THE 00ST OF 00D HEALTH wi Be Tossonod ol 1y thy timly| : How kik money Is wasted on use: « Jéss .medicines. How much time Is "10st; how much pain enduted simply | ause you do. not find 'the right medi- ino to start with. = Texe the earnest "a0vice of thousands who speak [rom : | "experience in favor of Dr, Willams Pink Pills ana you will save ume, 'money, and above all, will find perfect 'health. ' Proof of this is found in (he * slatement of Mr. J. A. Roberge, awell ¥nown resident of Lachine, Que.; who 'says: "1 am a boatman, and conse- quently exposed to all conditions of weather, This exposure began to tell on my health. The cold lead to weak- ness, loss of appelite, pains in the Bimbs ang side, 1 tried several medi fines, but they did not help me. My mditlon was growing worse and a neral breakdown threatened. 1 slept rly at night and lost "much in Re . and began to fear that 1 was rifting into chronic invalidism. One ay while reading a newspaper I was tracted by the statement of a fellow sufferer who had been cured through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. 1 had spent much money without get- ting relief, and 1 hated to spend more, but the cure was so convincing that 1 decided lo give these a trial, - 1 am now more than thankful that I did so, Af ter the first couple of weeks they be- gan to help me, and in seven weeks after 1 began the pills 1 was as well 'as ever 1 had been, 1am now convinc- ed that had I tried Dr. Williams' Pink |Pills at the outset 1 would not only thave been spared much suffering, but would have saved money as well." Rich, red blood is the cure for most ov! the ailments that afflict mankind. Dr. Williams' Pink' Pills actually make new rich blood. That is why they cure such common ailments as anaemia, in- digestion, rheumatism, neuralgia, hear! palpitation, erysipelas, skin troubles, and Lhe headaches, backaches, side- 'aches and other ills of girlhood and womanhood. The pills are sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cenls 'a hox or six boxes for 82.50 from The pr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. i FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND |e NOTES OF INTEREST FROM BANKS AND BRAES, HER 'What 15 Going On In the Highlands and Lowlands of Auld Scotia. North Berwick burgh has had a clean 141 of heaith for nearly a year. There were 11,374 new depositors in io Edinburgh Savings Bank during Several iron workers at Coatbridge, Learkaiire; are closing, owing to dear con Business in Rothesay is in a very bad state, and more local failures are an- nounced. Mr. David Houston, coal agent, Green- ack, dropped dead in the street on his way home, Loca Galloway's estates in Wigtown- shire, were exposed at £487,000, but no offer was made. ~Piteullen House and grounds, Perth, have been sold to the directors of Mur. ray's Royal Asylum, "Lord Overtoun has been appointed a vice-president of the Scotlish 'National Rifle Association. There were 337 on the roll of Knowe- park School, Selkirk, and 870 on the roll of the Burgh School. ~. George Brown & Co., Greenock, are to Xulld: a 'twinsgerew steamer for service on ihe River Plate. Estimates aggregating £12,417 2s. 8dy; have been accepted for the erection of "the Galashiels Technical School, At. Duddington - Park, Portobello, re cently died Mr. Robert Donaldson, head- 'Juasler, Lochend Road School, Leath. .. Cambelllown fishermen complain that the torpedo practice in the Clyde inter- feres' wilh fishing at Ballantrae. Wages in Dundee shipbuilding yards are 10. be reduced five per cent. on piece werkers and 1s, per week on time wages. A gift of oconl of 5 cw. each, fo 104 "families of the poorer classes in Dal "was made by the Duke of Buc. "The an, Supt, of hij hiding work in Vincohie. France chiisers or. Lotung: horses, with niulti-colored - jockeys, the pos inclosure, was {aken up by a collection of police dogs and their mas: ters "or trainers, The "Club Francais bobbie ra eg dren Police," an entirely privale associa- tion of amateurs, had oblained permis- sion to use the race course for a series of experiments, to which the police au- thorities were invited, The ground was frozen, and {he immense plain of the largest race course near