Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 11 Mar 1908, p. 8

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Will HRpFove the Home or the Barn. 'We have in stoc cheapest Paints . ------ALSO---- an excelent line Everything you require for sprucing up the home ready for the SPRING SUNSHINE can be Carnegie Bros. SWP. a k the best and eo eo dee 8 ee a a of Wall Papers. had in our store. (5 IMPORTANT NOTICE 2, F URN giving great bargains to PARLOR Maple finish -- were A host of other articles wil covering cost. JOHN @ A TREMENDOUS CUT IN THE PRICE OF The subscriber having a large and well selected stock of furniture intends from now until after the holidays following are a few of the many cut prices :-- Mahogany finish--were $24.00 now $18.50. BEDROOM SUITES Ash polished nicely carved ($19 = now $15.83 Mahogany finish carved ($20.25) now 16 oo. Elm finish nicely carved ($18.00) now $14.40. Short credits if required. 1 TURE all intending buyers. The SUITES $19.00 now $14.90. 1 be sold very low~=simply NOTT. 9 EPjoN Owing to the stor storm the Y.M.C. concert was posponed indefinitely. Announcement later. Mr. Harper will give a lecture in Epson Friday nigdt in aid of the Cemetary fund. Subject, -- Laugh and grow fat or the bright side of life. H. Blight was visiting friends in Utica last Sunday. Some of our young men are making good use of the roads while they last. Who is. who down south? Miss Walker our popular teach- er has been on the sick list for some time, we hope she will soon be well again. - GREENBANK Mr. 'Blake Cragg has returned home 'after a week's trip in the Temiskaming distric. Mr. Wm. Stovin was spending a few days last week in Cannington "Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chase left last week for Graytown, Sask. 'Miss Evelyy Asling of Stouffville was the guest of her sister: Mrs. Fred O'Neill, Mr. Wm. Phoenix left on Tues- iday of last weeld for Tyner, Sask. 'enjoying' a two months visit 1h the parental roof, A medting was: held last. Thurs cht in the hall to organize a oom, But their 'were not $ t who were juftercstsd Mary Cattietie was. visiting b Jolin Tuglis at 'Waterloo for ay ast week. k Dobson, 'was s visiting A eek recollections of it for our acquaint. ance thus far has led us to wish that your Sojourn with us would have continued long. Both your husband and yourself have spared to the utmost of your ability in whatsoever work was ia hand, and that disposition ever makes for esteem and for lasting friendships. We greatly regret to lose you be- cause of what you-do and even more for what you are. May you long be spared to be useful may the lines fall to you in pleasant places and may a goodly heritage be yours. We wish you to accept this fruit spoon as a parting token of good-will from your = many friends and co workersin the Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist church. Mrs. Isaac Beare, President, -Mrs. A. J. Terril Secretary. Mr. and Mrs. Town replied briefly thauking their friends for 'their kind remembrance and regretting they were leaving the neighborhood, when during their two years stay they had made many friends. The annual session of the Ontario District Division will "be held at Scugog on March 13th 1908. The morning and atternoon sessions are very important as it is time for the election of new officers for another year. 'The evening session will 'be open 'to the public. Rev. A. P. Brace G. W. P. of Richmond Hill will be present and will give 'an 'address at the eveniog meeting a good programme is being prepated by: the different divisions. & = SEAGRATE "On Wednesday March; 4, at pageonage, Rev. Mr. Robins 1 in marriage Miss Florence and Mr. Roy Bryant, oth of nr atulitions aid best wishes for! a & loug aad prosperous lie togetlier. |} Mr. and Mrs, Bryant wil reside at Bethel. Seagsave School February 1go8:-- Sr. IV~¥lorence Gibson, Lorne McDougall, ¥thel Frise, LeRoy Gibson. Jr. IV---Eva Hoon, Alma Sleep, William Brown, Elwood Frise, Elsie King, Cecil Sleep, Gordon Brown, Roy Moon, Edwin Blight, Neil 'McLean, Wilma King, Etta Alldred, Howard Wells, Lillian Gibson, Gordon Sornberger, Wil- liam, Short. : Sr. III -- Lewis Soruberger, Arthur Gordon. Jr. III--Annie Gibson, Lambert, Fanny King, Gibson, Albert Short. Sr. II--Morley Moose, Blanche Frise, Olive Drinkwater. . Jr. II--May