esponde very, entertained a . young friends Mr. 'S. McDonald, of Ashburn, , [called ofr friends here recently. of H. -Véitéh; wha +has 'been 4 [ad homme time. "has taken. Morse: attack of pleurisy. < pont forget 'prayer meeting _ every Tuesday night, All are ; welcome, a Fra oh ; 9. Sam. Croxall has purchased housekeeper.coming Stanley? "Mrs. Win. Littleproud. Utica, a' daughter. or -* Mr.'Tummonds. 'of London, dis visiting with Mr. Wm. Tummords. "Mri John Medd and wife have "1 { fmoved into their new home form- © |erly occupied 'by . Mr. Jymes ny | Claughton. i "' Mr."Jas. Medd is visiting - friends in Toronto. ir © +" Recipe Mixed Often 'Some remarkable stories are being told about town and. among the '| country. people: coming in of this 'simple home made 'mixture: curing '| Rhenmatism and - Kiduey trouble; "21 Here 18 the recipe and direetions for «(taking :- Mix by shaking wellin a {betle one-half ounce Fluid "Extract. 'Dandelion; one ounce Compound Kargon ;* threé ounces ' Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla. a dose one, teaspoonful after meals and at bedtime. fn % ' 1 No change need be made, in your usual diet, bus drink plenty of good ter... i ¥ yA is mixture, writes one authority 1in aleading Philadelphia. newspaper, ? | lius-a peculiar tonic effect or the Kidneys ; cleansing 'the clogged-up . | pores of the ¢liminative tissues, fore: + ling the kidneys to sift and strain | from the blood of the uric acid and other poisonous waste matter, over- coming Rheumatism, Bladder and Urinary. troubles in a short while: #1) A New York druggist who bas bad + | hundreds of calls for these ingredi- . | ents aiuce the first announcement in y the ingred bs. ab 1©.4 this vieinity fe - Mr A. McKinnon and S. (Gibson utting || |in their term at the "U. S:College. We wish them success." = | "from Solly -brothers - When |* exatinations/ * neighborhood | M : Mr 'Bertha Rundle, of Port} Perry, is visitiag old : friends in have returned home after [Mr N. Dure hes been under the doctot's care. 'We "hope for a speedy recovery, x Miss Janet McMillan, after has returned home, well, visited at Mt," D. McMillan's last Friday, ~~ | Coad oy Miss: M: E.Murray has returned home after visiting her brother in Utica. = SSP bitoni Mr. E. L: Williamson made a flying Lindsay: last Satur- day. -- eg = The sleighing is nearly gone. A number of the congregation walked to church last' Sunday. We are glad to report that Mr. G. Medd, who. has 'been on the sick list, is able ty be at his post again. y " Mr Bert 'McTaggart' spent Sunday at Mr. A. McTaggart's. Miss Johnston, of Ashburn, is visiting her sister Mrs. Jno. Inals Glad to see Mr. Jno. Campbell is able to be out again after being confined 'to the house "all winter. <- Mr. Neil Ferguson called at Mr. L. Williamson's last Friday. FINGERBOARD. | -- 4 . 'The Ladies' . Aid. of Pleasant Point church held their monthly meeting on Thursday "last at the home of Mrs. T..-Moase, jr. In spite of the stormy weather there was a good - attendance and the meeting . was. a decided success both financially and. otherwise. stood are to aid in building a new fence <atound / the church at' Pleasant Point. = ".- ./ Mrs. GC Rodman, 'of Markham, is viditing her son, Mr. Wm. Rod- man and other relatives in this vicinity. | Miss Elste Tait is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. S. Gorrill, Sunderland. : Mr. S. Gillson, who has been attending the Toronto Veterirary College as returned home. We all .wish:- to "congratulate him on his: success in the 'receut final Mr. sand Mrs. Wm. Rodman, . + Mes, -Frank. King and Mrs + Coo Rodman attended the funeral of Mrs." N: Rodman of, Little' Brita Friday. Mg. Ris Martine spent Saturday and Sunday at his home in Port 1. Gillon is. visitiog at the. her sister, Mrs. E. Brady Janetville Leave Special Shade Orders spending a few months in Toronto, | Mr. Chas. McPhadden