Paris looked like a" piece of some remote desert, = - About fifly persons in all, including three fashionable women, had come. to witness the trials, which were'lo oon- sist, first, in a test of the dog's obedi- | ence and intelligence. He was fo walk quietly beside his master, held in a leash, and then loose, lo explore the ground, sit on guard, crouch down in concealment, ar bark at the word of command. Rall was told fo bark, and a deop rhythmical sound came out of his throat three iimes, as if he under- stood exactly how many times was sufficient for the occasion. . All. the dogs went through the first part of the programme wilh 'success. THE MAN HUNT. The most interesting trials next were the man hunt and arrest of supposed burglars. Two men were dressed up as Apaches (loughs). They were thor- oughly padded from head to fool with maltress-like coverings, and well did they need them, for the dogs took their business in earnest. = Each man also ore an iron mask and a steel helmet, well as fron gloves. A dog was first (Wd to escort one of the prisoners to a given place. He marched close at 'his side, and woe to the man if he made the slightest attempt to escape, The dog would make a fierce bound at him and throw him down in an in- slant, catching, as a rule, the mattress padding where it was thickest, and burying his teeth viciously in the man's supposed flesh. An armed attack was then ropresent- . A man representing a burglar crouched with his back against a wall, stood concealed, armed with a club and a revolver. The {rainer came along with his dog, and was not supposed to see the man in concealment, The imaginary burglar suddenly pounces cul on him, fires a shol and caiches the man by the throat. "The police dog, however, hardly gives him time. In an instant he seizes the man and bowls him over, belaboring him at the same time with his teeth. The man is al. lowed to use his club as best he can ou the dog's back, bul the animal.easily has the belter of him, and: the blows only stimulate his vigor. ONE ANIMAL COWARD. Only one animal oul of nineteen, a German sheepdog, refused batlle, bo acted as coward. All the rest pcerform- ¢* their part with powerful conviction, and it mag wril be surmised that a real burglar, though armed with ¢lub and revolver, would have fared very badly under such an attack. ' Seven dogs éspecially distinguished them. selves by their clever and almost scien- tific behavior. The best of all seemed to be a big mastiff 'called Garcon, who. has: been for some time already in the police ser vice of Roubaix. . Prizes have. been af- fered by 'M.- Clemenceau; the Premier who 'lakes a greal interest in these ex- périments; and by 'M. 'Lepine, perfect ol police, who was represented at Vin: cennes by the police commissary i Jeinyille, M. Hennion, chief of the De fective 'Bureau, will be present at the next trials, Further experiments will also be made in a few days with ambu- lance dogs, in which the War Ofge takes great interest, BABY'S WELFARE 4 MOTHERS Cher ca The one chief 'qebire. of the mother ricorn 'rules 'India, we an outbreak of sedition and peninsula. "Uranus continties in the Cancer during the next result being that New Zeala tish South Africa, India and gerd fs perhaps be the scenes of sedition and re: volt, = "The position of the Governm will y assailed eff me sprin Joseph Chamberlain, will | signal' successes in July, 'and, continuance of the present fmp mm his health, I judge that he will 'be a most prominent figure in the administra tion of affairs, Saturn will then be sto- ticnary in the 'horoscape of the present Government." rit Wei, Dg FATHER'S ECZEMA AFFLICTED : CHILDREN, i Mr. Chas. Noble, of 375 Colonial Avenue, Montreal, the assistant chief operator of the G. N, W. Telegraph Co. and several of his family have been cured of eczeme by Zam:-Buk, the great herbal balm. He slales the facts as fcllows: "The disease started in the back of my hands in thé form of small sores and eruptions, These were very irritating and when rubbed and scraiched turned Into very' painful scres. I {ried waters, lotions and salves, but the diseases continued to spread and so 1 consulted a doctor, He treated me for a Ume, but still the dis. case spread