'PLEASES Particular PEOPLE PROMPT PRINTING PROMISED Port Perry YEARS® No other woliéine ut 80 successful in relie the gas been to of Women or reoeived so many gen- uine testimonials gs has Lydia E. Pinkhan's Vegetable Comusurul, ¢ In every community yo mn, will find Almost every one you meet-has bo citer been bene-" fite by io or has friends who have, ~JIn the-Pinkham'. Laboratory at Tyan Mase, any womananydayma see the files containing over-one mi lion one hundred thousand letters from women: health, and |g here are the lette which they openly state' over their own signa- forms Dis that they we were cured by Lydia hag ] table Compound. in am's Vegetable Coy] hao. saved many women from' surgical © operat ons. Lydia kham's Vegetable Cotman is 'made from roots and herbs, without drugs, and is whole- some and harmless, The reason why Lydia E. Pink- ham's. Vegetable Compound is so successful is because it contains in4 gredients which, act directly upon the feminine. organism, restoring it to a healthy normal condition. Women who are suffering from those distressing ills peculiar 3 their sex should not lose sight of these facts or doubt the abil ty of Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to estar their health. Tle Department of at Ottawa is. again the farmers to organiz into 'associations , or have their cows tested at erntent's expense. Those who took advantage of the offer. last eyes to the: great' bet ts to be de rived from having their cows tested, Where cow testing associativuns have been in vogue for a number of years man - farmers have more than dotbled 'their milk production in five years by weeding out the non paying cows and feeding the" "good ofies 'better and thus incieasing their profits several times! iover. 'The plan is" very 'simple and the cost a mere trifle. ps ® An the department requires of the farmer is to get a half pint bottle for each cow and scales of somé kind to weigh the milk 3limes each month morning and night and railways. i f , Creddlent is a Do ) Sh | EEE Ear prin is carried Ee "i CA h small nents Bh uve \ seifef fram hy or 'ins i med oF 1h (hl thronts Sold by druggists. take a sample of milk and put into |! the bottle. The . bottles. are + i marked with name or number of each cow. The Department. fur- nishes preservative to keep the sam; ples until the end of "the mont) and then they are. to "be sent, to the person whom the Department appoints to do the work. ~iadally the nearest creamery. Forms are supplied also by 'the : Department for. keeping a Tesurd of milk and test. It only takes .a few mintites 3 times 'eaclt' 'month to weigh and sample the milk but. the informa BELGRAVE Mr. NiMidgley "has gone back to work on the railroad. » Mr. M. McDotigal Sil pity in. Port Perry, © Mr. R. Lhiotiten was' in "Toronto on Monday last. ; 'Dr... C.> W; Moon: has had 'a telephone put in at his residence for the use of his patrons. The litie is coinected with Dr. Mellow's Miss 'Hazel, and * Miss May, on Wednesday of eac "Studio at 'the home 'of Roberts, Water Street, ; particulars : : ) 1 carry an xcalicat stock fit! of all kinds of meats, both: fresh and salted. Prices Il reasonable; Quality the Dest, Fresh a and. Game in. ff Thompson attended' a meeting of {lif 1. WHITEY. Clr ER ISHAWA-Clerk, D. & M. pros oth, Feb, hl ot Me ot Jay ob a. PROVGHAN: Ck iii Oras < 3ath, Nov. ga, Jan, "Tith, "1999. Ya, POR? PERRY-Cierk, J. wv Burn ~--Jan, 54th, M Hh Sana Nov, pre 1 an. Faths + UXBRIGE--Clerk, ak Jou. EB. Geul Lv "da ol Ji tion gained brings in dollars: for | Musical Club field 'at' the home of |i every cent expefided if the farmers |Mr. aud Mrs. MeCaw on: Briday will follow it up, Five farpers ¢ of evening. ot fifty cows form. a: club, It is for] Quite a tym} rof schos] children every farmer whether a patron' of ar ill avith measles, a cheese factory or creamery of not. | My Jas. Rattenbury of Bethel, ! Come in and see our showing. of-- sFordurther iuformatiouapply: at |is ppenditg slew weekswith M, MEN'S | SUITINGS, Comparison makes selling easy to us There isa note. of distinctiveness in everything we handle. We specialize: on T: ailored: 'Suits, Land Short.and, Full Length Coats, Just see 'the goods. No obligation to'buy: Special.' 'Men's" 'Pant "Hangers and Ladies' Skirt Harigers only 1oc. each. LEADING CANADIAN QWNERS: BUY: ING IN NEW YORK. A GREAT ARRAY: OF "HORSE PROMISED. + lon Mouday event to arrange for { {rence Arena the topics 0 | | 20th, oth; business ineeting. Promises 'to soutshing in: numbers fehoirheld at Dr. Moon fa day. Evening, Mrs; ele : $ i { § tri oe <. goons rrr bo