of Cres-, Gi . Bigger and busier than we've « ety section is a lodestone that The funds collected, it is under-|| + "A dozen, for fine navel . cases will go on gale at | © 8 sharp I" price of 19¢. Fresh Golden Dates, in resigned: but we see him at; his{ has been mail carrier from Burke = » 3 Every day sees new goods on the counters, and those who take time to shop through this store will find plenty of bargains in seasonable new goods that have just seen Now. - We pay special | Port Perry daylight. = attention to our window |= shade department, and can give you very close prices in~made-to-order - shades for large win- dows. If you have any ont-of-the-ordinary sized windows that need at- tention, we'd like you to come now and get our prices. - We'll save you money on the job, and give you sure satis- faction. We also carry a full range of regular shades at very close. | prices, and can give you very close quotations on all the little fixtures that are used for every sort of window draping. It will pay you to come here first and get our prices. Special Saturday A 5c. Whirl in Embroidered Collar Tabs. Ready Saturday morning at 9 a.m. at the notion counter. Regular 1oc and 12/c. 'A Busy Millinery Centre ~ And'We're always pleased to show you the new stuffs and; point: out the big values, whether you wish to do some buying or only want to look. The better you know this store and stock the better we shall be pleased, and you're heartily invited to compare this store's values with anything you see. Easter sale of new Dress Goods Unlike the country merchant in the story, we don't "keep" dress goods--at least not a great while. We 'put out the very latest arrivals under pricc--on the smallest possible excuse. Get your Easter Dress pattern here this week. Handsome French EOLIENNE Regular $1.00 for 79c. per yard Pretty new Spring shaces in fight navy, back, zcr- am. Only two dress patterns of each shade; on sale this week only at this low price. Beautiful FEW SUITINGS A counter full of beautiful new suitings.. So you may expect something good, every shade, every length, plain and fancy. A great many real snaps in this lot suitable for spring suits, skirts, children's dresses. for 39c. per yard Saturday Silk Bargains Come and revel in Silk Bargains new to Port Perry. Ready at 9 a.m. Satur.ay 'Yard wide Black] Heavy Taffeta TAFFETA SILK Rich, bright and durable, 21 'nches wide, the right thir g for underskirts, dress regular $1.25 per yard foundations, etc. black only Saturday 89c. | Saturday 39c. ever known it to be. 'Twould indeed seem that the millin- hag its sphere of influence, a 1adius of smiles and miles froin its centre. Our milliners are sending down some superb hats for the week-end sale. A collec- tion" wherein you will find flower, foliage, ribbons, nets, feathers and an infinite vari- ety of fashion fancies. at $2.89 FRUIT SPECIALS for Saturday Night Ready 8 p.m. at the Grocery Counter. Bananas 19c¢. Fine ripe Bananas, large jumbo size. Buy Saturday night while the price is low and while they last. Oranges Peanuts | Lemons 19c¢. 15c¢c. 19c. For one hour only com- Per dezen. Fine choice niencing 8 o'clock, we | Temons, regular 25 put on sale a large | cents and 30 cents per quantity cf best roasted dozen, Saturday night peanuts at this price. | 19 cents. Oranges. Over two at "the low Put up oue pound in a package. SATURDAY NIGHT 8c. per ib ; : oe "A number of s¢hool reports which on for many, years, is on the sick | werescrowded. ont this. week and has been compelled fa give | appear nigh issue,' 8 {ue carrying the mail. His many {------------------------= n--To Mr, and Mrs: W. G.|} w has returned | friends may 2ND. Crass Trip. ; sincerely, hope rt. Tompkinsisoon ep oy "Mr. Stephens, of Enniskillen, is now arrying the mail in his place.' A Farmers' meeting will be held |! the: town halls Blacksto on as ret Ee -- 0' raf Sic