Brown, Aubrey Moon, (equal) Winnie Gibson, Esther Alldred, Lewis Short. Pt. II--Melvin Sleep, Elgin Frise Herman Midgley. ~ First--Albert Brown,Olga Moon, Florence Moase, Ezra King, Alvera Alldred, Myrtle Mark Present every day during. thé month, Alma Sleep, Ethel Frise, Victoria FEambert, Olga Moon, William Brown, Elwood Frise, Au- brey Moon. Report for Vietoria Arthur Alma Foy, Teacher. MANCHESTER On Wednesday evening of last week a sccial home of Mrs: Thos. Graham. This social was given in the in: terests of the W.F.M.S in con- nection with the Port Perry Pres; byterian Church. The way in which the Port Perry people "tur ned out was a credit to themselves and an act of courtesy 'to Mrs. Graham which: was much apprecia- ted by their hostess. Between forty and fifty persons came from the home town enjoying a fine sleigh: ride and a good program and an excellent tea. - Rev. Mr. Cooper was to have been chairman. but owing to sickness was unable to be present. - Miss Scenes gave sey; eral recitatiors. Mrs. David Archer and the Misses Hagermari and Miss Washington of Toronto sang and other good numbers were given. After all expenses were paid some $12.00 were made for the Missioeary cause. A much deserved vote of thanks was given to Mrs. Graham for her generous hospitality: "Mrs. John Park has gon to Oak: wood on a visit. Mrs. Dr. Geo.-Robinson is very ill. A Port Perry "surprise patty broke in with laughter and cheers, to the house of Mr. Jesse McClin, tock. These surprise parties are well 'named. Imagine what a sur prise it 'must be to a peaceful farmer's home to have - twenty 'people tramp into" his house: but there was no. doubt about the welcome, The sleigh load brought with them there own good time, and "found the most hospitable atmosphere in ! Which to] enjoy it. Give twenty ) 86, linch, Lost Hei about!' Sol | grave. We extend to them ours Here is a good list Yor 4 2 Seasonable Longe] oth. Pron one: of the. best English makers, full bleached, 36 ins. ~ wide, 8c. Linen Mull. demand. A fine, silky finish, suitable for fine underwear, - White Lawns. A well assorted 'stock in India, Victoria, Persian and 'apron, in the different "qualities, 2 A new fabric much Jin A : |] ose Prints. "colors, scores 'of 'patterns, stripe, to 20c. per yard. "Checks and newest , colors. 'English Ging stripes, Price 15¢. & 20c.a Yigg inches wid floral designs, fast colors hams, A fal range 0 "checks, and plain MEN'S BOOT VALUE Men's Best Grade Kid and Box Calf skins; made in Canada, Soles, D width, Medi © Fresh Oranges Bananas Lemons. .«s Prete se si eva nee ges ~~ was held at the | ++ esssper dozen 20c, ...per doz. 25¢. um-Toe. ~ GROCERIES Fresh Celery Fresh Dates. per dozen 25c.% Grapefruit Regular, $3.8 50, to clear at'$2 1235," Oak. "+ 200, Sach, 3 for 25g, pes 1b. 10¢., 30bs., 25¢ McTaggart, Lorna Dare, Garnet McTaggart, Walter - Matthews, Earnest Gowell,- Duncan Martin, Pt. II--Sarah Thomas, Pt.I --Mary Martin, Mary McTags gart, Martin McTaggart, B. A. Wilson, Teacher. scraos. Pm The District Division of Ontario z County meets at Scugog on Friday, March a 3th, The Grand Worthy Patriarch, G. Chaplain, G. Supt. of ¥. P. W., G. Conductor; Grand Sentinel are all expected to be 2 Public meeting in. the | Ie present, evening to be addressed by Rev A. P. Brace, G. W. P. 'Between concessions 9 and 10. there are 'some thirleen confirmed | § bachelors; but as this is leap' year we presume some of our. fair" ones: will reduce the number. Thirteen isan unlucky number, and ere Jong we predict a change, Mr. Wm. Savage has been suffer- ing for some time with an idiopath- ie nerve in his teeth. * =: "Mr. J. F. Gerrow lost a valaabls two-year'old colt recently, = The officers of the C.0.0.F, for, the year 1908 have been elected as follows: -- Ww. G. Monet has Jones store to the stoke in ie moved from the - Gertrude Henry. vou..ii,ev Norma Orchard... .0oi.s Mae-<Coultise. ais ins ves Gertrtde Cassidy... oot. Irehe Jack... ia ve NV Leon Lane + Saacrviatses \ Idre ortop. Nora McLean 8s 82 Fo 'Cotmeifior." Nelson Aldred Jorde I Councillor, Wn. Jeffrey - Treas. Geo. Sweeter Ee | 821; 80} si ' 'Batrance Class, Mar. a. 'Geography, Maxi 100 Js ph A foxhound. Black white over hips and shou and breast speckled white. Tight "mont

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