- taken to dredge shoal near Sarnia, Hon, Dr. Pyne, Minister of Education, lias left on a trip to Brita'n to study the subject of industrial training, Wards 3 and 4 of London show an increase of 1,181 population, and an in- crease of $456,665 in assessment, The Waverley Hotel at Regina was badly damaged by fire, on Friday, and scme guests had a narrow escape. Windsor keeps up its reputation as ihe Gretna Green of Canada by 672 mar- riggs for the first half of the year. he body of Frederick A. Poehle of Toronto was found at Niagara Falls, on Sunday, with a bullet wound in the head. Inspector Duncan, chief of the City Detective Department, Toronto, is to be cne of the personal guards of the Prince of Wales at Quebec. Senator G. W. Ross wants the law to compel boys with tobacco to disclose where they purchased it in order to prosecute the seller, The power house of the Silver Queen mine al Cobalt was burned on Satur- day, with a lot of valuable property, including the new 'compressor damaged. Evidence given before the special commilfee at Oftawa showed that half a million more would have completed the Quebec bridge had the disaster nat taken place, A militia order has been issued per- mitting civil servants to _attend the military camps of instruction without any deduction of time from their regu- lar 'holidays, A Montreal merchant is suing the city for his fire loss, Sleglng that the bri- gade was inefficient an. he proper steps in fighting the fire. The Immigralion Department is ac- tively engaged In turning back undesir- sble immigrants from the United States who are driven to seek work in the Do- minion, The Canada Public Service Corpora- tion, a on Sollar United States company, is said to be trying to buy Montreal Street Railway and the Light and Power interests. It 1s said the com- pony may make an offer for the Toron- Railway, GREAT BRITAIN. The third reading of the old-age pea- sion bill passed the British Commons. The Lusitania, on her first day out from Queenstown, salled 643 miles, breaking all previous records, ~The second reading of the bill giving an eight-hour day to miners within' five years has passed the British Commons. 'The June statement of the British Beard of Trade shows decresses of £8,- Bde 000 in imports and £20,789,500 in ex- Keir Hardie threatens to resign his eat in Parliament and to sek re-elec- tion on the issue of his exclusion from the King's garden parly, +The rise and fall 6f the British limer July to December, 1907, 10,881,000 six- 'penny postal orders were issued, while | this year the number is under half a UNITED STATES: launch off Marlon, - vo = 288, the rccently-discovered. did not take 'es! the child's*breast. He died shortly} ick craze is shown by the fact that from |' as TIA lh Js A Ain r men: were killed by an on y British manufacture for the uniforms of United States soldiers. GENERAL. Mount Aetiia is again in eruption. 4 German officers oni active Service are W' wear swords. Nicaragua is recruiting an army to ai Honduras in her fight against revolu- tionaries. : Nearly a thousand Coreans 'ha%e been murdered by Corean insurgents in the last four months, ay Twenty Mexican revolutionise were executed in the Stale prison at Chiliua- tua, on Saturday. bore x The Russian M nister of Finance will probably float another loan of $230,000, 006 in the autumn, Between one hundred "and one hun- dred and fifty persons were killed in the Paraguaydn revolution. ; Millions of dollars' 'worth. of oil 'are being consumed in Vera Cruz State, Mexico, where a workman accidentally sel fire (0 a well, i The Swiss referendum to proh'bit the manufacture and sale of absinthe car- ried' by 80,000 majority, ¢ French taxpayers need mot disclose their private accounts when income tax assessments are sought. The steamer Regulus of St. John's, Nfld., ran on the rocks near Pelty Har- Lor and will probably be a total wreck, Ten workmen were killed in St. Pet- ersburg on Thursday by the collapse of the roof of a building in course of con- struction, et A RING IN THE CHEESE. Woman Gets One Worth . $1,000 for x Eleven Cents. A despatch from Bloomfield, N. J., says: Fritz 'Weber, a grocer at No. 25 Washington sircet, ' Bloomfield, sold eieven cents' worth of cheese to a wo- man 'customer on "Tuesday. . A few hours later the woman returned to the lost a diamond ring. He said "No." for he had never owned one. Then the wo- man produced a ring, set with three glistening stones, 'which she told Weber sh? found in the cheese he had sold her. The woman was very happy and told the grocer her find would enable her to take a needed vacation, The ring is worth $1,000, oo KILLED BY HAYFORK. Ing the cstimate on a ary. and extraordinary i the past yeaf, including items sometimes 'charged a Supply for Western Harvost A despatch from Winnipeg says: A Crop Area of fon six, hundred western' Canada, of which six are under wreat, it is. figured: dealers that at least twenly-! lion pounds of twine will by the farmers this season. able difficulty is expected in. ders; but prices at presmt are dent 4nd a quarler under thoes normal. crop, and now find {] tully a quarter short of the been figuring: GREAT UNION STOCK YARDS, Three Big Railroads will Unite at A despatch from Winnipeg says movement has been on foot here: scme time past to establish a munic stock yard, backed by the Live Shippers' i ils quelus on Thursday by the ncuncement of Mr. Whyte of tne R. ta the effect {hat his company gether with the C, N:/R: and GT: Associaton. It was fecting the live. stock industry. a... 3 QUEBEC'S SURPLUS, Treasurer Weir's Estimate of a A despatoh trom Montreal says: time agb Hon. W. A. Weir, Prov! Treasurer, predicied 'a. surplus In 1 14 is year: slore and asked Mr. Weber if "he had 050 or this ye ed June 30 Aik ooving n : u to cap Little .Son .of Mr. Oliver Burton of | further Vaughan Stabbed in Breast. 'A despatch from Woodbridge says: A Ialal 'accident oceurred on Thursday on the farm of Mr, Oliver Burton, ninth|' concess'on, lot No. 1, Vaughan township. | - "While loading hay his * little son, six ars qld, was on'the "wagon. | The foes started suddenly, overbalancing | - the hired man. As he fell the fork plerc- aller,

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