and I got no relief, Then to my alarm the eczema spread to sev- eral of the children, The pain and ir- ritation in all our cases was very great, and ve were very much disheariened, 8s all we tried proved unavailing. Zam. Buk was recommended and I obtained a supply. TI tried it first on a small patch of the eczema, and this showed so much improvement that 1 was con- vinced Zam-Buk would do good If per- severed with, and therefore 'ob : supply. Each application greatly lieved the itching, "pain and soreness, and it was not long belore the erup- lions 'and sores 'dried up and: disap<|- peared. In a few weeks from commene- ing wilh Zam-Buk every spol was re- moved. The children who had also taken this disease were trealed in the same way an" have each been cured." Of all druggists and stores 50c.. box or posipaid from the Zam-Buk Co., To- ronto. rrr. A SPECIFICATION. "Alas!" moaned the defeated general, "(hat division which fled in the attack | by the enemy, was the cream of my army." "Yes, " "whipped cream." Mr. Flippus--Marta, heres hat 85 you 'say you need for a new hat. bi y do 1 ever talk in py ERARE the way, Ma sieep? Mrs, Flippun--Thanks. John, you never do. Comfort by day Ww tow tha usa of § ody NOT A PLAIN COOK. Mistress--"Sce here, Jane, I can't have you. entertaining company in my kit chen all (he {ime." New Cook--"Faith, an' it"do 'be your awn fault; ma'am, -Yez should 'av' ad- verfoised for a PIED cook." Impurities in. the he Blood, --When the action of the kidneys becomes impairad, | impurities in the blood are almost sure tc follow, and general derangement cf ihe system -ensuecs. "Parmelee"s Vego: table Pills will regulate the kidneys, sc that they will maintain healthy ac- tion and' prevent the complications which certainly come when there is ca rangement of = these ' delicate organs. As a restorative these Pills are In (he first rank, ------ HAIR, won't, listen $0 on: earth Joes the ky a "X' Cure ar Rheumatism ~The tntru- "Jalon of uric acid into the blood vessels is" a fruitful cause of rheumatic pains} This irregularily. is owing to a deranged and unhealthy condition of the Mver, Anyone subjécted to this painful affec- tion will find' a remedy in Parmelees Vegetable Pills, "Their action upon the kidneys is pronounced and 'most bene ficlal, and: by res'oring healthy action, they correct. impuiritie inthe blood.' Naturally a young man's best girl is all the world to him--which explains why all the world loves a lover, is the Thin Sacks? bags sad Di bed od Bo hired umbago and Daria & THE! CRUMPLED 1 ROSE LEAF. SO prosperous' Scotch farmer, pain fully 'exact in _maney matters, married One of the curious hingé about moat |! § | veonle is Tha they would rather have tof 'hair with: which, to cover no. thing than {eo "have something worth while with"no hair fo comb ever it. tthe charity that begins at home is the real thing it soon contrects the travel 'habit. y Cr r---- CURED IN 8 TO 14 DAYS, HOW HE MA MADE. IT: INTMBN: AY Hiv Hewing a 3 3, Frit any 4101 are gaimney A ana sum ous Shortly alter the mel the farmer, to whom he ere ! Sngretiiaions, at the same. time ob- the nl lo vate "fe: low; menage] ua Herr -- had. & busy Instructor of many m dents; promptriess tnd eccnom. two of his 'watchwaords. Now In ihis da 5 hi "What time shall 1 come tora son to-morrow?" 'asked 'one of; his" pupils. "You come ven you get reatty, "but be bram serving "ive a good thing for. ou; Sandy--a ¥ marriage that means a thousand pounds So you. "Not quite_ (hat, McPherson, sald] the Tarmer, "not quite that. "Wh xclaim "Why, Johnnie, said rs. Mogein ns, | "what are you doing here? Is Wi Sp" .*plubbered Johnny. the. minite 1 i inside the house, Wil. lie's father eg me to make myself bitterly retorted - his aide, ho Give Holloway's Corn Corn: Cure a trial. Tt : removed ten 'corns from one pair of feet without 'any pain. done once it will go. do again, "When 1 foes de Aches some men acquires while gettin' rid of deir money, said Uncle Eben, "I doesn't blame so C' dese famous, sich. folks foh holdi on to a goliar: 80 ha is that her litle ones shall be Desithy, : i t and tured, in ci ha Crh fond w. last 'year These og Ti we Sard with 06 190 What 1 has |if aimed th friend, "1 anf;